Set Back ?

Finished treatments on Sept. 02, 2011. Felt good for 8 straight days. Yesterday afternoon (5 PM) started feeling a little weak and kind of sick. By 9:30 last night felt very weak and felt sick to my stomach. Woke up at 5 AM getting sick in bathroom and running a fever. Mucus is running again today. Here I am at 3:45 PM and mucus running and knowing I am going to get sick in restroom again soon.

How long does this last? Is it a day or two thing and weeks? I think I feel more sorry for my caregiver (wife) more than myself. I do not wish to be sick and thought I was healing now this comes along. I hate that I constantly put my wife thru this. She has to be tired of it. Any suggestions or anything motivational someone can offer?

Mitch .. In Florida


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    I can't stress hydration have a lot of symptoms of need hydration.

    Have you tried to set up an appointment with your chemo MD, or anyone else...that would be a starting point also.

    Sometimes during those periods of feeling good we forget that we are only just out of treatment and it takes a good six plus months to really start getting back to the point of actually being healed and not still having left over residual and blood counts coming back into range.

    Where in Florida...I'm in Florida also.

    Here is a maps of all of the CSN H&M Members that have sent me their locations to be added.

    Where in the World Are You

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    I can't stress hydration have a lot of symptoms of need hydration.

    Have you tried to set up an appointment with your chemo MD, or anyone else...that would be a starting point also.

    Sometimes during those periods of feeling good we forget that we are only just out of treatment and it takes a good six plus months to really start getting back to the point of actually being healed and not still having left over residual and blood counts coming back into range.

    Where in Florida...I'm in Florida also.

    Here is a maps of all of the CSN H&M Members that have sent me their locations to be added.

    Where in the World Are You



    Agree with John you need to make sure you are getting enough liquids and that you are not becoming dehydrated. Dehydration can cause a lot of problems your liquid intake should be at lease 2 ½ quarts or more a day of fluids and that is if you are not sweating.

    Hope you get feeling well soon my friend
  • Puggle
    Puggle Member Posts: 88 Member
    Yep, my husband went through something similar
    My husband was about 2 weeks out of treatment and thought the worst was over. He started getting really bad nausea, the mucus was horrible and he couldn't keep any food down. He started getting outpatient IV fluids daily along with a IV nausea med. It helped a bit but it was a really tough couple of weeks.

    Good luck... jc
  • mrapp
    mrapp Member Posts: 30
    Skiffin16 said:

    I can't stress hydration have a lot of symptoms of need hydration.

    Have you tried to set up an appointment with your chemo MD, or anyone else...that would be a starting point also.

    Sometimes during those periods of feeling good we forget that we are only just out of treatment and it takes a good six plus months to really start getting back to the point of actually being healed and not still having left over residual and blood counts coming back into range.

    Where in Florida...I'm in Florida also.

    Here is a maps of all of the CSN H&M Members that have sent me their locations to be added.

    Where in the World Are You


    Maybe you guys are right. I will start making sure I get more water in me everyday. Here it is almost 2 days later and I have a little improvement. You guys are great for taking time to read and give advice. Sorry to get on here and rant and rave but I am really tired of being sick... but when I stop and think about it everyone here is sick or being a caregiver to someone who is sick.

    Mitch .. Florida
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    mrapp said:

    Maybe you guys are right. I will start making sure I get more water in me everyday. Here it is almost 2 days later and I have a little improvement. You guys are great for taking time to read and give advice. Sorry to get on here and rant and rave but I am really tired of being sick... but when I stop and think about it everyone here is sick or being a caregiver to someone who is sick.

    Mitch .. Florida

    I can relate, you get Sick of being Sick....

    Like mentioned hydration is huge, but make sure that you see one of your MD's if you're still feeling bad.

    Tenting, that's what the nurses showed my wife as a quick method of seeing how hydrated I was.

    The gently pinch or pluck the skin on the backs of my hands. If it returned to it's original shape pretty much instantaneously, I was OK. If it stayed "tented" up or was slow to return to normal I probably need hydration.

    Try it with your hand, then your wife or someone.

    Problem was, my wife always wanted to do it while I was sleeping and would wake me up....GRRRR...LOL.

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    I am caregiver to my husband
    I am caregiver to my husband and the hardest part is seeing him suffer, not taking care of him. I hope your wife does get out once in awhile, she needs a change now and then. I also live in Florida.

  • mrapp
    mrapp Member Posts: 30
    jim and i said:

    I am caregiver to my husband
    I am caregiver to my husband and the hardest part is seeing him suffer, not taking care of him. I hope your wife does get out once in awhile, she needs a change now and then. I also live in Florida.


    Caregiver Debbie
    She has went off a couple of times and always makes sure someone is here with me. Then she is so worried she calls every 10 min. or so just to check on me. She has really went above and beyond anything I could have asked for.

    Hats off to all the caregivers. We may have the illness but the caregiver has to live the illness. I couldn't have done it without my caregiver (wife). Thank You all caregivers for what you all go thru.

    Mitch .. Florida
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    mrapp said:

    Caregiver Debbie
    She has went off a couple of times and always makes sure someone is here with me. Then she is so worried she calls every 10 min. or so just to check on me. She has really went above and beyond anything I could have asked for.

    Hats off to all the caregivers. We may have the illness but the caregiver has to live the illness. I couldn't have done it without my caregiver (wife). Thank You all caregivers for what you all go thru.

    Mitch .. Florida

    Mitch, a while back we started themes with out avatars.

    Once it was our pet's and another time it was our caregivers....

    It might be time to do that again, do pay respect to those that were very important andstill are for our (survivors) well being.
