Fosamax anyone?

skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
My oncologist recently started me on Fosamax although he did say I could wait until I got home from vacation. So I took the first dose on Thursday morning - that routine is a pain by the way. I read all the instructions on how to take the stuff but not the possible side effects 'cause I figured if my brain didn't know my body wouldn't do it. Well, I woke up yesterday with aching muscles and joints and a slight fever. When I checked for side effects of Fosamax, lo and behold there it is. Has anyone else dealt with this? Did it go away? It says it can be at the start of treatment. Any and all info would be appreciated! And yes, I know, we're all different, but some experiences might help me figure out what I want to do and how to deal with this. Thanks!


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I never had those symptoms
    I never had those symptoms but I have read here of others having them. Many here have said that those flu-like symptoms are the worst with the first dose and then disappear over time.
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    been on the generic 70mg for several months now. Had those flu like symptons too....but lasted only two days. I sometimes get back pains etc.........I never really know if if it the fomax, the armidex, or getting older :-) I take it as soon as I wake up on Sundays...that way I remember cause it is the big newspaper day. I then check in on this board and my then the 30 minutes have passed and I can have coffee and all the other meds I am on. Good luck......let us know how it goes for you. When my insurance changes in September, I am going to ask about the once a year injection rather than this weekly pill deal. BCBS would not approve the annual infusion, so that is why I got the fosomas weekly pills. Hugs
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    2nd Fosamax yesterday
    Yesterday I took my 2nd Fosamax (generic). So far the only possible SE was that my feet were a little puffy last night but that could be because of the heat and all I did outside yesterday so not sure if coincidence or not. Didn't do it after the first one.

  • leabow
    leabow Member Posts: 28
    Could not tolerate Fosamax
    Could not tolerate Fosamax because I had acid reflux. Am on reclast infusion once a year. So far no side effects unless some of those I blame on femara are from the reclast. My oncologist assured me that my insurance would pay for it because it was part of my cancer treatment and it did. Sometimes I think our doctors could help us out on our insurance issues if they would. I would talk to my oncologist about it.
  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    leabow said:

    Could not tolerate Fosamax
    Could not tolerate Fosamax because I had acid reflux. Am on reclast infusion once a year. So far no side effects unless some of those I blame on femara are from the reclast. My oncologist assured me that my insurance would pay for it because it was part of my cancer treatment and it did. Sometimes I think our doctors could help us out on our insurance issues if they would. I would talk to my oncologist about it.

    I took Fosamax for 4 yrs. I
    I took Fosamax for 4 yrs. I developed acid reflux from it. Quit taking it, and use extra calcium. Viactiv. I also developed Celiac disease. Which they say isn't from the Fosamax, but who really knows for sure!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    I never had those symptoms
    I never had those symptoms but I have read here of others having them. Many here have said that those flu-like symptoms are the worst with the first dose and then disappear over time.

    I didn't have this, but,
    I didn't have this, but, hope that soon you will feel better.
