grade 2 with 1p19q

Krissalee85 Member Posts: 4
In March of 2010 I had surgery to remove a grade 2 oligo from my left temporal lobe. I am on the watch and wait plan with MRI's every 6 months. The next one is in September. I see that having these genes reduces survival rates for grade 3 tumors, but the research on grade 2 tumor's is less clear. Is there anyone else with this? Does anyone know if there is less time expected until recurrence and progression then those with the deletion? Or is it simply the success rates of chemo that makes for a better prognosis for those with the deletions?
Although it's been less than a year and a half since surgery, I feel like it is back already. My left temple has been twitching almost nonstop for the past few weeks. I feel as if there is a weight in the left side of my skull. I am irritable, drowsy and antisocial and just don't feel like myself. I have not had a full on seizure since prior to surgery. I have been getting aura feelings, like one could come on at any moment. I have been on carbatrol for about 2 years. I can't shake this feeling that there is something wrong with me, like it is definitely back.
I am finishing up my first year of grad school and worry that I am wasting my time. My expected graduation is in the fall of 2014.
I hate not knowing what's going on in my head!
