Trip to the MDA Dentist

Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
I went to see my Dentist Doctor at MD Anderson yesterday and he said it looks like the Jaw is open as much as possible using the new Dynasplint device. I went from 14mm to 21.5mm of opening, that is still a little under an inch of opening but to me it is a lot. He said the next step is to get injections of Botox, but after talking with him about the side affects and the risk to only get 1mm more of opening I told him it was not worth it.

We then talked about the possibility of Acupuncture and I was amazed to see how open he was to this type of treatment. In fact he said he sends a lot of people to do Acupuncture to help them with Slaver problems. He gave me the name of a lady that he said is the only one in the US that he would recommend. He never did Acupuncture for someone like me with extensive Jaw problems; but if I don’t mind being a Guinea pig and sending him up-dates as it might help others with my same problems. So here I go Guinea pig Hondo, I don’t mind trying things on my self if it will help to make someone elses life a little easier.

It would sure be nice to know if anyone else tried Acupuncture to get more movement in there Jaw.



  • pattyanny
    pattyanny Member Posts: 544
    Guinea Pig Hondo!
    Lol! I have heard great things about acupuncture, and wish you great results! Since it is not invasive, it seems like a good choice. Once again, you made me smile. Blessings! Patty
  • sweetblood22
    sweetblood22 Member Posts: 3,228
    pattyanny said:

    Guinea Pig Hondo!
    Lol! I have heard great things about acupuncture, and wish you great results! Since it is not invasive, it seems like a good choice. Once again, you made me smile. Blessings! Patty

    Hope that it works for you!
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Mr. Pig
    I hope the acupuncture works for your jaw - let us know.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Pam M said:

    Mr. Pig
    I hope the acupuncture works for your jaw - let us know.

    Sticks and stones may break my bones but Guinea Pig; as long as it works call me anything.

    Thanks for your support Ladies