Colorectal articles - FYI only

Nana b
Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
edited July 2011 in Colorectal Cancer #1
FYI some colorectal articles, all in one place. Rectal/1/

June 23, 2011: Less Invasive Colon Surgery Results in Fewer Blood Clots: Study
But laparoscopy may not be the better choice for cancer patients, expert says

June 19, 2011: Dads Can Light Their Grills Without Fear
Experts say small changes in barbecue habits can counter cancer risk

June 07, 2011: Childhood Cancer Survivors at Greater Risk for Tumors as Adults
Early exposure to pelvic radiation ups the risk of subsequent tumors in that region, study finds

June 06, 2011: After Colon Cancer Surgery, Early Chemo May Pay Off
Every 4-week delay of chemotherapy measurably reduces odds of survival, study finds

May 17, 2011: Obese People at Higher Risk of Infection After Colon Surgery
Study found they were 60% more likely to have problems at surgical site

May 13, 2011: Family Medical History Murky for Many
Efforts needed to improve the accuracy of family cancer history reporting, researchers find

May 10, 2011: Colonoscopy Better Than Alternative at Spotting Cancer in Seniors: Study
But internist says sigmoidoscopy still has value

May 09, 2011: Study Questions Overuse of Colonoscopy in Medicare Patients
Meanwhile, some vets who need cancer screens aren't getting them, other researchers find

May 05, 2011: Race Seems to Play Role in Colorectal Cancer Screening
Despite expanded Medicare coverage, whites still tested more than blacks, Hispanics, study finds

April 26, 2011: Blacks With Cancer More Inclined to Exhaust Funds to Prolong Life: Study
Hispanics, Asians also more likely than whites to say they'd spend all of their money to live longer

March 30, 2011: Benefits of Radiation Therapy Outweigh Risks of a Second Cancer: Study
Likelihood that radiotherapy will cause another tumor is low, researchers say

March 11, 2011: Aspirin May Protect Against Colorectal Cancer -- But Only in Certain People
Aspirin's protection confined largely to those with elevated blood levels of a particular marker for inflammation, study finds

March 08, 2011: 'Good' Cholesterol May Cut Colon Cancer Risk
Anti-inflammatory properties of HDL cholesterol may ward off cancer, researchers say

March 01, 2011: Use of Virtual Colonoscopy on the Rise in U.S. Hospitals
More patients undergoing this type of screening, despite lack of Medicare coverage, study finds

February 01, 2011: Blacks Still Hit Hardest by Cancer
Report shows overall death rate has dropped, but still higher than other groups

January 14, 2011: Many Americans Over 50 Fear Colonoscopy: Survey
73% of those who underwent screening said pre-procedure bowel prep was hardest part

January 10, 2011: Geography May Influence Colon Cancer Screening Rates
For non-whites, where they live seems to make a difference, research shows

January 03, 2011: Colonoscopies May Not Have 'Blind Spot' After All
New study finds procedure can detect cancers on right side of colon, too

December 10, 2010: Rare Genetic Syndrome May Increase Colon Cancer Risk
People with Cowden syndrome should start colorectal screenings in their 30s, expert says

November 24, 2010: Too Many Cancers Still Spotted Too Late: CDC
Screening rates for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers vary greatly among states, report finds

November 10, 2010: Could a Prostate Cancer Treatment Raise Colon Cancer Risk?
Study finds link between hormone Rx, colorectal tumors, but absolute risk is small, experts say

November 08, 2010: Statins Don't Reduce Colon Cancer Risk, Study Finds
Conclusion conflicts with some earlier research that saw a benefit

October 25, 2010: Radiation Before Surgery May Prevent Return of Rectal Cancer
Study found risk of recurrence 10 years later was cut nearly in half

October 20, 2010: Fatalistic Attitudes May Keep Hispanic Women From Cancer Tests
Notion that health 'is in God's hands' could help explain low screening rates, study suggests

September 29, 2010: New Blood Test for Colon Cancer Developed
More trials needed, but method would identify folks in need of colonoscopy

August 25, 2010: Health Care Gap May Raise Rates of Colorectal Cancer Death in Blacks
Less screening, later diagnosis among black patients, researchers found

August 23, 2010: Rectal Cancer Rates on the Rise in Younger Adults
Actual number of cases among those under 40 still small, but trend raises flags, researcher says

July 16, 2010: Health, Money Woes May Boost Bowel Cancer Deaths in Blacks
More study needed to explain other factors, researchers say

July 07, 2010: Could Hot Weather Affect Results of a Colorectal Cancer Test?
One type of screening test appears to be less reliable in summer than in winter, Italian researchers found

July 06, 2010: Breast, Colon Cancer Screening Rates High, But Not High Enough
CDC says thousands of lives are lost each year because people didn't get the tests

June 30, 2010: Obesity Ups Cancer Death Risk in Asia-Pacific Region
But the risk conferred by excess weight is no higher than in the West, study finds

June 24, 2010: Phone Reminders May Boost Colon Cancer Screenings
Automated messages increased test rates by 30 percent, study found

June 14, 2010: Health Plan May Influence 5-Year Rectal Cancer Survival
Privately insured at advantage over uninsured or Medicaid patients, research shows

June 11, 2010: Smoking Linked to Aggressive Colon Polyps: Study
Findings may explain earlier onset of colorectal cancer in smokers, researchers say

May 03, 2010: Colon Polyps More Common in Hispanic Men Than Women
Their growths also tend to be on the right side, requiring colonoscopy for detection, study says

April 21, 2010: New Form of Painkiller May Fight Colon Cancer
Lab tests suggest that variation of naproxen might nip cancer in the bud, expert says

April 19, 2010: New Risk Factors for Colon Cancer Studied
Research suggests common germ, inflammation marker may improve screening, diagnosis

March 22, 2010: Where Cancer Treatment Takes Place May Influence Outcome
Death rates same for blacks, whites at specialized cancer centers, research shows

March 18, 2010: Cultural Outreach Boosts Cancer Care in Asian Americans
Simple measures could reduce high risks in certain populations, reports suggest

February 12, 2010: Breast Cancer Stats Differ Racially Despite Similar Mammogram Rates
Genetic and lifestyle differences likely play a role, researchers say

January 28, 2010: Virtual Colonoscopy a Good Bet for Elderly
Screening appears to be safe, effective for older people, study finds

January 26, 2010: Intensive Rectal Cancer Treatment Shows Promise
Tumors were downstaged in most patients following chemo-surgery regimen, researchers say

January 22, 2010: Vitamin D May Lower Colon Cancer Risk
The higher the level in blood tests, the less likely the disease, study finds

December 14, 2009: Physical Activity May Prolong Survival After Colon Cancer
Exercise benefited men whose disease had been treated, hadn't spread, study finds

December 08, 2009: Selenium, Omega-3s May Stave Off Colorectal Cancer
Studies find benefits, but others question validity of the link

November 25, 2009: Cetuximab Helps Treat Colorectal Cancer
Drug plus chemo boosts surgery success for patients with liver lesions, researchers find

November 11, 2009: New Polyp Detection Method Could Be Cost-Saver
Optical technology is as accurate as colorectal tissue examination, study finds

October 27, 2009: Mapping the Link Between Alcohol, Cancer
How it affects tumor cells is becoming less of a mystery, study finds.

October 26, 2009: Blacks at Greater Risk for Colorectal Cancer
Race seems to play pivotal role, researchers say

September 29, 2009: Younger Women With Colon Cancer Outlive Men
Estrogen could explain discrepancy in survival rates, researchers say
