Throat infection

Hi All,
As I have posted, I finished rad treatment on May 11. Cancer of left tonsil. This past Monday I went to my ENT doc (had a sore throat) and have a throat infection. Does anyone know how common that is? Is it an 'afterthought' of the radiation? I have follow-up with my oncology doc next week. Guess I'll find out then. Just hate not knowing, ya know?

Am I being paranoid? God how I hate this feeling! Seems right as I begin to begin to maybe be able to put this hell behind me...and maybe I'm being a big crybaby.

Prayers with love to you all.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Always good to be proactive and concerned....more than likely nothing major going on this soon.....good to keep the MD's in the loop though.

  • Rubytoos
    Rubytoos Member Posts: 45
    Skiffin16 said:

    Always good to be proactive and concerned....more than likely nothing major going on this soon.....good to keep the MD's in the loop though.


    John, thank you for your quick reply. I reckon I'm just scared, as we all are or have been with this nasty part of our lives.

    And the best to you.

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Paranoid? Maybe
    But then, you'd have lots of company. I seem to recall several people getting infections after treatment. Makes sense - the treatment creates raw tissue - lots of nooks and crannies for germs to snuggle into, and reduced ability to fight the germs. Hope it clears up quickly.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Ruby
    Don’t worry and worrying we all do it sometime just can’t help it, part of life I guess. While in treatment and for sometime afterward your body is very susceptible to all types of infections due to the immune system being weak. The importance thing is not to let it go too long before getting help from you Doc.

    Take care
  • Glenna M
    Glenna M Member Posts: 1,576
    You are not being a crybaby, you are being a normal cancer survivor...we all have our fears but cancer survivors have much more reason to worry about any health issues they are having. You sound so much like me, and probably a lot of others here...I want to know and I want to know NOW!!! I absolutely hate having to wait for answers.

    Praying all will be well soon and they are able to get the infection cleared up quickly.

    Stay strong,
  • danahughes3
    danahughes3 Member Posts: 2
    sores in mouth
    i'm new at this so please bear with me.after having sores in my throat and mouth for 3 years now after reradition my doctors treated me with antibiotics and penicillian with no results. now they want me to go to an infection disease doctor. my doctors could'nt find out the cause, it took a pathologist in my last biopopsy to even find something was not right. i'm scared too, how much more damage has been done by not listening to me for 3 years.
  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member

    sores in mouth
    i'm new at this so please bear with me.after having sores in my throat and mouth for 3 years now after reradition my doctors treated me with antibiotics and penicillian with no results. now they want me to go to an infection disease doctor. my doctors could'nt find out the cause, it took a pathologist in my last biopopsy to even find something was not right. i'm scared too, how much more damage has been done by not listening to me for 3 years.

    You must remember
    We still get all the common flu bugs the general population gets and more because of our compromised immune system. If I get a sore in my mouth it scares the hell out of me. I can even somehow relate a pain in the **** to being cancer related. So every time a new pain comes along ask yourself if it's something most people would experience routinely and consider it such until resolved.