to MDA or not?????

tesa Member Posts: 123
Hello All,

I'm facing a dilemma and would like a little input. My 83 year old mother is dealing with a recurrence of her paranasal cancer along the ethmoid sinus. She has an appt. at MDA on the 22nd. Her surgeons in Charleston at MUSC want to remove the eye, scheduled for this week. I'm scared the 22nd for MDA might be too long because this was spotted on CT back in Feb. Time is of the essence. Also I hate to take her all the way to Houston for them to possibly tell us the same thing. Is it possible for them to look at scans and give an opinion via telephone? I'm going to call about that later today. I also wonder if she should go through with surgery to remove her eye here and go to MDA for follow-up thereafter. It's such a difficult and scary situation, but I know 2nd opinions are vauable.
We've already done all the pre-op for the surgery, but I know surgery can always be rescheduled. I just don't want to waste time letting the tumor grow.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi teas

    I would say yes that MDA can go just by the scans. The problem might be in getting someone to look at them in time, but it will not hurt anything to try and that you need to do. Also remember that your Mom is 83 so no matter what you do this is going to be very hard on her. I agree with you in not taking too long to make a discussion as it is not going to get any better. My prayers are with you in what every way you go.

    Wishing both you and Mom the best
  • tesa
    tesa Member Posts: 123
    Hondo said:

    Hi teas

    I would say yes that MDA can go just by the scans. The problem might be in getting someone to look at them in time, but it will not hurt anything to try and that you need to do. Also remember that your Mom is 83 so no matter what you do this is going to be very hard on her. I agree with you in not taking too long to make a discussion as it is not going to get any better. My prayers are with you in what every way you go.

    Wishing both you and Mom the best

    So very true what you said
    So very true what you said Hondo. Just want to let you know I always look forward to and appreciate your insight in these matters. I am unfortutantly leaning toward going ahead with tomorrow's surgery. My siblings are strongly in favor of getting a 2nd opinion from MDA. My only fear is I don't want it to grow more, which would make things more complicated. When the biopsy in Feb. came back negative that through us all off...then May's biopsy came back positive.
  • ljoy
    ljoy Member Posts: 94
    I was treated their in 2005 for tonsil cancer. They typically like to see patients before they are treated by soneone else. They did not like a CT scan I brought with me so they repeated it. They did accept my MRI. I was there because my ENT in Denton, TX could not find the primary. After two days they had it idenified in my right tonsil. I had surgery there and then returned to an affilitated treatment center in Denton for Chemo/radiation.

    I would definately recommmend MDA but only you can make that decision. Hope this is not too late and helpful to you.

    My bset to you and your mother.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    ljoy said:

    I was treated their in 2005 for tonsil cancer. They typically like to see patients before they are treated by soneone else. They did not like a CT scan I brought with me so they repeated it. They did accept my MRI. I was there because my ENT in Denton, TX could not find the primary. After two days they had it idenified in my right tonsil. I had surgery there and then returned to an affilitated treatment center in Denton for Chemo/radiation.

    I would definately recommmend MDA but only you can make that decision. Hope this is not too late and helpful to you.

    My bset to you and your mother.

    Denton, Texas
    University of North Texas......

    My son graduated from there a few years ago....

  • amr2662
    amr2662 Member Posts: 45 Member
    MDA Patient
    I travelled half way across the country to MD Anderson for my treatment 13 years ago. No regrets. My local doctor referred me. My local doctor mentioned it, I agreed and a week later I was in TX. In my situation it was quick. It is difficult to travel for medical appts. I was lucky to have been in my twenties and physically in good shape (minus the cancer of course). But at times it was difficult. Once I was stuck on a plane on the taxi way in Houston for 2 hours puking into I airsick bag on a poorly ventilated airplane. As bad as I felt, I was more concerned about the people sitting around me having to endure me being sick. Not to scare you but you definitely need to consider the travel. I don't know how much back and forth you would have to do between home a MDA but it can be expensive too.
    I am from SC and know the MUSC is a good place to be. I believe you will get good care there.
    If you do go to MDA try to stay at the Rotary House. It is reasonably priced, attached by the sky bridge and you won't find nicer staff. Very convenient especially with the age of your mother. It books really fast though.

  • tesa
    tesa Member Posts: 123
    amr2662 said:

    MDA Patient
    I travelled half way across the country to MD Anderson for my treatment 13 years ago. No regrets. My local doctor referred me. My local doctor mentioned it, I agreed and a week later I was in TX. In my situation it was quick. It is difficult to travel for medical appts. I was lucky to have been in my twenties and physically in good shape (minus the cancer of course). But at times it was difficult. Once I was stuck on a plane on the taxi way in Houston for 2 hours puking into I airsick bag on a poorly ventilated airplane. As bad as I felt, I was more concerned about the people sitting around me having to endure me being sick. Not to scare you but you definitely need to consider the travel. I don't know how much back and forth you would have to do between home a MDA but it can be expensive too.
    I am from SC and know the MUSC is a good place to be. I believe you will get good care there.
    If you do go to MDA try to stay at the Rotary House. It is reasonably priced, attached by the sky bridge and you won't find nicer staff. Very convenient especially with the age of your mother. It books really fast though.


    Thanks Meredith and ljoy for
    Thanks Meredith and ljoy for sharing your experiences. It was a long day today, but we've decided to take her to MDA. We have an appt. on the 22nd. MUSC is a good hospital, but with this being a rare cancer and having it reoccur, we decided today that MDA seems more equipped. I just want to treat this evil disease once and for all by GOD's grace.
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    tesa said:

    Thanks Meredith and ljoy for
    Thanks Meredith and ljoy for sharing your experiences. It was a long day today, but we've decided to take her to MDA. We have an appt. on the 22nd. MUSC is a good hospital, but with this being a rare cancer and having it reoccur, we decided today that MDA seems more equipped. I just want to treat this evil disease once and for all by GOD's grace.

    Hi teas

    I been praying for you and glad to see you made your decision. I will be keeping your Mom in prayer on the 22nd as well.

    God bless you both while in his workshop
  • amr2662
    amr2662 Member Posts: 45 Member
    tesa said:

    Thanks Meredith and ljoy for
    Thanks Meredith and ljoy for sharing your experiences. It was a long day today, but we've decided to take her to MDA. We have an appt. on the 22nd. MUSC is a good hospital, but with this being a rare cancer and having it reoccur, we decided today that MDA seems more equipped. I just want to treat this evil disease once and for all by GOD's grace.

    You are correct that you will not find a better equipped place than MDA. I always felt like I was getting the best care available.
    I will keep you and your mother in my prayers.

    SIRENAF42 Member Posts: 202
    tesa said:

    Thanks Meredith and ljoy for
    Thanks Meredith and ljoy for sharing your experiences. It was a long day today, but we've decided to take her to MDA. We have an appt. on the 22nd. MUSC is a good hospital, but with this being a rare cancer and having it reoccur, we decided today that MDA seems more equipped. I just want to treat this evil disease once and for all by GOD's grace.

    Hi Tesa
    Im so glad you are going to MDA, you know I trust that place with my life -- literally! Keep us poste on how she is doing, and I will say prayers for you and your family!

    Hugs - Sirena