Gpa is doing well

snook717 Member Posts: 45
Hi everyone! Gpa is doing well. He has up until this point lost 14 lbs. his MIE was on May 16th. He goes back to Pitt next week. We were wondering what the chances are of all of the tubes being taken out then? Also, he is only allowed to have 6 oz. of a full liquid diet. How long will this diet last? when can you start to eat somewhat normal again? Also, how much walking should he be doing? I know I have read so many posts with this info. but everything is running together lately and time has been short. Thank you all so much!



  • snook717
    snook717 Member Posts: 45
    I also forget to ask how often and what strength pain meds did people who had the MIE take at this point. It has been 17 days since his MIE (may 16th). Thanks again!