lost voice with Metastatic malignant melanoma

duke118 Member Posts: 2
My wife is 54, and was dignosed in May 2010 with stage 3 Melanoma. We took every avaible action to control, kill or maintain the growth. A wide incesion for removal, decection to remove liyth nopes, We found a clinical trail in New Orleans using a Vacine and intertheron, My wife traveled with her Sister from Maryland to New Orleans for the treatments at Oshner Medical Center in New Orleans. Everything see to be positive and My wife was feeling good. In January she had a pet scan and it showed a hot spot in her chest. THe spot wasm on her Aortia, My Wife elected to go with a very Aggressive Surgury to remove the cancered Lyth Nopes attached. Surgury was hard but everything went as well as possible. THe Doctor remove most and scrapped the aortia as much as possbible but could not get it all. 8 weeks later after recovery she had a MRI and Cat Scan. IT showed it spred with two lessions in the Brain and now 12 spots in the stomach area. Now she is havbing trouble talking and swallowing with out choking. A visit with a ears ear and throat told us that her left side of her vocal cord is paralizedenlarging and pressing against her vocal cord. This is caused more likly from th brain lessions, her surgury cutting of a nerve,or lyth nopes We been married for 34 years and my wife is my life, it brakes my hart to see a once very active women very able to get around and hardly talk. I am looking for a Accupunture , I am thinking that the accupunture may help steinulate the nerve and help with swallowing. Has any one experinced some thing like this? looking for help!