Oncs Appt today

Well went to see my onc today before treatment next week since he's going to be in Israel with about 20 people from church. Actually one of them is Dr. Smalley my radiation onc.

My counts are kind of low. White count is up due to the shot, RBC at 12 and low platelets.
So the plan next week is Monday CBC & Rituxan, ICE on Tues, Wed, and Thurs with neupogen shot on Fri. He can't feel the nodes anymore yeah! Said the bad nightsweats are the chemo working. So he told me to call KU about the transplant.

Called and talked with the nurse. She said they would start my pre-transplant testing the 2nd week of May. PET scan probably on the 16th. Probably sign the consent forms on the 19th and start the collection of stem cells the week of the 23rd I think.

My hair is still falling out, took a bath this morning and it looked like I had given Pogo 5 baths with all the mini hair starting to come out. I should be smooth bald pretty soon with the way it's coming out. I know my scalp is tender that's for sure.

Well that's what I know and it's time for bed. God I will be happy when I am not tired at 8:00. Hope everyone is good and had a good day today.



  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Hi Beth,
    Thanks for the up-date and your schedule for next week. Whew...I don't know how you handle it all....your are such an inspiration for me! Go to bed and rest, you are going to need all your strength. Loving warm thoughts to you dear. Love...Sue
  • KC13167
    KC13167 Member Posts: 215
    Holy Cow!
    I feel like I should stand up and cheer for you! I'm happy, well, I guess it's excited about your progress and knowing that you are almost at the end of the road....except I also know that it's a wickedly rough end of this road. Beth, I don't know how you do it all. I feel like a wimp compared to what you are doing. I wish that I had enough energy to stay awake longer than 6 hours at a stretch, let alone work. My last chemo was in October. Yikes! The doctor says some people just take longer to feel better. Strange cause I've always bounced back quickly from illnesses before. Anyway, no complaining from me tonight. Prayers to you, even more than usual! Hang in there Hero Lady! Kellie
  • Michele23
    Michele23 Member Posts: 168
    KC13167 said:

    Holy Cow!
    I feel like I should stand up and cheer for you! I'm happy, well, I guess it's excited about your progress and knowing that you are almost at the end of the road....except I also know that it's a wickedly rough end of this road. Beth, I don't know how you do it all. I feel like a wimp compared to what you are doing. I wish that I had enough energy to stay awake longer than 6 hours at a stretch, let alone work. My last chemo was in October. Yikes! The doctor says some people just take longer to feel better. Strange cause I've always bounced back quickly from illnesses before. Anyway, no complaining from me tonight. Prayers to you, even more than usual! Hang in there Hero Lady! Kellie

    What a load
    Gee Beth,You have quit a load there.Made me dizzy reading all that.Kick it in the butt.Healing thoughts,Michele Dx95FNHL3
  • miss maggie
    miss maggie Member Posts: 929
    Sweet Beth
    Dear Beth,

    Thanks for the update on your up and coming treatments. I cannot relate to what you're
    going through. My heart and soul are with you. Ditto to all the comments before me.

    Great news, the doctor cannot feel the nodes anymore. Continue your success with the up
    and coming treatments.

    All my love Maggie
  • forme
    forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
    Thinking postive thoughts
    Hi beth,

    I just want to say that I am thinking of you.

    Sending you a lot of ((((hugs))))
