Devistated Daughter

mandalynne Member Posts: 11
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi, in October 2010, my mom (48 yrs old) was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to the bottom part of her stomach and a tumor on her spine. They immediately started chemo and radiation. She's had 5 treatments to date and the cancer is still spreading. It's infected 12 lymph nodes between the colon and the pancreas, but has not reached the pancreas yet. This last scan in late December showed that the cancer had spread to the liver also and keeps getting bigger. They put a tube in her colon so it would constantly distribute chemo, but the cancer just keeps spreading. She's loosing hope and my step father is so consumed with his own panic that he is absolutly no support to her. I'm not sure what to do or say except be there for her and be supportive, but i'm having my own breakdown. My mom is the closest person in the world to me aside from my husband and i want to believe more than anything that she still has a good chance at surviving this. She's having pains on her right side under her ribs, she said that this happend right before she found out the cancer spread into her liver also. Can anyone tell me if they have a similar situation to my mom's? I'm always positive about it to her, but i want honesty and i don't think she's telling me everything that the doctor is saying because she doesn't want me to worry all the time. Can anyone tell me if the cancer might start shrinking? She's on her 2nd different type of chemo but neither seem to be working. Thank you so much for listening and any kind of information would be appreciated.

Keeping all prayers in my heart,


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Hi Mandy
    From what you relate is does sound like your mom is having a very rough go of it.

    My cancer was not nearly so complex so I can't give you specifics.

    I would suggest that you talk with your mom and see if you can convince her to let you go with her to doctor appointments. She needs an advocate to help ask the right questions and to take notes of what the doctor says.

    It has been about 4 months since diagnosed. Has she considered getting a second opinion on her treatment options?

    None of us know what the future holds or how many days are in that future. Keep hope in your heart for you mom and support her as much as you can.


    Marie who loves kitties
  • okthen
    okthen Member Posts: 232
    Hi Mandy....all I can post
    Hi Mandy....all I can post to you is that I am so sorry for you and your mothers pain. There will be someone along who can post to you with info re your specific situation, there is a world of knowledge here and a ton of support.
    Your mom is so lucky to have you, stay strong and come back here whenever you need to...for info or just a hug!
    You and your mom will be in my prayers!
  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    Mandy.....This is a very hard subject to breach......
    First of all, you must understand that all of us in here first came in here for something magical, as though this was going to be the cure all for everything and although we see things happen in here that are overwhelmingly great and some that are very distressing we are here to try and give the best possible answers to questions asked so that it makes for the caregiver and patient the easiest journey through this whole ordeal. We are also here to sit right next to everyone in here as long as we have to to ensure that no one individual ever has to go through this alone. In your moms case, it does seem that the disease has been there for a while to be where it is. You have to remember that all things are possible, and she has to know that attitude is everything in treatment. If she is a fighter then she will fight but it is her choice of all options taken. Allow her to be ok making the choices she makes. Her only wish is for her kids to be ok, that in itself is all parents wishes, no matter if its cancer, or simply life itself, if you are ok then she is ok...she has to see that in you. It will serve 2 purposes, it will allow you and her to be ok with each other as in talking, laughing, sharing, making memories, #2, it will let her know that you are going to be ok with whatever happens during her journey. Sometimes we have to sit back and think of not only ourselves, but what our actions do to others, so to ok with whats going on will be a Godsend to her just in knowing that you are handling it ok. It is perfectly normal to have downtimes, its human nature to feel bad, but it can't consume you or everyone suffers for it. See a Pastor or a Priest or therapist if need be or see your family Dr and tell him/her that maybe you need a slight anti depressant to allow you to not dwell on all bad things. It does help, I know that for a fact.
    Now for Step Dad, he is suffering from helplessness, he has no idea what he can do to help when really all he needs to do is be there for her. He doesn't have to say or do anything, just simply be a comfort to her through this...
    As for you, from my standpoint, I lost my father to stomach cancer when he was 63, that was in 1991, I am stage 4 and I have 4 children ages 6-8-16-25....yeah I know, I just didn't know when to quit...but its all good......In any event , my children know that I may not be around someday and they are ok with it only because the believe that we will all meet again after we are gone......Mandy, my only reason that I am sane and able to go on is because I truly believe that I will be with them again someday. I am not going to say anything more on this but if you would like to pm me I would be more than happy to elaborate, if not thats ok too....
    Your mom is in for a fight, and attitude is everything. If she knows that you are ok then she can place all her emphasis on getting through this and getting better. Not to say all will be well because this disease hardly ever plays the same in anyone, and it never plays fair, so we take gratitude in the smallest of victories in this journey and not hope for an immediate resolution. There is always hope in everything, so lets get the attitude that we will walk into this journey together and you have the backing of 4000 friends in here that are everyone behind you and your mom 110% to share in the good things that happen and feel sorrow for the things that don't...
    There are always more than 1 cancer center, so if you feel as though she is not getting what you think she needs then contact or call other facilities out of your area. Where there is life, there is always hope........Love and Hope to all of you in your journey...............Clift
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I am really sorry you and your Mom are going through this. I am the Mom of two girsl, 22 + 17 + I am constantly worried about how they are doing through this. What typw of chemo has your Mom been on? Sometimes it is a matter of finding the right one for that patient.
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    I am so sorry for your mother's and the family's situation. I want to welcome you to the board with a big HUG. I know that you are so worried and you have every right to be. This can be a deadly disease and it's a roller coaster ride for all concerned.

    As suggested, please see about going to her appointments with her and make sure to take notes. Sometimes something will be said by the medical team and you just sort of stop thinking for a minute while it sets in and your questions might not reveal themselves until later after you're home. A lot of information can be given in such a short period of time. Notes are great to have.

    Also, please seek a 2nd or even 3rd opinion. Your mother really needs to have more than one. There is more than one treatment or combinations that can be tried with regards to chemo.

    Your mother is very lucky to have you. Again, welcome to the board. HUGS
  • mandalynne
    mandalynne Member Posts: 11
    Buzzard said:

    Mandy.....This is a very hard subject to breach......
    First of all, you must understand that all of us in here first came in here for something magical, as though this was going to be the cure all for everything and although we see things happen in here that are overwhelmingly great and some that are very distressing we are here to try and give the best possible answers to questions asked so that it makes for the caregiver and patient the easiest journey through this whole ordeal. We are also here to sit right next to everyone in here as long as we have to to ensure that no one individual ever has to go through this alone. In your moms case, it does seem that the disease has been there for a while to be where it is. You have to remember that all things are possible, and she has to know that attitude is everything in treatment. If she is a fighter then she will fight but it is her choice of all options taken. Allow her to be ok making the choices she makes. Her only wish is for her kids to be ok, that in itself is all parents wishes, no matter if its cancer, or simply life itself, if you are ok then she is ok...she has to see that in you. It will serve 2 purposes, it will allow you and her to be ok with each other as in talking, laughing, sharing, making memories, #2, it will let her know that you are going to be ok with whatever happens during her journey. Sometimes we have to sit back and think of not only ourselves, but what our actions do to others, so to ok with whats going on will be a Godsend to her just in knowing that you are handling it ok. It is perfectly normal to have downtimes, its human nature to feel bad, but it can't consume you or everyone suffers for it. See a Pastor or a Priest or therapist if need be or see your family Dr and tell him/her that maybe you need a slight anti depressant to allow you to not dwell on all bad things. It does help, I know that for a fact.
    Now for Step Dad, he is suffering from helplessness, he has no idea what he can do to help when really all he needs to do is be there for her. He doesn't have to say or do anything, just simply be a comfort to her through this...
    As for you, from my standpoint, I lost my father to stomach cancer when he was 63, that was in 1991, I am stage 4 and I have 4 children ages 6-8-16-25....yeah I know, I just didn't know when to quit...but its all good......In any event , my children know that I may not be around someday and they are ok with it only because the believe that we will all meet again after we are gone......Mandy, my only reason that I am sane and able to go on is because I truly believe that I will be with them again someday. I am not going to say anything more on this but if you would like to pm me I would be more than happy to elaborate, if not thats ok too....
    Your mom is in for a fight, and attitude is everything. If she knows that you are ok then she can place all her emphasis on getting through this and getting better. Not to say all will be well because this disease hardly ever plays the same in anyone, and it never plays fair, so we take gratitude in the smallest of victories in this journey and not hope for an immediate resolution. There is always hope in everything, so lets get the attitude that we will walk into this journey together and you have the backing of 4000 friends in here that are everyone behind you and your mom 110% to share in the good things that happen and feel sorrow for the things that don't...
    There are always more than 1 cancer center, so if you feel as though she is not getting what you think she needs then contact or call other facilities out of your area. Where there is life, there is always hope........Love and Hope to all of you in your journey...............Clift

    Thank you
    This is the 3rd time my mom has had cancer. Ovarian cancer at 32, breast cancer at 42 and now colon cancer. Her spirits were up through everything and still very positive about the colon cancer until a couple of weeks ago when she found out that through the 2nd type of chemo, the tumor in her liver was still growing (i don't know which types of chemo, but I will ask). I tell my mom all the time how greatful i am that she was such a great mom and that i know she's in pain but i'm here for her no matter what her choice is. We both believe that there will be a time when we will be together again if something happens, it's getting through right now and the continuing journey. I'm always positive infront of her and we still do things and make memories and I know that's the important thing. I'm a mamma's girl and sometimes i think too attached, so i'm trying to learn to not be so attached and that's hard. I have talked to her about going to her doctors appointments but she says that she's not ready for that. She said that it's not a place that she wants her family and she doesn't want us to bring her until it gets to where she can't bring herself.
    I'm so sorry that you are going through this too, I hope and pray that you and yours make it through this journey together and healthy.

    Thanks to everyone for the hugs and support, i apprciate it more than i can say. It's just been very nice being able to talk with people who are going through this also. Thank you

  • hopeforcure49
    hopeforcure49 Member Posts: 111
    I'm sorry the cancer has returned. Its not fair. I hope you find the peace in your heart to accept that maybe your mom has come to peace with it. I can only imagine how angry I would be if I had to fight this monster 3 times. Do seek a 2nd or 3rd opinion. there are so many options and new research out there. I hope the treatment at hand works for your mom. I'll have her in my prayers, I will also pray for you to be strong and recieve peace in your heart to deal with this. Blessings from Lourdes