Back to normal??

Jessis Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Thyroid Cancer #1
I am not having my problem thyroid removed until the end of this month. The dr says i will feel worse before i will feel better.oh yay! It gets worse? I feel pretty bad now. I am on no hormone replacement. Have not been on the thyroid replacement. The surgeon does surgery and has nothing to do with the hormones. That is the endro job. I get it. This is my comparison: i hurt my foot but the surgeon only cares about a toe he could care less if i can actually walk just as long as that toe gets taken care of. Sorry still new to the world of dr speak. I just want to know when i get my life back. I get up in the morning and i want to just stay in bed. Once i get out of bed all i think about is going back to bed.I have massive bed cravings.have been an insomniac forever. Now its almost narcoleptic. I fall asleep easily. I have gained weight. On my mind i have been jumping up and down in frustration. I have ate less and cut my calories. I still gained weight. I feel bloated all the time. It is hard to describe. So to anyone that hes gone tgrough the surgery , when can i start to not feel tired everyday?? My main hobby now is sleeping. I hate it!!! I dont want to sleep but i get so tired and have no choice. How long does it take to feel any better. Yes i was told that i will need medication for the rest of my life. Im ok with that but i want to feel just slightly better. Just not tired. Just have the ability to loose weight.


  • nasher
    nasher Member Posts: 505 Member
    prior to surgery i was
    prior to surgery i was sleeping about 12-14 hours a day i would basicaly get off work have dinner and go to sleep wake up (to multiple alarms) grab my stuff for work (that my wife set out for me) grab my post it notes cause i was living with a yellow sticky brain.

    once i woke up from surgery i felt much better... till a week later when they said it was cancer and they were doing a 2nd surgery.

    after the 2nd surgery about 12 hours and i was doing laps in the hospital since they decided to keep me 2 days.

    when i left the hospital they put me on cytomel and that was good till we got to prior to radiation therapy where they had me stop cytomel and go onto the Low Iodine Diet. after radiation therapy it took a few weeks to get going again.

    normal... ... ... um I dont think you ever get back to normal... much better and getting most of your memory back yes but...

    when my thyroid went bad i ganed 60+lbs and i havent been able to loose it... I am working out 4 times a week for 1 hr+ and i am monitoring my diet.

    im sure once they remove the thyroid you will be feeling some better.. how much and if you will feel normal i can not say.

    ask as many questions as you can think of
    good luck and please keep us up to date

  • nkongovi
    nkongovi Member Posts: 5
    Back to Normal
    Once you hear the cancer word normal is a relative term. I would say take it slow and be in the moment. after surgery have a good support system, friends who will stick by you and pull you thru during the hard times. after surgery I have lost abt 25 lbs ib=n 4 months and still losing. I moved quickly from 150-200 before the surgery. You know your body well, so take rest when it tells you too. Don't overdo things.

    Most important of all hang in there