Hello there, looking for help. Hubby had SCT for Hodgkins Disease

bluetopaz Member Posts: 10
Hi there. My husband was dx'd with Hodgkins stage IVB 9-09 at age 48. To make a LONG story short he received a rescue autologous stem cell transplant in September with a survival rate of ten-fifteen percent. So far he is alive, but the complications continue. He was hospitalized most of December with c.diff producing hemorrhagic colonitis and an upper GI bleed. I think this was most likely a result of the Busulfan used in the conditioning regime. Just when we thought his blood counts would recover from the bleeding, his hemoglobin dropped AGAIN and his white count also, which worries me more than anything as his white cells have been stable and normal post transplant. GRRRR...off to the hospital for more packed red cells...they have been on the menu for months.

This disease has taken over our lives since he was dx'd. I am looking to share experiences and possibly vent a bit, but most importantly meet someone else who has had the same experience or find info...I have had a rough time getting info out there for SCT patients.

Thanks in advance and God bless all of you dealing with this devastating disease.