If its not one thing its another -

geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
So had PET and CT scans in November, showed cancer on the move, this was not a big surprise. So doc orders liver biopsy, showed only necrotic, so doc orders another liver biopsy, bingo, mets on the move. They wanted the biopsy to insure that it is colorectal mets and not something else. So started CPT-11, first infusion went fine, no surprise side effects. Go for second infusion, nurse couldn't get blood from port. So, next day off to hospital for dye test. Radiologist got the dye in and the port is working but there is a fibrotic sheath at the end so when they draw in, it covers the end. Sooo, next day onc sends us over to hospital cancer center for TPN treatment to break up sheath, more waiting, more TPN, more waiting, no blood return. So they leave the medicine in over the weekend hoping it will work. Went to chemo on Monday, no blood draw even though chemo will go in per doc's report, unless they see blood on the return, hesitant to do this chemo. If it was Folfox, they would have administered it. So it has been decided not to fool around with this port any longer and to put in a new port. This will be George's third port. After onc said new port needed, on the way home I stop at the colorectal surgeon's office, go in and explain what happened, nurse couldn't have been nicer and George's colorectal surgeon is going to put in the new port on Thursday after afternoon.

Hopefully, this will be the end of the running around and things will move smoothly.

Take care all - Tina


  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    Yep...always sumthing!!
    Hey Tina!
    Sorry to hear about all that mess. It just gets so aggrevating dealing with this, that, and the other. Hugs to you George for being such a trooper and here Tina..>> HUGGG<<.. for being such an awesome wife!! Keeping you both in my prayers. Take care.

  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    It can be so discouraging when one thing after another happens. It sounds like things are shaping up, George will have a new port + chemo can go on. Hugs to you + George.
  • lesvanb
    lesvanb Member Posts: 905
    Oh Tina
    ((((Hugs to you and George))). Tx is hard enough w/out all the running around. Gld you have a good relationship at CRC surgeon office!

    I always worry about blood return from my port but so far, so good, every time, like my last port.

    all the best, Leslie