2nd BC not a recurrance

kimkaus Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
October I received the bad news of a 2nd BC. my first was Feb 2006 which took me thru lumpectomy, chemo, radiation and tamoxifen. then to be just shy of completing the 5 years, I have a 2nd Breast Cancer. Different animal and now I start again. November I had a double Mast with reconstruction started. 12/30 I started Chemo. I was so hoping not to have to go thru that again - but no luck on that. I'm not doing as well as I thought I would. I have difficulty sleeping, the expanders feel like I have toilet plungers on my chest and the first round of chemo kicked my butt.

Is there anyone out there that is also in the same situation as I with a 2nd Breast Cancer?

After my first BC in 2006, I had all the tests for BRCA1 and BRCA2 - NEGATIVE! - so why on earth did I have to get this a 2nd time. I have no family history of BC.
I know I can fight this and I know I have to stay tough - but...........I do have my weak moments and times of struggle.


  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    Welcome kimkaus
    I am not in your situation but I wanted to welcome you. Sorry for you need to be here but, you will find so much help, advice and wisdom here. The women, and a few men are wonderful and have helped me a lot. Some one will be able to help you more than I can. Prayers for you God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice
  • dyaneb123
    dyaneb123 Member Posts: 950

    Welcome kimkaus
    I am not in your situation but I wanted to welcome you. Sorry for you need to be here but, you will find so much help, advice and wisdom here. The women, and a few men are wonderful and have helped me a lot. Some one will be able to help you more than I can. Prayers for you God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    Sorry that you are having to
    Sorry that you are having to go through this Kimkaus, but welcome to CSN. There are many women on this board going through their 2nd round with BC. I'm sure they will have helpful insights for coping with the anxiety and stress of having to do it all again. I think all of us realize that though we pray to stay cancer free, there is always the spector of reoccurance in the future.The sisters in pink are here for you in whatever way we can help.
    Hugs! Dee
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry you have go through this again
    I"ll be thinking of you....
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Kimkaus, I wanted to welcome
    Kimkaus, I wanted to welcome you to this site that is filled with amazing individuals with knowledge, encouragement and just the support you are looking for. I do not have a "new" bc but I did have a recurrence last year that was just one short year after my initial dx. I opted for a bilateral with expanders the second time. I agree that the expanders are not fun but are necessary to get you to the desired outcome. I promise you that it will be worth the discomfort. Having to go through chemo again I know is no fun but it is doable. I can tell from your post that you are a fighter and yes, you will beat this beast again. Continue to come here as you have your "weak moments" and we will all do our best to help you through treatments. You can do it!!

    P.S. I have NO family history, either.
  • rrogers34
    rrogers34 Member Posts: 135
    So Sorry
    I am not in your situation either, I had lumpectomy, chemo, radiation and am on Tomoxofen. You did it once, you can do it again. I know having to go through any of that is all of our fear, I dont know why, I wish this awful disease would dissapear. As you read, on this site, there are many who have been and those are in your situation. It's not fun, but your life is worth all of it. Stay strong, cry when you need to, there are many who will be praying for you, encouraging you every step of the way. Your never alone. There are people on this site that have been in remission for years, and are wonderful enough to stick around for those of us, who are going through it the first time, and those who have gone through it multiple times. You are strong, never forget that.
  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    2nd BC Not a Recurrence
    I had same cancer, Infiltrating Lobular on both sides. I am pleased I have had bilateral, one done in June and the other in July. At lease just one set of chemo. No cancer gene but estrogen positive. Mum had breast cancer three times. I get the impression my type is likely to show up on both sides eventually. Mamos every year for 12 years and missed all of it as they sometimes do with certain types. So, done all they can do, no node probs now getting back to normal, eating healthily and exercising. Please keep messaging. If I had both breasts done at the same time, and know what I know now, would have had both expanders put in flat and had them filled together for an equal look. One was put in filled the other not, wont bore you with details of why it happened.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    rrogers34 said:

    So Sorry
    I am not in your situation either, I had lumpectomy, chemo, radiation and am on Tomoxofen. You did it once, you can do it again. I know having to go through any of that is all of our fear, I dont know why, I wish this awful disease would dissapear. As you read, on this site, there are many who have been and those are in your situation. It's not fun, but your life is worth all of it. Stay strong, cry when you need to, there are many who will be praying for you, encouraging you every step of the way. Your never alone. There are people on this site that have been in remission for years, and are wonderful enough to stick around for those of us, who are going through it the first time, and those who have gone through it multiple times. You are strong, never forget that.

    Well, I will start. yes this
    Well, I will start. yes this is my second primary. In 1994 age 34 I had IDC, mastectomy and chemo. one year later I had a local recurrance and had radiation. I was in the process of getting a propholactic mastectomy in 2009, because I had to have a couple of biopies and I was tired of the anxiety. Saw several docs had a clear mammo, was told not an emergency. In May 2009 felt a lump, had an MRI biopsy- had ILC. mastectomy, chemo and rads. I do have some people on my father's side and my mom had BC AFTER me.(post menopausal) she was IDC stage 0. I am also Braca neg. So where did I draw the short straw?? I am wondering even if they told me that it was not necessary , I should have had a bilateral mastectomy, that by nature of getting it so early, I should have just removed both breasts a the same time. hind sight is 20/20. I finished chemo almost a year ago, and radiation last May. this second chemo was tough for me so I took a while to get back to work, but I have curly hair, and you would never know I was bald once!
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    2nd BC Not a Recurrence
    I had same cancer, Infiltrating Lobular on both sides. I am pleased I have had bilateral, one done in June and the other in July. At lease just one set of chemo. No cancer gene but estrogen positive. Mum had breast cancer three times. I get the impression my type is likely to show up on both sides eventually. Mamos every year for 12 years and missed all of it as they sometimes do with certain types. So, done all they can do, no node probs now getting back to normal, eating healthily and exercising. Please keep messaging. If I had both breasts done at the same time, and know what I know now, would have had both expanders put in flat and had them filled together for an equal look. One was put in filled the other not, wont bore you with details of why it happened.

    lobular does not show up on
    lobular does not show up on mammos, found that out after the fact!!!
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Well although I am sorry you had the need to seek us out I am happy that you found us, there is much support here and many great people.

    I have had bc 3x, first time in 97 with a recur. in 98 after all treatment was finished, then I had a totally new bc (not a recur.) in 2007. I agree it is no fun and even though we are fighters we are only human and have weak moments. We are here for you to help through not only your weak moments but during your celebratory ones as well.

    Welcome and we hope to see more of you!

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    MyTurnNow said:

    Kimkaus, I wanted to welcome
    Kimkaus, I wanted to welcome you to this site that is filled with amazing individuals with knowledge, encouragement and just the support you are looking for. I do not have a "new" bc but I did have a recurrence last year that was just one short year after my initial dx. I opted for a bilateral with expanders the second time. I agree that the expanders are not fun but are necessary to get you to the desired outcome. I promise you that it will be worth the discomfort. Having to go through chemo again I know is no fun but it is doable. I can tell from your post that you are a fighter and yes, you will beat this beast again. Continue to come here as you have your "weak moments" and we will all do our best to help you through treatments. You can do it!!

    P.S. I have NO family history, either.

    Welcome to the site no one
    Welcome to the site no one wants to be on, BUT, you will find so much support and encouragement from all of your sisters in pink that I hope it will help you in some way.

    I am very sorry that you have breast cancer again and pray that you will stay strong, positive and fight with all that you can!

    Sending hugs and prayers,

    Sue :)
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000

    2nd BC Not a Recurrence
    I had same cancer, Infiltrating Lobular on both sides. I am pleased I have had bilateral, one done in June and the other in July. At lease just one set of chemo. No cancer gene but estrogen positive. Mum had breast cancer three times. I get the impression my type is likely to show up on both sides eventually. Mamos every year for 12 years and missed all of it as they sometimes do with certain types. So, done all they can do, no node probs now getting back to normal, eating healthily and exercising. Please keep messaging. If I had both breasts done at the same time, and know what I know now, would have had both expanders put in flat and had them filled together for an equal look. One was put in filled the other not, wont bore you with details of why it happened.

    I'm sorry that you have to
    I'm sorry that you have to go through this again and am sending you positive thoughts and lots of prayers.

    Hugs, Megan
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    RE said:

    Well although I am sorry you had the need to seek us out I am happy that you found us, there is much support here and many great people.

    I have had bc 3x, first time in 97 with a recur. in 98 after all treatment was finished, then I had a totally new bc (not a recur.) in 2007. I agree it is no fun and even though we are fighters we are only human and have weak moments. We are here for you to help through not only your weak moments but during your celebratory ones as well.

    Welcome and we hope to see more of you!


    Kimkaus, So sorry that
    Kimkaus, So sorry that you're going through this. Sending lots of hugs and prayers. All we can really do is that and also be here for each other which helps so much.
    God Bless,
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    carkris said:

    Well, I will start. yes this
    Well, I will start. yes this is my second primary. In 1994 age 34 I had IDC, mastectomy and chemo. one year later I had a local recurrance and had radiation. I was in the process of getting a propholactic mastectomy in 2009, because I had to have a couple of biopies and I was tired of the anxiety. Saw several docs had a clear mammo, was told not an emergency. In May 2009 felt a lump, had an MRI biopsy- had ILC. mastectomy, chemo and rads. I do have some people on my father's side and my mom had BC AFTER me.(post menopausal) she was IDC stage 0. I am also Braca neg. So where did I draw the short straw?? I am wondering even if they told me that it was not necessary , I should have had a bilateral mastectomy, that by nature of getting it so early, I should have just removed both breasts a the same time. hind sight is 20/20. I finished chemo almost a year ago, and radiation last May. this second chemo was tough for me so I took a while to get back to work, but I have curly hair, and you would never know I was bald once!

    I know you can get through
    I know you can get through this too! You will beat the beast this time, just like before!


  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930

    Welcome kimkaus
    I am not in your situation but I wanted to welcome you. Sorry for you need to be here but, you will find so much help, advice and wisdom here. The women, and a few men are wonderful and have helped me a lot. Some one will be able to help you more than I can. Prayers for you God Bless
    (((Hugs))) Janice

    I have only had breast
    I have only had breast cancer once, so, I can't answer your question. But, others on here have had bc more than once, RE, Jeanne D, MyTurnNow and a few more.

    I am sure they will post to you and hopefully make you feel better. Being diagnosed again, I know is scary, but, we are here to support you.

    Wishing you good luck!
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    RE said:

    Well although I am sorry you had the need to seek us out I am happy that you found us, there is much support here and many great people.

    I have had bc 3x, first time in 97 with a recur. in 98 after all treatment was finished, then I had a totally new bc (not a recur.) in 2007. I agree it is no fun and even though we are fighters we are only human and have weak moments. We are here for you to help through not only your weak moments but during your celebratory ones as well.

    Welcome and we hope to see more of you!


    I'm sorry that you are here
    I'm sorry that you are here too. I haven't had bc twice, but, wanted to welcome you and to wish you good luck.

    Hugs, Kylez
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Kylez said:

    I'm sorry that you are here
    I'm sorry that you are here too. I haven't had bc twice, but, wanted to welcome you and to wish you good luck.

    Hugs, Kylez

    I am sending prayers and
    I am sending prayers and cyber hugs to you! Please keep us updated.

    Good luck,

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had double mastectomy in June 2010. I had the BRCA test done and was negative. I'm the 5th on both sides of my family with bc. One of my sisters had DCIS, lumpectomy, rads, tamoxifen for 5 years 9 years ago. In October she had DCIS in the other breast. She had lumpectomy, rads and is going to take Evista because she has osteoporosis. She said if it comes back again she will have mastectomy. Keep posting and we will help you through this journey once again.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    I had double mastectomy in June 2010. I had the BRCA test done and was negative. I'm the 5th on both sides of my family with bc. One of my sisters had DCIS, lumpectomy, rads, tamoxifen for 5 years 9 years ago. In October she had DCIS in the other breast. She had lumpectomy, rads and is going to take Evista because she has osteoporosis. She said if it comes back again she will have mastectomy. Keep posting and we will help you through this journey once again.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Re you give me hope
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member

    sorry you have go through this again
    I"ll be thinking of you....

    I have no family history
    I have no family history either, and, pray that I am the only one that has to deal with bc. Thinking of you and sending prayers.

    Hugs, Jan