Send your BFF here......

newlife2011 Member Posts: 40
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Merry Christmas ladies,

A couple of days ago I came on here as a wounded, lost BFF of a "Pink Lady". I am sure I have had reactions similar to those BFF's of yours and after searching for a year for a support group for myself there just wasn't anything.

BFF's go through something too and seeing that some people run I just don't believe is the answer. For a time when stressors should be eliminated I am horrified that some of you still are allowed to take on the stress. They say in tough situations you find out who your true friends are.....and I am definately a BFF of my Pink Lady, but I sure could have used a boost along the way, or an idea on how to handle the many sad and depressing moments she has had. Just like she can't do it alone....I am no superhero....I can't either.

So PLEASE.....send your BFF's here

Maybe all of us together can find an end to some of this ugliness?

Thank you for your support, you gave me what I needed to stay focused.

With Love , Best Wishes, and may God's Blessings be with you this year and always,
