A question about my dad

Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
I have posted here a time or two and thought I would get your opinion. My dad finished his treatment for oral cancer 5 monthes ago. He did really great through the treatment. Like I have posted before he seems to need someone to do everything with him, but that is really not the issue. He will not talk with us. He hardly says two words to my mom all day and very little to me. He chooses to stay in bed most of the day. According to his last docotor visit he is in very good condition. They are almost positive that the cancer is gone. Will know more at the first of the year.

I was wondering if any of you have experienced this after caring for someone. Like I said he will not talk and does not have a lot of desire to do anything but stay in the bed. I know that the treatment can take a lot out of you, but he is getting worse about this instead of better. He tells us he feels fine. Can any of you share your opinion. I feel so bad for my mom, she has no body to talk with. I know she is worried that there is something wrong that he is not telling us.

I am sorry to make this so long, but just thought some of you could share your expriences and advice.

Thank you,



  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    Sounds like depression to me, Kathy. Fairly common among cancer patients but it does need to be addressed.

    Talk to your dad's doctor and see what she says.

  • skipper85
    skipper85 Member Posts: 229
    Noellesmom is right

    Sounds like depression. Also if he had radiation treatment for oral cancer his thyroid could have been affected. A low thyroid (hypothyroid) will cause depression. Have it checked out. My husband had cancer of his soft palate and they told him to have his thyroid checked about 6 months after surgery - of course he's not going to do it since this lung situation came up but that may be the problem with your Dad.

    Good luck.

