How was your summer?

24242 Member Posts: 1,398
I am getting back to work and hopefully will get the help I need to so I am back working more part time hours something I can do if I work with another person. Hope you all found your way to having some fun in the sun even though LIFE is usually too demanding of us.
Getting referred to MS neurologist so can get a better idea what is going on now that my other leg has started to drag much like how the other side began. Also waiting for the other MRI of the arm to see if they can see any change.
GP called me in and she was very concerned about the lump in the lymph node since she had passed this all of as fat cyst. What she couldn't see it had been biopsied and was benign though she had the report.
I also am waiting on the other Surgeon and this all could take months so will work when I can and health is much better again so time to get back to it. It is now time to also consider other career options since I don't see as things are going to get any better for me but keeping from getting too much worse is a hope.