
Stiney Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
Has anyone ever had a non-calcified 8mm nodule diagnosed as cancer?


  • catcon49
    catcon49 Member Posts: 398
    mine was 1.2 cm. I was told
    mine was 1.2 cm. I was told that was very small caught very early. Have you had a cancer dx?
  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    Nodules can be many different things. The radiologist does the best he or she can to describe the nodule and the likelihood that it may be malignant, but no one knows for sure until the cells are seen under a microscope. It is very normal for the primary care or thoracic specialist to recommend a 3 month wait if the nodule might be something other than cancer. A repeat scan (usually another CAT scan) is done. If the spot has grown (one of those major signs that it might be cancer) then they recommend a biopsy. ONLY after the doctor see the cells can they tell if it is cancer.And then they really can tell because cancer cells look weird. Being hopelessly curious, I checked. So don't skip the followup even if the spot is small. Also, don't panic even if it grows. Sometimes it's something other than cancer. Sometimes it's treatable whether it is cancer or not. Good luck!