My First Chemo this past Wednesday

MOrtiz0810 Member Posts: 41
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
So it's been 3 days since I started my chemo rounds, and while I really haven't had much symptoms, the major issue I'm having is that feeling of fatigue that hits me in the early afternoon, and still a bit of the nausea, but that's controlled with the other meds that the Dr. prescribed. I just wish I could go out the door and enjoy a nice walk, but even the heat of the sun bothers me now :(

I was so looking forward to waking up early tomorrow and taking a mile walk to the local Farmer's Market and just enjoying my Sunday, but this dreaded disease clings and sucks the energy right off to a point where I lose all motivation. When does the fatigue at least end? I just hope I'm not going to be feeling this way up to my next chemo round! I would love to look forward to just one entire GOOD day!

BTW, am I being a big chicken about it, or does that Leunasta shot burn when injected? I went for the shot the day after chemo, and I saw stars like in the cartoons! I don't know why I was such a wimp about it, after all the surgeries and procedures I have gone through!
Anyway, just needed to vent to my BC family, because it was a beautiful sunny Saturday and I felt trapped at home because of my chemo symptoms. I just hope it gets a little better, I can't imagine being this fatigued all the way to the end of October!


  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member
    Hi. I'm sorry you are
    Hi. I'm sorry you are feeling unwell. I can't really be sure I can help as I don't know your cocktail, but I had 4 cycles of taxotere/cytoxen. I always felt bad days 4-6 for some reason. Not nausea, but fatigue and diarrhea. It did get better after about the 6th day. I always felt very well right up to my next treatment, they were 3 weeks apart. After treatment #3 I wrote in about fatigue and found that it is normal and in some people seems to build up. I'm almost 4 mos. past chemo and one month since rads and feel quite well. I'm sure you'll bounce back. Everyone on this board is so supportive and just about every reaction has been discussed. Good Luck and warm thoughts to you.
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    You might want to talk to
    You might want to talk to the onc about being in the sun during chemo. Didn't someone post about that? I can't remember but I went through chemo in the winter where it was cold so it wasn't an issue.

    If you are tired you need to rest. Don't over do it. The day will come when you can walk.

    I can't remember the shot. I only had one and it's been too long. Hang in there!
  • 2Floridiansisters
    2Floridiansisters Member Posts: 384 Member
    It gets better MOrtiz
    Chemo for me has been really easy. I have had very little side effects if any. The first time I felt sick like I needed to throw up and it only lasted 15 minutes then passed, I also got the nueropathy in my lower legs and ankles, but that too only lasted 2 or 3 days.

    The second treatment I got really bad constipation, but that was relieved by some good ole castor oil, YUCK but it worked!!!!

    Between the 3 symptoms I would take the nausea anyday over the constipation.

    I didn't feel tired at all. I get my 3rd treatment on August 4th. I have not had to have any shots so far!!!
  • Michaelynn
    Michaelynn Member Posts: 85 Member
    shot buring
    My nurse told me these shots need to be injected slowly so you don't get the burning feeling. Its not like getting a flu shot where they just shot it all in at one time. You might want to ask about that or ask her to give it to you more slowly and see if that makes a difference. I get them every time the day after chemo and never had a problem with the burning.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    We're all so different!
    On A/C I was tired (rest/nap took care of it) for 2 days, 2 days after each infusion. With Taxol, I was EXHAUSTED 5 out of evey 7 days and tired the other 2. With it nothing helped the exhaustion - pills let me at least sleep at night.

    The only problem (and it really wasn't a problem) with Neulasta was 2 hrs, almost to the minute, I went to sleep for a couple of hours. I haven't heard anyone else have that reaction to it but I did.

  • roseyposey333
    roseyposey333 Member Posts: 68
    Rague said:

    We're all so different!
    On A/C I was tired (rest/nap took care of it) for 2 days, 2 days after each infusion. With Taxol, I was EXHAUSTED 5 out of evey 7 days and tired the other 2. With it nothing helped the exhaustion - pills let me at least sleep at night.

    The only problem (and it really wasn't a problem) with Neulasta was 2 hrs, almost to the minute, I went to sleep for a couple of hours. I haven't heard anyone else have that reaction to it but I did.


    haven't started treatment yet
    Here I am, it's about midnight and I can't sleep. I haven't even started treatment yet but the waiting is getting to me. Since I moved after my surgery the new oncologist needs to re do some tests, like the onco test. This will take about 2 more weeks, uugghhh, I had surgery on May 24th, its 2 months ago. How can this be, someone I met was diagnosed after me and she is in the middle of her treatment already. What can happen to me since waiting so long. I feel like I am going crazy.

    Well my point was really to thank you all for this info about chemo, I ran off on a tangent, sorry. It is great to hear that it usually doesn't keep you bed ridden, just exhausted and nausous(can't even spell the word), but anyway I do feel better about getting my treatment, whenever that is, thanks to you all.

    I have trouble finding my way back here so hopefully I can figure it out since this is a great resource for support. Blessings, Ro
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    GayleMc said:

    Hi. I'm sorry you are
    Hi. I'm sorry you are feeling unwell. I can't really be sure I can help as I don't know your cocktail, but I had 4 cycles of taxotere/cytoxen. I always felt bad days 4-6 for some reason. Not nausea, but fatigue and diarrhea. It did get better after about the 6th day. I always felt very well right up to my next treatment, they were 3 weeks apart. After treatment #3 I wrote in about fatigue and found that it is normal and in some people seems to build up. I'm almost 4 mos. past chemo and one month since rads and feel quite well. I'm sure you'll bounce back. Everyone on this board is so supportive and just about every reaction has been discussed. Good Luck and warm thoughts to you.

    Hoping you feel better and
    Hoping you feel better and stronger with each day! I didn't have chemo, so, I didn't experience this.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    No, you're not being a "big chicken"!
    This is tough stuff we're all having to go through. The fatigue comes and goes. I had surgery in Dec. '09, finished 6 rounds of chemo May 6th and am in the middle of rads. I have to say, I'm more tired with the rads than chemo, but chemo did me in for a couple of days after--not much nausea, just a crappy all-over feeling--sort of flu-like.

    The Neulasta shot I had definitely burned--but just for a second or two. It was worth it though--the one time I didn't have it, my white count went to nothing, I caught a bug and wound up in the hospital for 5 days!

    Hang in there--you can do this and you'll have good days as well.

    Hugs, Renee
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I hope today finds you
    I hope today finds you feeling a bit better!! The only thing I can add to the Nuelasta shot is that I recall that either my onco nurse or I held the shot in out hands for a couple of minutes to warm it up. I'm not sure exactly what this did but I didn't notice any burning while it was injected. Take it easy and rest. If you are like a lot of us, there will be good days before your next treatment....usually the week before. Take care.
  • sohardbnme
    sohardbnme Member Posts: 129
    My First Chemo is Aug 2 nd
    How are you today...What is a Leunasta shot for...You are in my prayers...YOU CAN NOW SAY ONE DOWN...My Med Onc called some meds in for nausea already...What are you taking...
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    My First Chemo is Aug 2 nd
    How are you today...What is a Leunasta shot for...You are in my prayers...YOU CAN NOW SAY ONE DOWN...My Med Onc called some meds in for nausea already...What are you taking...

    With each treatment - I had 3 or 4 good days ..
    and I tried to organized my schedule for shopping, or appt'mts on those days. With each Neulatsa shot I endured 3 days of flu like symptoms. Chemo treatments will take their toll on our bodies, mind and soul. Please take care, and ask for medication to help you each treatment.

    You are in my thoughts andprayers.

    Vicki Sam
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Hope you're feeling better
    I start chemo August 10 and will have the Neulasta shot the next day. Thanks for the info ladies. I plan on asking about the burn????? The Neulasta shot is for building white blood cells for whoever asked. I had 11 surgeries in 2 1/2 years and experienced anemia and had 2 blood transfusions so my oncologist didn't hesitate to tell me I was having the Neulasta shot. I'm going to have TC - Taxotere and Cyclophasamide (sp?). Is this different than Taxotere & Cytoxen?
  • MOrtiz0810
    MOrtiz0810 Member Posts: 41
    Much Better Day!
    Thank you to my BC Family, for all of your wonderful advise and support! I woke up today feeling much better, it was raining throughout the day, so I spent the day napping and watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, with my daughter. After I woke up from my many naps today, I had energy finally to play a bit of fetch with my dog, so that made me even more happy :)

    I think one of the meds that really kicked the life out of me these last few days was the Dexamethasone (Steroid). Today was the first day that I didn't have to take it, and my body felt much better! And my appetite was really good today, maybe a little too good, almost emptied the fridge :)

    It definitely is starting to feel like the good days are coming :)
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631

    Much Better Day!
    Thank you to my BC Family, for all of your wonderful advise and support! I woke up today feeling much better, it was raining throughout the day, so I spent the day napping and watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, with my daughter. After I woke up from my many naps today, I had energy finally to play a bit of fetch with my dog, so that made me even more happy :)

    I think one of the meds that really kicked the life out of me these last few days was the Dexamethasone (Steroid). Today was the first day that I didn't have to take it, and my body felt much better! And my appetite was really good today, maybe a little too good, almost emptied the fridge :)

    It definitely is starting to feel like the good days are coming :)

    My oncologist
    said I'll be taking Dexa too. Glad to hear you're feeling better!
  • MOrtiz0810
    MOrtiz0810 Member Posts: 41
    cahjah75 said:

    Hope you're feeling better
    I start chemo August 10 and will have the Neulasta shot the next day. Thanks for the info ladies. I plan on asking about the burn????? The Neulasta shot is for building white blood cells for whoever asked. I had 11 surgeries in 2 1/2 years and experienced anemia and had 2 blood transfusions so my oncologist didn't hesitate to tell me I was having the Neulasta shot. I'm going to have TC - Taxotere and Cyclophasamide (sp?). Is this different than Taxotere & Cytoxen?

    Hi Char,

    Oh, no! You start Chemo on my Birthday!

    My Oncologist basically told me that I was getting the Neulasta shot also, with really not specifying whether it was an option. But I'm glad I got it, I really have not felt any body aches from the shot, it was just that initial reaction to the injection that I was worried about because of the burning.

    My Combo is 4 rounds of Adriamycin and Cytoxan, and then the last 4 rounds are Taxol. I just hope the Taxol is the easiest part!

    Wishing you all the best with your treatment coming up soon !
  • MOrtiz0810
    MOrtiz0810 Member Posts: 41

    My First Chemo is Aug 2 nd
    How are you today...What is a Leunasta shot for...You are in my prayers...YOU CAN NOW SAY ONE DOWN...My Med Onc called some meds in for nausea already...What are you taking...

    1 down 7 to go!
    Thank you for the prayers! I was prescribed the Emend during the first few days after chemo, which my Onc told me was a must to take for those few days, and a Generic Med called Ondansetron, which I'm only suppose to take if I am feeling an upset stomach, but I've been doing good so far :)

    The other minor side effect that I'm not too thrilled about is the dry mouth! But I've been drinking a lot of water and rinsing my mouth with that Biotene rinse that the BC family told me about :)

    I will be praying for your speedy recovery!
  • Hubby
    Hubby Member Posts: 325
    ACT - Same as Donna
    You are on the same chemo as my wife; she had her third AC last Thursday, and pretty much had a good week all of last week; from Sunday - Saturday (started crashing). It will get better before the next round!!! Hang in there. Focus on getting through these 4 AC rounds.

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    cahjah75 said:

    Hope you're feeling better
    I start chemo August 10 and will have the Neulasta shot the next day. Thanks for the info ladies. I plan on asking about the burn????? The Neulasta shot is for building white blood cells for whoever asked. I had 11 surgeries in 2 1/2 years and experienced anemia and had 2 blood transfusions so my oncologist didn't hesitate to tell me I was having the Neulasta shot. I'm going to have TC - Taxotere and Cyclophasamide (sp?). Is this different than Taxotere & Cytoxen?

    Hey cahjah75
    Char, Cytoxan is the trade name for cyclophosphamide. That's what I'm taking. 4 treatments. I've already had 2, so half way done! Hugs, Jean