Stupid Seroma!

missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am 7 months post lumpectomy and axillary node dissection, ended 6 chemo treatments on May 9 and now half way into radiation therapy (Stage 3 IDC, 10+ lymphs). I still have some swelling and pain in the breast as well as along the ribs (trunk). However, the main problem is this crazy seroma--it's larger than a golf ball and hurts. I'm going to a great PT who specializes in post-op lymphedema therapy for breast cancer patients and we are working on the swelling and pain. However, the surgeon doesn't want to drain the seroma at this point--he wants to avoid the chance of infection. He said as long as I'm fairly comfortable, let's wait it out. He said the body can reabsorb it in time. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this happen and what was done. If nothing--how long did it take to reabsorb and is there anything I can do to help it? I need some reassurance please.

Oh, sisters, the fun never ends!
Thank you.


  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Nobody Out There With Seroma Help?
    Am I the only one?!
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    missrenee said:

    Nobody Out There With Seroma Help?
    Am I the only one?!

    Sorry, missrenee, I don't know what that is. It sounds uncomfortable, so I hope you get relief quickly. Hugs. Gracie
  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    What is seroma? I also had a lumpectomy 4 months ago and now have some hard scar tissue form while I was radiating. But I dont have any swelling going on. I do feel like I can't fully stretch my arm up, its stiff. Yes, the fun keeps on going.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    laurissa said:

    What is seroma? I also had a lumpectomy 4 months ago and now have some hard scar tissue form while I was radiating. But I dont have any swelling going on. I do feel like I can't fully stretch my arm up, its stiff. Yes, the fun keeps on going.

    I should have explained more fully
    A seroma is a fluid-filled mass. The rad. onc. said when you have a lumpectomy with a considerable amount of tissue removed, a pocket forms. This pocket can then fill with fluid which sort of hardens a little. Apparently, they can be reabsorbed naturally, but mine feels so big--I'm wondering. Since I'm in the middle of rads right now, I don't know if this will get worse or bigger :( Hope not! So far, the surgeon, rad. onc. and regular onc. don't seem too concerned so maybe I'm just bein' a big baby!

    Hugs, Renee
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    laurissa said:

    What is seroma? I also had a lumpectomy 4 months ago and now have some hard scar tissue form while I was radiating. But I dont have any swelling going on. I do feel like I can't fully stretch my arm up, its stiff. Yes, the fun keeps on going.

    term .. seroma, so maybe I am suffering or NOT suffering from it. ...I have full range movement and motion in both arms .. 1 week after bi-lateral mactectomy.

    Note to all: this is the FIRST and ONLY thing that has gone right in my journey of breast cancer and chemo cocktails...

    Vicki Sam
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    VickiSam said:

    term .. seroma, so maybe I am suffering or NOT suffering from it. ...I have full range movement and motion in both arms .. 1 week after bi-lateral mactectomy.

    Note to all: this is the FIRST and ONLY thing that has gone right in my journey of breast cancer and chemo cocktails...

    Vicki Sam

    So glad things are finally going right for you at last! I don't think you would be suffering from this--from what I understand it can develop from a lumpectomy since they are removing tissue but the breast remains. I guess something tries to occupy that vacant space. Oh well, this too shall pass!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    missrenee said:

    So glad things are finally going right for you at last! I don't think you would be suffering from this--from what I understand it can develop from a lumpectomy since they are removing tissue but the breast remains. I guess something tries to occupy that vacant space. Oh well, this too shall pass!

    OHHHHH.. makes sense .. lumpectomy removes tissue,
    fluid .. etc so there is a void area .. Makes sense. Does it feel werid, can you hear or feel the voided area - empty vacant space ..

    I know myself .. I would be pressing and pushing that area, every chance I had.

    Thank you for explanation .. We learn something new everyday ..

    Vicki Sam
  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    VickiSam said:

    OHHHHH.. makes sense .. lumpectomy removes tissue,
    fluid .. etc so there is a void area .. Makes sense. Does it feel werid, can you hear or feel the voided area - empty vacant space ..

    I know myself .. I would be pressing and pushing that area, every chance I had.

    Thank you for explanation .. We learn something new everyday ..

    Vicki Sam

    don't if it's help, but...
    I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy beginning of March and everything was great, healing fast fast fast, back to work, walking, everything. Then I got a seroma under my arm. Didn't hurt, exactly, just uncomfortable. Went to surgeon, she drained it, reassured me it was normal, blah blah blah. It filled back up. Had it drained. Happened again, this next time, though, she said it was now a hematoma (filled with blood instead of clear fluid) and put me on antibiotics. It kinda went away on its own after that.

    I'll tell you, though, the first time it showed up, it bothered me and that was the ONLY time I cried. It was just so darn annoying. I never cried about diagnosis or anything after, but that one day got to me.

    Best of luck with your situation.

  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    aisling8 said:

    don't if it's help, but...
    I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy beginning of March and everything was great, healing fast fast fast, back to work, walking, everything. Then I got a seroma under my arm. Didn't hurt, exactly, just uncomfortable. Went to surgeon, she drained it, reassured me it was normal, blah blah blah. It filled back up. Had it drained. Happened again, this next time, though, she said it was now a hematoma (filled with blood instead of clear fluid) and put me on antibiotics. It kinda went away on its own after that.

    I'll tell you, though, the first time it showed up, it bothered me and that was the ONLY time I cried. It was just so darn annoying. I never cried about diagnosis or anything after, but that one day got to me.

    Best of luck with your situation.


    I had seroma reacumulate
    I had seroma reacumulate several times. did not happen 7 months out though. It goes along with the drains thread. the fluid that the drains remove, are the seroma and when they come out, fluid can fill the space and sometimes you need to be drained. It occurred with mastectomy for me. I had a n ace bandage around my chest and it helped. and limited movement, no twisting, reaching high. it did resolve.sometimes it reabsorbs and sometimes it needs to be aspirated.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I have seroma
    Renee, I have seroma under both arms. I had bilateral mastectomies June 22 so I'm only 3 1/2 weeks post op. My oncology surgeon also removed the sentinel nodes and a few others. He removed the drains at my 1 week post op. When I took my first shower though is when I saw the large pockets of skin about 2" below each armpit above where the drains had been. I called my drs office and spoke with the nurse. She said I could either come in to have the seromas drained or eventually the body would absorb the seromas. I certainly hope mine don't last as long as yours have. I see my oncology surgeon again July 27 and I plan on asking about the seromas. Good luck to you, Char
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member

    Sorry, missrenee, I don't know what that is. It sounds uncomfortable, so I hope you get relief quickly. Hugs. Gracie

    I didn't have this either
    I didn't have this either missrenee. Praying you get some help and it is gone soon.

    Sue :)
  • macbill
    macbill Member Posts: 2
    Hi Renee,

    How is your seroma?

    I am 11 months post lumpectomy and radiotherapy for breast cancer and have deveoped a seroma in my breast just 1 month ago. My doctor reassured me that it would probably go away and he did not want to drain it. It has continued to grow however, and I now have fluid leaking out of my nipple!

    I'm really interested to know how your seroma has progressed - hopefully it has gone away, or has it gotten worse?

    Like you said in your post, "I need some reassurance please."

    Kind regards,

  • rrogers34
    rrogers34 Member Posts: 135
    I have one
    I have one too. Mine showed up after a couple of weeks after my lumpectomy. Which was Dec 2009 after I held a newborn on my chest and when I went to bed I had this huge indent on the lower in side of my affected breast. All of my Drs say the same thing, they can drain it, but it will come back. I have an appointment next week with my Surgeon because it can get painful. I have had an ultrasound and my first post treatment Mammo and everything was fine. It's annoying. I will let you know what this dr says. It might be annoying, but I am so happy to be here to be annoyed.... LOL.... after last year 2 surgeries, Chemo, herc for a year, radiation.... just glad to be here... LOL!!
  • macbill
    macbill Member Posts: 2
    rrogers34 said:

    I have one
    I have one too. Mine showed up after a couple of weeks after my lumpectomy. Which was Dec 2009 after I held a newborn on my chest and when I went to bed I had this huge indent on the lower in side of my affected breast. All of my Drs say the same thing, they can drain it, but it will come back. I have an appointment next week with my Surgeon because it can get painful. I have had an ultrasound and my first post treatment Mammo and everything was fine. It's annoying. I will let you know what this dr says. It might be annoying, but I am so happy to be here to be annoyed.... LOL.... after last year 2 surgeries, Chemo, herc for a year, radiation.... just glad to be here... LOL!!

    Thanks rrogers.

    I am seeing my Dr early Feb so will have a chat with him about draining it them - worth a try!

    Hope you are feeling well now. 2011 will be a better year for all of us I'm sure.

    Take care,

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    missrenee said:

    I should have explained more fully
    A seroma is a fluid-filled mass. The rad. onc. said when you have a lumpectomy with a considerable amount of tissue removed, a pocket forms. This pocket can then fill with fluid which sort of hardens a little. Apparently, they can be reabsorbed naturally, but mine feels so big--I'm wondering. Since I'm in the middle of rads right now, I don't know if this will get worse or bigger :( Hope not! So far, the surgeon, rad. onc. and regular onc. don't seem too concerned so maybe I'm just bein' a big baby!

    Hugs, Renee

    No, I don't have this, but,
    No, I don't have this, but, hope you get some relief from it.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    sorry you are going through
    sorry you are going through this
  • JaneAM68
    JaneAM68 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2021 #18
    Seroma - yikes!

    Hi - On 2/5/21 I had a unilateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery (silicone implant) and the removal of 3 lymph nodes.  Pathology reports back and all good  - no cancer in lymph nodes and clear margins.  But -  6 days after surgery a baseball size seroma grew in the front of my underarm area.   Had it drained one week after the surgery; it reappeared within 2 days.  Now what?  It is annoying, becomes painful by evening.    Any advice?

  • Missesmm
    Missesmm Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2021 #19
    Seromas Suck!

    Four weeks after my last chemo, I had a lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes removed (1/26/21).  Within a few days, I was in SEVERE pain!! I could tell I had nerve damage under my arm, down my arm to my elbow, and around my back (shoulder blade area).  The pain pills did not help and I have a high pain tolerance. A week after surgery, the surgeon called to tell me all pathology reports came back - negative for cancer.  Praise God!!

    I told him about being in extreme pain and he said that nerve damage is common after this type surgery and would likely go away.  I did notice my arm getting better, but my underarm burned and felt like I was squeezing a nerf ball between my side and arm.  Then the pain came back with a vengeance! Two weeks post-surgery, I had my follow-up with my surgeon.  As soon as he heard how much pain I was still in and that it actually seemed to be getting worse, he said that he knew exactly what it was.  He pulled out the ultrasound machine and confirmed I had a dark pocket under my arm.  Then he got a syringe, stuck it in the surgery site and filled the syringe 8 times. It was yellow serous fluid that he pulled out. In addition to what he pulled out, quite a bit more of it ran down my back. My husband watched and almost threw up.  I was still numb and didn't feel it, but it grossed me out.  I had IMMEDIATE relief!  The surgeon sent me home and told me to keep pressure on the area as much as possible, ice it regularly, and eat lots of egg whites because the albumin would help in healing. That night, I could feel it already filling back up while I lay in bed.  I had a 2nd follow-up a week later and a repeat...a little less fluid was pulled out this time.  I had followed his instructions about pressure, icing, and egg whites.  He sent me home and told me to continue.  Same thing again - I could feel the space under my arm filing up with fluid.  Onenight I slept with my arm over my head because it provided me some relief and it actually gave the fluid more room to fill. The space under my arm got harder and harder, bigger and bigger.  So uncomfortable and I was not sleeping.  I called the surgeon's office for a 3rd follow-up.  When I went in I told him how bad this was stressing me out.  I had completed chemotherapy prior to surgery and need to start Radiation therapy within 10 weeks.  I was at 9 weeks post-chemo this past Monday (5 weeks post-surgery).  He said that he wanted to put a drain in this time.  We "popped right over" to Day Surgery (unscheduled and the Day Surgery team was less than thrilled) and I was prepped for him to numb me and then cut open my scar from the lymph node removal...I was not anesthetized. He could not get into the pocket under my arm, even using all of his might.  He tried 3 times.  He said "I thought there was fluid, but this is scar tissue." I told him that I was 100% sure there was fluid in there and that I was not going to spend the rest of my life with this "hard ball" under my arm that was causing me pain.  He tried one more time, doing everything but straddling the operating table.  The nurse and tech in the room were freaking out.  I was afraid that he was going to break the needle off in me or go thru the other side and it was nerve-wracking.  Then fluid came rushing out.  He put a drain in with a long line and a bulb that catches the fluid.  He put 2 stitches into my skin and around the drain line, to keep it attached to me. Then sealed the rest with surgical glue. I have had it for 4 days now and it sucks.  It gets clogged and you have to carefully unclog it.  The line is really long and I get it caught on door knobs and cabinet knobs and have to worry about yanking the line out of myself.  I am sleeping sitting up on the sofa every night so that I don't pull out the line or clog it.  2 days ago the line got clogged right where it is coming out of my underarm.  My husband helped me, but pinching the tube and rolling it to get rid of the clot, made the glue pull away on one side of the tube. For 24 hours the yellow serous fluid was draining into my shirt and bra.  Thank goodness I work from home.  I had to call the surgeon's office 3 times within 24 hours to see if I could get it fixed.  The 3rd time, the nurse told me just to slap a huge blob of neosporin on the leaky side and tape gauze over it.  That actually worked and it's draining properly again, but now I can't take a shower or bath.....I have to empty the contents a few times a day and measure the amount to see when it is slowing down enough to get the drain out.  For 2 days I couldn't tell because of the leak.  I just had a 24 hour collection tally and it is almost the same amount as 4 days ago when it was first put in...I am so frustrated and so stressed.  This really really sucks.  I thought surgery recovery was going to be the "easy" part of all of this.  By the way, it is impossible to keep pressure on your underarm...........just saying. I am now heading into 10 weeks post-chemo and cannot get scheduled for Radiation because of this.  I am praying the fluid production slows down drastically over the next few days. 

  • JaneAM68
    JaneAM68 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2021 #20
    Missesmm said:

    Seromas Suck!

    Four weeks after my last chemo, I had a lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes removed (1/26/21).  Within a few days, I was in SEVERE pain!! I could tell I had nerve damage under my arm, down my arm to my elbow, and around my back (shoulder blade area).  The pain pills did not help and I have a high pain tolerance. A week after surgery, the surgeon called to tell me all pathology reports came back - negative for cancer.  Praise God!!

    I told him about being in extreme pain and he said that nerve damage is common after this type surgery and would likely go away.  I did notice my arm getting better, but my underarm burned and felt like I was squeezing a nerf ball between my side and arm.  Then the pain came back with a vengeance! Two weeks post-surgery, I had my follow-up with my surgeon.  As soon as he heard how much pain I was still in and that it actually seemed to be getting worse, he said that he knew exactly what it was.  He pulled out the ultrasound machine and confirmed I had a dark pocket under my arm.  Then he got a syringe, stuck it in the surgery site and filled the syringe 8 times. It was yellow serous fluid that he pulled out. In addition to what he pulled out, quite a bit more of it ran down my back. My husband watched and almost threw up.  I was still numb and didn't feel it, but it grossed me out.  I had IMMEDIATE relief!  The surgeon sent me home and told me to keep pressure on the area as much as possible, ice it regularly, and eat lots of egg whites because the albumin would help in healing. That night, I could feel it already filling back up while I lay in bed.  I had a 2nd follow-up a week later and a repeat...a little less fluid was pulled out this time.  I had followed his instructions about pressure, icing, and egg whites.  He sent me home and told me to continue.  Same thing again - I could feel the space under my arm filing up with fluid.  Onenight I slept with my arm over my head because it provided me some relief and it actually gave the fluid more room to fill. The space under my arm got harder and harder, bigger and bigger.  So uncomfortable and I was not sleeping.  I called the surgeon's office for a 3rd follow-up.  When I went in I told him how bad this was stressing me out.  I had completed chemotherapy prior to surgery and need to start Radiation therapy within 10 weeks.  I was at 9 weeks post-chemo this past Monday (5 weeks post-surgery).  He said that he wanted to put a drain in this time.  We "popped right over" to Day Surgery (unscheduled and the Day Surgery team was less than thrilled) and I was prepped for him to numb me and then cut open my scar from the lymph node removal...I was not anesthetized. He could not get into the pocket under my arm, even using all of his might.  He tried 3 times.  He said "I thought there was fluid, but this is scar tissue." I told him that I was 100% sure there was fluid in there and that I was not going to spend the rest of my life with this "hard ball" under my arm that was causing me pain.  He tried one more time, doing everything but straddling the operating table.  The nurse and tech in the room were freaking out.  I was afraid that he was going to break the needle off in me or go thru the other side and it was nerve-wracking.  Then fluid came rushing out.  He put a drain in with a long line and a bulb that catches the fluid.  He put 2 stitches into my skin and around the drain line, to keep it attached to me. Then sealed the rest with surgical glue. I have had it for 4 days now and it sucks.  It gets clogged and you have to carefully unclog it.  The line is really long and I get it caught on door knobs and cabinet knobs and have to worry about yanking the line out of myself.  I am sleeping sitting up on the sofa every night so that I don't pull out the line or clog it.  2 days ago the line got clogged right where it is coming out of my underarm.  My husband helped me, but pinching the tube and rolling it to get rid of the clot, made the glue pull away on one side of the tube. For 24 hours the yellow serous fluid was draining into my shirt and bra.  Thank goodness I work from home.  I had to call the surgeon's office 3 times within 24 hours to see if I could get it fixed.  The 3rd time, the nurse told me just to slap a huge blob of neosporin on the leaky side and tape gauze over it.  That actually worked and it's draining properly again, but now I can't take a shower or bath.....I have to empty the contents a few times a day and measure the amount to see when it is slowing down enough to get the drain out.  For 2 days I couldn't tell because of the leak.  I just had a 24 hour collection tally and it is almost the same amount as 4 days ago when it was first put in...I am so frustrated and so stressed.  This really really sucks.  I thought surgery recovery was going to be the "easy" part of all of this.  By the way, it is impossible to keep pressure on your underarm...........just saying. I am now heading into 10 weeks post-chemo and cannot get scheduled for Radiation because of this.  I am praying the fluid production slows down drastically over the next few days. 

    Seromas suck

    Wow - that is one amazing seroma story.  I am so sorry!    Mine appeared on 2/12/21 - one week post mastectomy surgery.  All of a sudden - a baseball grew under my arm.  I have had it drained 3 times now.  I have to say that after the 3rd draining, it has come back, but it is starting to get a tiny bit smaller each day.  My doc says it will eventually absorb - may take weeks or months.     I also had a drain in after my mastectomy (not related to the seroma).  I had it for 25 days - I know what you mean about how annoying it is, how the tube gets caught on things, how you can't sleep comfortably.  I had it out 5 days ago and the hole where the tube went in is stil draining a bit - have to change the bandages twice a day.  But - I think the hole will be sealed off in another couple days.   One thing that helped me slow down the fluid production was when one of the docs told me to stop moving so much.  I thought I was supposed to keep moving my arms to keep them from stiffening up.  I did stop moving - only use my arms for typing and no carrying and no exercise -and the fluid slowed down.      Good luck to you!    Jane

  • gmamac
    gmamac Member Posts: 19 Member

    Hello, my name is Gayle. I had a seroma the size of a fat cigar after my mastectomy. I remember it was worrying and uncomfortable, but my oncologist assured me it was benign, after a biopsy, and that my body would absorb it. This was just what happened after about 6 or b7 months. Good luck