Just Checking in

Anj_and_Rob Member Posts: 29
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
It's been awhile since i've posted but I try to read often. Robert has finished his chemo and radiation as of May 20th. He actually did great, lost about 30 lbs during the whole course of things and in the last couple of weeks gained about 5lbs and is eating like a horse! And i've been cooking up a storm when we are home all his favorite foods as he is scared he won't be able to eat like this anymore. So for the past month we have been living life to the fullest and cramming alot of things we wanted to do over the summer into just a few short weeks. Trying to have some fun with our daughter, who we feel bad that her whole summer vacation will mostly consist of her daddy recooperating. She has been a real trooper though! Robert has been feeling pretty good aside from getting a little worn out quicker but we've been on the go taking short vacations, day trips, visiting family out of state, and we still go a couple of more places we plan on going this coming week. It's been a whirlwind....but it's the best thing to do LIVE LIFE! I try very hard not to think of what may come because I want to enjoy today, so that's how we have been living.

Surgery is scheduled for June 30th at University of Michigan, we are very confident in our surgeon Dr. Mark Orringer. We are looking forward to getting the surgery done and behind us in the cancer battle. Surgeon keeps telling us to ignore the statistics because chemo is so much better these days and he seems pretty optimistic. So i'm trying to stay that way also. Only thing Robert is afraid of out of this whole major surgery is the Epidural because he hates needles!!! He is afraid he might scream like a girl lol!

Hope everyone else is doing well also and has a great summer. We will keep you updated :)

Anjanette & Robert


  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    Anjanette & Robert
    sounds like you guys are grabbing life by the pony tail! You are right to enjoy ever moment-because it is a challenge even with out this esophageal cancer thing to deal with!
    We all wish you the best on the 30th--stay hydrated, exercise as tolerated, get good nutrition (protein!).

    WHat is your stage & what kind of surgery are you having?
  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Glad you're enjoying life
    Husband completed the chemoradiation, recuperated, and had his surgery. He's about two months post op. This site has really helped me understand and cope. Each person responds to the surgery in an individual way. My husband, 70, has done well although he's had his ups and downs. But every day he is stronger and eating better. The jtube as pesky as it can be was his best friend and helped his strength return. It's now gone. Just learning how to eat the right amount is hard for him. He is now enjoying everything. He hadn't had fresh vegetables in so long that he actually declared a salad (which he used to just tolerate) as delicious. Steak is his favorite. However, he is a large man 6'3" and had an appetite to match. So, portion control and masticating adequately are a challenge. Yes. There's been pain, soreness, strange aches, stomach upset, fatigue; however, his cancer is gone. Praise be! But as my husband's doctor says, This is not a surgery that you turn off a light and say it's all done. It takes time. He admonishes my husband to be patient. Continued full life to you and your family.
  • Tina Blondek
    Tina Blondek Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Dear Anj and Rob
    So glad to

    Dear Anj and Rob
    So glad to see your recent post! I have been thinking of you. Congratulations on being successful with the chemo and radiation treatments. Great to hear that you are living life to its fullest. I will be thinking of you and praying for you to have a successful surgery on the 30th. Keep us updated.