Moving to the next step!

nancyann3 Member Posts: 173 Member
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Hi everyone, its been awhile since I posted, but I read almost everyday. I have learned so much from all of you.

We seen hubby's onc. today and got the news that chemo is on hold and he will see the surgeon on the 14th. The surgeon wants a contrast CT. scan and then to see him to talk about if this is something he can do surgery on. We are excited about this and although it is scary for me to think of him having surgery, I know in EC cases this is a good thing.

For all of you that have had the surgery, what are things I can do to help prepare him for the surgery? I have him on the whey protien now and he is able to eat anything, so that is a plus. I just wonder if there is anything else I can do?

You know us caregivers, we always think we should be doing more for our sweeties.

Thanks so much


  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    a cargiver never stops caring....
    I do not know how to look up anyone's old posts---even though I have been told by William once---the "pro" on this site! So, I can not remember details of your hubby's case. But from what I know with my dad & uncle's care---the "big" things to before surgery include make sure they are hydrated, get as much good nutrition as possible and have been as active as possible to keep their heart, lung & muscle strength up. This may have to be guided by the Dr if there are limitations---but helps in overall tissue health & healing post surgery. Also---staying positive, realistic and HOPE-ful---it goes a long way---it seems that you are already doing these things---but just wanted to to share. prayers for the best-est of results!