Has anyone tried nioxin or bosley hair products to help grow hair

Balentine Member Posts: 393
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I was curious if anyone has used nioxin or bosley products to help grow hair back? Mine is coming in like peach fuzz and very sparse. I also saw someone post that it is best to shave it again a few times when you start getting peach fuzz and that it will start growing back in thicker. Would appreciate your feedback if you have tried any of these.
Lorrie Balentine


  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    I want to know too
    I almost bought rogaine but didn't. There's got to be something to speed up the growth. I didn't shave my hair again. I'm wigless for the last 3 weeks. I noticed my scalp is itching alot the last few days. I'm wondering if its new hair growth coming in?
  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member
    I have used both to help
    I have used both to help stop hair loss and regrow what had already fallen out... I think they are both good products... if I had to choose between the two I would pick the Bosley over Nioxin but again they both helped...

  • GrandmaJ
    GrandmaJ Member Posts: 209
    Hair products
    I used Nioxin and it has seemed to help. Hair is coming in thicker, but still very slowly.

  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    GrandmaJ said:

    Hair products
    I used Nioxin and it has seemed to help. Hair is coming in thicker, but still very slowly.


    I have used Nioxin for several years prior
    to chemo. I was getting a little thin on top in the front. It's a 3 step process. It worked pretty well. My hairdresser than started a new product last summer but I was getting ready for chemo so I just started using it 2 weeks ago. It's called ENJOY. Like Nioxin it's the shampoo, conditioner and then a foam stimulor which I use on my top which is slower coming in. My hairdresser said she has had good hair growth from customers so I am excited. I have seen some new growth already. I could go without a head cover in public excpet for my top. I never wear a cover anymore at home (actually never did at home unless someone came over) or with friends. Don't want a shiny scalp in public tho.

    I'm getting my rat gray hair colored in a couple of weeks....I can hardly wait. And I am also getting some curls as it gets a little longer.

    The Enjoy stimulator doesn't feel as burny-tingly as the Nioxin follicle booster did.

    Hugs, Judy :-)
  • lvega
    lvega Member Posts: 2
    hello ladies
    i have been a hair stylist for the past 7 years. Most of my clients are cancer servivors and some are still fighting. A year ago i lost 50% of my hair so I started using the bosley product. I love it and recomend it to all my clients. Unfortunatley i do not know much about the nioxin personaly however I have several clients and fellow clients that love it. I recently purchased the nioxin and am excited to try it and compare the two. Another thing i suggest Biotin...this is a skin, hair, and nail vitamin...almonds are great for hair growth also....hope this helps
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    lvega said:

    hello ladies
    i have been a hair stylist for the past 7 years. Most of my clients are cancer servivors and some are still fighting. A year ago i lost 50% of my hair so I started using the bosley product. I love it and recomend it to all my clients. Unfortunatley i do not know much about the nioxin personaly however I have several clients and fellow clients that love it. I recently purchased the nioxin and am excited to try it and compare the two. Another thing i suggest Biotin...this is a skin, hair, and nail vitamin...almonds are great for hair growth also....hope this helps

    I take Biotin supplements
    I take Biotin supplements along with prenatal multivitamins (have taken them for years). I looked into the rogaine type hair regrowth stuff but alot of the reviews i read made it seem like once you started using it, you had to keep on using it or it would cause hair loss. I do use a shampoo designed to make your hair thicker & healthier, alot of women i've talked to who have had chemo hair loss swear by Mane n Tail shampoo & conditioner. My hair regrowth started out a little slow, but about a month after my last chemo it really took off. My expressions pic was taken Christmas Eve, and it's already longer & thicker than that even.
  • lvega
    lvega Member Posts: 2

    I take Biotin supplements
    I take Biotin supplements along with prenatal multivitamins (have taken them for years). I looked into the rogaine type hair regrowth stuff but alot of the reviews i read made it seem like once you started using it, you had to keep on using it or it would cause hair loss. I do use a shampoo designed to make your hair thicker & healthier, alot of women i've talked to who have had chemo hair loss swear by Mane n Tail shampoo & conditioner. My hair regrowth started out a little slow, but about a month after my last chemo it really took off. My expressions pic was taken Christmas Eve, and it's already longer & thicker than that even.

    Sadly that is true about rogaine. Although it works once you start it you have to continue it because once you stop usage the hair that grew in will fall out along with that was previously there. Im happy you did research b4 you decided to try it. Mane n Tail is a good product and its very mild. The key in a hair growth shampoo and conditioner is one that removes the DHT from the scalp.
  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    lvega said:

    Sadly that is true about rogaine. Although it works once you start it you have to continue it because once you stop usage the hair that grew in will fall out along with that was previously there. Im happy you did research b4 you decided to try it. Mane n Tail is a good product and its very mild. The key in a hair growth shampoo and conditioner is one that removes the DHT from the scalp.

    thank you :)
    Ivega -thank you for posting this about rogaine. May be helpful for some others who are thinking about using it. That stuff certainly isn't cheap to have to keep on using it!