My dad has lung cancer...

chyrenay Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
The doctors told my mom and I, 3 to 4 months ago, that my dad had lung cancer and that it was malignant. He was suppose to have surgery tomorrow, but for some reason the (VA) hospital canceled it. It scares me to think about how bad it could be. I'm younger and I was told that no one under 18 can be in his room before or after surgery, and I think that isn't right. My dad is older and I know everyone's time will be up some time, I just don't want his to be any time soon. I atleast want him to see me graduate...


  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member
    the gift of days
    Many hospitals changed their policies regarding visitation for minors (people under 18 years of age) as a result of the so-called flu pandemic (a pandemic I'm not sure actually existed). This was done to provide as much protection as possible for patients, particularly those of high-risk profile -- and lung surgery patients certainly qualify.

    As for dad's time remaining, a lung cancer diagnosis does not always mean a pending death sentence. I was diagnosed with head/neck cancer in 2005, then with lung cancer in 2007, and am NED (No Evidence of Disease) today. There are others who visit this board who can say something similar.

    That is not to say that dad is in for a nice sunny walk in the park. It IS a struggle and the end result is usually, regrettably, not good. But there are ways to increase both quantity and quality of life, via surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and other measures, and researchers are finding new avenues virtually every week, it seems. So there is hope.

    In the meantime, please use this experience as a wake-up call: we are all, all of us, mortal, including you, and it would behoove you to treat your time with dad as precious, to treat your every day, in fact, as a gift.

    Best wishes to dad and his family.

    Take care,

  • BryanC_
    BryanC_ Member Posts: 9
    Dad with Lung cancer
    Hi--I am a Dad with Lung cancer. I have two children ages 17 and 21. You sound like you might be a little younger. The best thing you can do for you Dad is give him encouragement and tell him to be positive. I believe that is just as important as the medicine and surgery. I have stage 4 lung cancer and have been fighting for two years now. My daughter will graduate college this spring and my son will graduate high school next year. I keep setting goals for myself. I am grateful for everyday I have with my children. So go ahead with your normal activities, I bet that is what your Dad would want and with positive thinking, prayer and Drs your Dad will be there for you. None of us know for how long but treasure each day you have. I hope this helps coming from a Dad who is fighting cancer like your Dad is. I will keep you in my prayers.