Enlarged Spleen

Holdtight Member Posts: 151
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi! Received my after Chemo PET results. I have no evidence of cancer around my colon incision which was good news. There is some haze in my liver that the surgeon wants to watch by another scan in three months instead of 6 mos. So only time will tell taking it day by day. However, my real concern right now is the report also reads that my spleen is showing some enlargment compared to the last scan. Has anyone ever had this and is it something I should be concerned about. My platlets did drop alot during the chemo and I'm hoping this might have something to do with it and it will shrink once my platlets come back up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    Hi Holdtight,
    I don't have

    Hi Holdtight,

    I don't have any experience with enlarged spleen, but I wanted to let you know I am thinking about you. I am glad you got some good news + hopefully lots more to come. Did you ask your doctor about the enlarged spleen?
  • C Dixon
    C Dixon Member Posts: 201
    Enlarged Spleen
    I remember reading this in some of my reports but it has not been an issue and I heard nothing about it after surgery where they poked all around and looked at all my organs. It may just be due to chemo.

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Just Keep Eyeballin' It
    Hi H

    My spleen was enlarged and may still be to some degree, I've lost track. My platelet counts took a permanent beating from the Oxy. Even 18 months post-chemo, they are only about 100,000.

    Just keep asking questions and keep checking it with your scans - that's the only answer that I can offer. They tried to remove mine, but I told 'em, "keep it in."

    We need to hang onto the spleen unless it is medically necessary to remove it - it does alot of good cleansing and filtering and gets rid out of bad and dead red blood cells.

  • Holdtight
    Holdtight Member Posts: 151
    Sundanceh said:

    Just Keep Eyeballin' It
    Hi H

    My spleen was enlarged and may still be to some degree, I've lost track. My platelet counts took a permanent beating from the Oxy. Even 18 months post-chemo, they are only about 100,000.

    Just keep asking questions and keep checking it with your scans - that's the only answer that I can offer. They tried to remove mine, but I told 'em, "keep it in."

    We need to hang onto the spleen unless it is medically necessary to remove it - it does alot of good cleansing and filtering and gets rid out of bad and dead red blood cells.


    Thanks again you are always so informative and helpful God Bless. I have heard platlets can remain low for awhile after Chemo and does have an affect on the Spleen. The positive thing is I don't have pain on that side so I don't feel there will be a need to have it removed not yet anyway hopefully never. It is helpful to have especially with cancer. I hope your feeling well these days. Have a good day! Talk to you later! Hugs.