Don't look, Marley

MichaelaMarie Member Posts: 163
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello everyone,

Marley wouldn't like this post because it will probably come across as negative, I suppose. But, I do need any encouragement possible from you wonderful ladies. I got "good news" just over a week ago that my marker had dropped almost in half after one treatment of my new drug. However, a tumor in my neck has grown so much that it is the size of an egg, and it is very hard. I'm thinking that the marker number was a fluke somehow (negative?). Our wonderful Bonnie did tell me that she has a friend (Stage 1V) that has had a huge tumor on her neck for around 4 years and is still plugging along which has been encouraging information and has helped so much. Any thoughts? I would so appreciate any suggestions, experiences, etc. Of course, my anxiety level is high. The news is getting better about Bonnie, and here's hoping that we soon get a very good report about Saundra's surgery!!! Didn't Saundra say that her husband would post an update? Prayers, love and hugs, MM


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    No worries that your post may 'seem negative', okay? We are all here to support eachother, lift up eachother, and be whatever the Good Lord enables us to be for eachother!

    I'm glad you've gotten some positive feedback from Bonnie. And I'm sure you will get more.

    Take care, MM. Hugs & Prayers!

  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member
    Love your topic title~
    It's been almost 24 hours since I read Marley's post; and I am still fuming.
    But I won't put any more wasted energy in to thinking about that~

    I'm sorry to hear of that lump on your neck. I haven't ever read of anyone having anything like that on this site, so I guess I don't have any advice or information for you;
    but I'm wondering if your doctor is going to do a biopsy? I hope it isn't painful for you.

    You'll be in my prayers,MM, along with Bonnie & Sandra and all of the other brave Teal Warriors.

    Hang in there~

    ~Susan xoxo
  • catcan
    catcan Member Posts: 119
    Hi MM
    Glad bonnie was so much help. I don't know about the tumor but I am hear for support. Please hang in there and stay positive will pray for you

  • MichaelaMarie
    MichaelaMarie Member Posts: 163
    catcan said:

    Hi MM
    Glad bonnie was so much help. I don't know about the tumor but I am hear for support. Please hang in there and stay positive will pray for you


    Must be ovca
    Thanks for the comments. I'm almost positive that the tumor is the ovarian cancer, so I would be very surprised if they biopsied it. My cancer had spread to the lymph glands at the time of diagnosis. There has been a small tumor there for all of these years, but has really taken off in the last three months, and especially in the last couple of weeks. It is very noticeable, roundish and hard, at least three inches long. It's just so emotionally upsetting to literally watch it grow. Without much knowledge, I keep wishing that they would consider radiating it, but I understand that usually isn't an option with most of our ovca situations. Also, I doubt that they would remove some of it surgically, right? Thanks again for the support!!!! Luv and hugs,MM
  • Susan523
    Susan523 Member Posts: 231 Member

    Must be ovca
    Thanks for the comments. I'm almost positive that the tumor is the ovarian cancer, so I would be very surprised if they biopsied it. My cancer had spread to the lymph glands at the time of diagnosis. There has been a small tumor there for all of these years, but has really taken off in the last three months, and especially in the last couple of weeks. It is very noticeable, roundish and hard, at least three inches long. It's just so emotionally upsetting to literally watch it grow. Without much knowledge, I keep wishing that they would consider radiating it, but I understand that usually isn't an option with most of our ovca situations. Also, I doubt that they would remove some of it surgically, right? Thanks again for the support!!!! Luv and hugs,MM

    I know....
    the waiting is the hardest part.

    Hang in there, MM.

  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Positive vibes coming your way
    The beginning bit is always the hardest to deal with because eveything is new and scary. Just hang in there and you feel much better whenyou have all the facts.


    Tina xxxx