Asparagus and Cancer
If asparagus could cure cancer, it would also be a useful preventative. I've eaten asparagus for years, and still do. I enjoy it, but it neither prevented my breast cancer nor has it cured it. Keep an open mind, but don't let your brains fall out.0 -
According to MSKCC - just a fad
I just watched a video from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center's Integrative Medicine unit on botancals, which indicated that the asparagus thing was an unproven fad. Fascinating (but long) video: -
Asparagus 'cure' for Cancerm_azingrace said:Asparagus
If asparagus could cure cancer, it would also be a useful preventative. I've eaten asparagus for years, and still do. I enjoy it, but it neither prevented my breast cancer nor has it cured it. Keep an open mind, but don't let your brains fall out.
I have lung cancer and was recenly diagnosed. I've been on the asparagus regimin for 2 weeks now and have noticed a progressive ease to my pain and coughing spasms, which have been violent and inconsistent. I've noticed the blood in the sputum is decreasing! I haven't as yet had a biopsy. I've read about the treatment and the name John D. Broome in Texas who did the study and had several patients with different types of cancer who had their cancers reversed! Because I've had difficulty finding something that WILL work, and haven't had the biopsy yet and haven't had much luck in being helped by the Patient Advocate at the American Center Society as well an equal lack of direction, I wanted to try homeopathic rather than destructive remedies! While waiting, I'm trying the asparagus therapy as well as the ABM mushrooms extract I've read about! I've also changed my diet to primarily fruits and veggies. The asparagus works with a 1/4 cup of cooked asparagus twice a more no less! As I've read, the chemical asparaginase is created (which is the chemical that works to destroy the cancer cells) only when cooking it. I used canned asparagus cuz I'm not a cook and don't enjoy cutting up and cooking anything! It's also cheaper! The ABM mushroom comes from Brazil and there is an extract I've also ordered, made in Colorado! The ABM mushroom is 3 times as potent with its polysaccarides/beta glutens that help bolster the immune system.0 -
How are you doing now with the treatment?crustyodb said:Asparagus 'cure' for Cancer
I have lung cancer and was recenly diagnosed. I've been on the asparagus regimin for 2 weeks now and have noticed a progressive ease to my pain and coughing spasms, which have been violent and inconsistent. I've noticed the blood in the sputum is decreasing! I haven't as yet had a biopsy. I've read about the treatment and the name John D. Broome in Texas who did the study and had several patients with different types of cancer who had their cancers reversed! Because I've had difficulty finding something that WILL work, and haven't had the biopsy yet and haven't had much luck in being helped by the Patient Advocate at the American Center Society as well an equal lack of direction, I wanted to try homeopathic rather than destructive remedies! While waiting, I'm trying the asparagus therapy as well as the ABM mushrooms extract I've read about! I've also changed my diet to primarily fruits and veggies. The asparagus works with a 1/4 cup of cooked asparagus twice a more no less! As I've read, the chemical asparaginase is created (which is the chemical that works to destroy the cancer cells) only when cooking it. I used canned asparagus cuz I'm not a cook and don't enjoy cutting up and cooking anything! It's also cheaper! The ABM mushroom comes from Brazil and there is an extract I've also ordered, made in Colorado! The ABM mushroom is 3 times as potent with its polysaccarides/beta glutens that help bolster the immune system.
I would consider doing it.0 -
Fads over the yearsabrub said:According to MSKCC - just a fad
I just watched a video from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center's Integrative Medicine unit on botancals, which indicated that the asparagus thing was an unproven fad. Fascinating (but long) video:
First off Sloan Kettering is a great cancer hospital so I would consider what they had to say about asparagus.
I remember when I was diagnosed over 22 years ago, the big thing was making and drinking Essiac tea. I ran out and got some but only used it for a short time and there were no great changes but who knows. We look for quick fixes but they can be harmful too so always pass these things by your doctors before consuming any fadish or new 'cure'. Sometimes there are some natural ingredients that can work against your treatments or make certain things worse even if they aren't harmful in themselves.
For instance if you are on blood thinners for any reason then Vit K is something you shouldn't be consuming in great quantities as it will affect the thinners. There could be all kinds of medicine interactions too with any kind of natural remedies making the medecine less effective or even harmful in some way.
So write down the things you are interested in and pass them by your doctors first before trying them. Also you have to understand that everyone is different as all cancers are different in how they will run with any one person so it makes sense that even if one thing works for someone (for whatever reason) it might not work with everyone.
Don't take ANYTHING that you haven't passed by your doctors first, take it from a long term survivor, not a good idea. If you can't get input from your doc when you need it oftentimes a pharmacist can help you too if you know all the drugs you are on including all the chemo drugs.
All the best. Bluerose0 -
Of course the doctors arebluerose said:Fads over the years
First off Sloan Kettering is a great cancer hospital so I would consider what they had to say about asparagus.
I remember when I was diagnosed over 22 years ago, the big thing was making and drinking Essiac tea. I ran out and got some but only used it for a short time and there were no great changes but who knows. We look for quick fixes but they can be harmful too so always pass these things by your doctors before consuming any fadish or new 'cure'. Sometimes there are some natural ingredients that can work against your treatments or make certain things worse even if they aren't harmful in themselves.
For instance if you are on blood thinners for any reason then Vit K is something you shouldn't be consuming in great quantities as it will affect the thinners. There could be all kinds of medicine interactions too with any kind of natural remedies making the medecine less effective or even harmful in some way.
So write down the things you are interested in and pass them by your doctors first before trying them. Also you have to understand that everyone is different as all cancers are different in how they will run with any one person so it makes sense that even if one thing works for someone (for whatever reason) it might not work with everyone.
Don't take ANYTHING that you haven't passed by your doctors first, take it from a long term survivor, not a good idea. If you can't get input from your doc when you need it oftentimes a pharmacist can help you too if you know all the drugs you are on including all the chemo drugs.
All the best. Bluerose
Of course the doctors are not going to tell you it'll work...they'd have to somehow make asparagus illegal just so they can prescribe it so they can make some money. I say to fight like hell & do what you can and try what you can to beat the Cancer! Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Although, the Asparagus treatment may not work, it won't hurt to try. It's what you believe!0 -
Fad!jkuehneman said:Of course the doctors are
Of course the doctors are not going to tell you it'll work...they'd have to somehow make asparagus illegal just so they can prescribe it so they can make some money. I say to fight like hell & do what you can and try what you can to beat the Cancer! Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Although, the Asparagus treatment may not work, it won't hurt to try. It's what you believe!
I remember a women next to me during chemo taking this regime for months. She was so assured it would help her beat the cancer. Before her last chemo she visited the doc and her tumor markers were way up....she was distraught to say the least.
Assumption...just old wives tale!! Try to follow The Anti-Cancer book, way of eating by Dr. Servan-Schreiber....suggest this way of living.
Jan0 -
Matthew 19:26jazzy1 said:Fad!
I remember a women next to me during chemo taking this regime for months. She was so assured it would help her beat the cancer. Before her last chemo she visited the doc and her tumor markers were way up....she was distraught to say the least.
Assumption...just old wives tale!! Try to follow The Anti-Cancer book, way of eating by Dr. Servan-Schreiber....suggest this way of living.
"All things are possible"... Keep this in mind, please.
If we don't try new things we'll never know what does or does not work. Every person and their case is different. Some people might not respond to certain treatment while others may. There is so much about the natural world and the plants/herbs that we don't know or yet understand. Also, keep in mind that we do not know who responds to the questions asked on these types of boards. Believe it or not, there are people who do not want you to get well. Keep in mind that health"care" is a BUSINESS. $$$$$ without sickness nobody makes money. Unfortunately, we live in a greedy world. Ever wonder why the FDA won't approve natural remedies?? Just some food for thought.. My "advice" to you is to keep your mind open to all new possibilities. God Bless you.0 -
Asparagus and Cancerholisticol said:Matthew 19:26
"All things are possible"... Keep this in mind, please.
If we don't try new things we'll never know what does or does not work. Every person and their case is different. Some people might not respond to certain treatment while others may. There is so much about the natural world and the plants/herbs that we don't know or yet understand. Also, keep in mind that we do not know who responds to the questions asked on these types of boards. Believe it or not, there are people who do not want you to get well. Keep in mind that health"care" is a BUSINESS. $$$$$ without sickness nobody makes money. Unfortunately, we live in a greedy world. Ever wonder why the FDA won't approve natural remedies?? Just some food for thought.. My "advice" to you is to keep your mind open to all new possibilities. God Bless you.
How weird! just today a friend sent me an email on this - blending full stem asparagus from a can and taking 4 tpsns morning and night. I don't know what to think. I like asparagus but will run it by my oncologist - I know what he'll say though. Can it hurt? not sure.
Cheryl0 -
lung cancer
my mom has lung cancer/parasites, the doctors dont recognise the parasites but look up dr johanna budwig protocal on cottage cheese and flax seed oil she says out of 1000 patients all of them had parasites in the blood. Well i started mom on a regimine of ip6 and inostiol that some one who's father had 4th stage lung cancer and now the tumor in the brain is gone the tumor in leg is gone and the tumor in the lung which was the size of a baseball is now the size of the pinky nail if interested i could give you the whole protocal. let me know0 -
Hey there, would love towndfort said:lung cancer
my mom has lung cancer/parasites, the doctors dont recognise the parasites but look up dr johanna budwig protocal on cottage cheese and flax seed oil she says out of 1000 patients all of them had parasites in the blood. Well i started mom on a regimine of ip6 and inostiol that some one who's father had 4th stage lung cancer and now the tumor in the brain is gone the tumor in leg is gone and the tumor in the lung which was the size of a baseball is now the size of the pinky nail if interested i could give you the whole protocal. let me know
Hey there, would love to know to go with all the stuff there using, my dad has just been told he has lung cancer about the size of a coin, would love to get him on something asap! Hope to here from you soon. It's also gone into the lymph area! So I wOuld love to make Make him well again.0 -
The budwig protocolSilver1 said:Hey there, would love to
Hey there, would love to know to go with all the stuff there using, my dad has just been told he has lung cancer about the size of a coin, would love to get him on something asap! Hope to here from you soon. It's also gone into the lymph area! So I wOuld love to make Make him well again.
the combination of flax seed creamed together with cottage cheese helps to deliver oxygen and protein to the tumor sites. It it said to have a very high rate of success for people even in stage 4. It is recommended to be taken twice daily, morning and nite. Pau d Arco tea is said to be very good for various cancers. It is very alkalizing. Your body Ph level is very important when treating cancer.0 -
Asparagus and Cancer
While I believe that God is the healer of all illness, I would like to say to everyone here inquiring or commenting on the asparagus cure for cancer. My father-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer in May or 2010 and given 6 months to live by one doctor. He asked me to find him another doctor which we did. The new doctor told him he did not believe the cancer was as bad as was first told to him, but wanted to do his own scans anyway. My father-in-law did the scan and when the doctor got the results back, he called him and told him to come back in that same week, that it was worse than he thought. He told my father-in-law that he was going to treat him with the chemo pill - he also told him that this pill would not CURE his cancer, but rather, put a shield around it to stop it from spreading thereby giving him a longer life span. He started on the pills at the end of June, by the end of July we thought the chemo was going to kill him. We decided that his quality of life would far out way whatever time he had left, so he stopped the chemo. In the meantime his sister had sent him an article about asparagus helping cure cancer. He had us get him some canned asparagus and he started taking this every day. In September he went back for another scan and then that same week went to see the doctor. When he looked at the new scan, comparing the first one with it - side by side - he couldn't believe what he was looking at!! The cancer was 97% gone! He had another scan and a doctor visit in December of 2010 and the cancer was 100% gone. He has been cancer free since that time. He was going every 3 months the first part of 2011 and then by June when he was still cancer free, they moved him to every 6 months. He went for his latest check up in November of 2011 and is still doing good. Please let me add that he was 83 years old when he was diagnosed. I don't know if it was all God's hand, a combination of chemo and asparagus and God or what it was, but I have to say that I am a believer. If you are looking at a grim outcome anyway, what can it hurt and if it truly cures, then that is a BIG plus.0 -
Asparagus and Cancer
While I believe that God is the healer of all illness, I would like to say to everyone here inquiring or commenting on the asparagus cure for cancer. My father-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer in May or 2010 and given 6 months to live by one doctor. He asked me to find him another doctor which we did. The new doctor told him he did not believe the cancer was as bad as was first told to him, but wanted to do his own scans anyway. My father-in-law did the scan and when the doctor got the results back, he called him and told him to come back in that same week, that it was worse than he thought. He told my father-in-law that he was going to treat him with the chemo pill - he also told him that this pill would not CURE his cancer, but rather, put a shield around it to stop it from spreading thereby giving him a longer life span. He started on the pills at the end of June, by the end of July we thought the chemo was going to kill him. We decided that his quality of life would far out way whatever time he had left, so he stopped the chemo. In the meantime his sister had sent him an article about asparagus helping cure cancer. He had us get him some canned asparagus and he started taking this every day. In September he went back for another scan and then that same week went to see the doctor. When he looked at the new scan, comparing the first one with it - side by side - he couldn't believe what he was looking at!! The cancer was 97% gone! He had another scan and a doctor visit in December of 2010 and the cancer was 100% gone. He has been cancer free since that time. He was going every 3 months the first part of 2011 and then by June when he was still cancer free, they moved him to every 6 months. He went for his latest check up in November of 2011 and is still doing good. Please let me add that he was 83 years old when he was diagnosed. I don't know if it was all God's hand, a combination of chemo and asparagus and God or what it was, but I have to say that I am a believer. If you are looking at a grim outcome anyway, what can it hurt and if it truly cures, then that is a BIG plus.0 -
Asparagus and Cancer
While I believe that God is the healer of all illness, I would like to say to everyone here inquiring or commenting on the asparagus cure for cancer. My father-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer in May or 2010 and given 6 months to live by one doctor. He asked me to find him another doctor which we did. The new doctor told him he did not believe the cancer was as bad as was first told to him, but wanted to do his own scans anyway. My father-in-law did the scan and when the doctor got the results back, he called him and told him to come back in that same week, that it was worse than he thought. He told my father-in-law that he was going to treat him with the chemo pill - he also told him that this pill would not CURE his cancer, but rather, put a shield around it to stop it from spreading thereby giving him a longer life span. He started on the pills at the end of June, by the end of July we thought the chemo was going to kill him. We decided that his quality of life would far out way whatever time he had left, so he stopped the chemo. In the meantime his sister had sent him an article about asparagus helping cure cancer. He had us get him some canned asparagus and he started taking this every day. In September he went back for another scan and then that same week went to see the doctor. When he looked at the new scan, comparing the first one with it - side by side - he couldn't believe what he was looking at!! The cancer was 97% gone! He had another scan and a doctor visit in December of 2010 and the cancer was 100% gone. He has been cancer free since that time. He was going every 3 months the first part of 2011 and then by June when he was still cancer free, they moved him to every 6 months. He went for his latest check up in November of 2011 and is still doing good. Please let me add that he was 83 years old when he was diagnosed. I don't know if it was all God's hand, a combination of chemo and asparagus and God or what it was, but I have to say that I am a believer. If you are looking at a grim outcome anyway, what can it hurt and if it truly cures, then that is a BIG plus.0 -
Asparagus as a treatmentSherry0704 said:Asparagus and Cancer
While I believe that God is the healer of all illness, I would like to say to everyone here inquiring or commenting on the asparagus cure for cancer. My father-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer in May or 2010 and given 6 months to live by one doctor. He asked me to find him another doctor which we did. The new doctor told him he did not believe the cancer was as bad as was first told to him, but wanted to do his own scans anyway. My father-in-law did the scan and when the doctor got the results back, he called him and told him to come back in that same week, that it was worse than he thought. He told my father-in-law that he was going to treat him with the chemo pill - he also told him that this pill would not CURE his cancer, but rather, put a shield around it to stop it from spreading thereby giving him a longer life span. He started on the pills at the end of June, by the end of July we thought the chemo was going to kill him. We decided that his quality of life would far out way whatever time he had left, so he stopped the chemo. In the meantime his sister had sent him an article about asparagus helping cure cancer. He had us get him some canned asparagus and he started taking this every day. In September he went back for another scan and then that same week went to see the doctor. When he looked at the new scan, comparing the first one with it - side by side - he couldn't believe what he was looking at!! The cancer was 97% gone! He had another scan and a doctor visit in December of 2010 and the cancer was 100% gone. He has been cancer free since that time. He was going every 3 months the first part of 2011 and then by June when he was still cancer free, they moved him to every 6 months. He went for his latest check up in November of 2011 and is still doing good. Please let me add that he was 83 years old when he was diagnosed. I don't know if it was all God's hand, a combination of chemo and asparagus and God or what it was, but I have to say that I am a believer. If you are looking at a grim outcome anyway, what can it hurt and if it truly cures, then that is a BIG plus.
My wife was diagnosed with Cervical cancer about 2 weeks ago. That was a shock. After the shock subsided some I started reading everything I could find on the internet and stumbled on to csn. About that time I received an email from out of the blue about Asparagus. I then found your post and immediately took a copy to my wife's doctor. He was basically non committal but added that he had seen articles in his medical journals saying that it could help. Then he added, "it can;t hurt". So, I went out and bought canned asparagus. I just pureed it, added a dash of salt and black pepper. My wife is taking 1/4 cup twice a day. My question is, "are we doing it right"? My wife is continuing with her other medications, but if this can give a little help then it's worth the effort. Also, would fresh asparagus be better and how should it be prepared?
Thanks0 -
dr johanna budwig protocal on cottage cheese and flax seed oilwndfort said:lung cancer
my mom has lung cancer/parasites, the doctors dont recognise the parasites but look up dr johanna budwig protocal on cottage cheese and flax seed oil she says out of 1000 patients all of them had parasites in the blood. Well i started mom on a regimine of ip6 and inostiol that some one who's father had 4th stage lung cancer and now the tumor in the brain is gone the tumor in leg is gone and the tumor in the lung which was the size of a baseball is now the size of the pinky nail if interested i could give you the whole protocal. let me know
Please send me the protocol. I amvery interested.0 -
Protocolwndfort said:lung cancer
my mom has lung cancer/parasites, the doctors dont recognise the parasites but look up dr johanna budwig protocal on cottage cheese and flax seed oil she says out of 1000 patients all of them had parasites in the blood. Well i started mom on a regimine of ip6 and inostiol that some one who's father had 4th stage lung cancer and now the tumor in the brain is gone the tumor in leg is gone and the tumor in the lung which was the size of a baseball is now the size of the pinky nail if interested i could give you the whole protocal. let me know
I do not have a cancerous tumor but I do have a brain tumor which was treated with radiation. Your posting caught my attention becuase you mention brain tumor is gone. I would love for mine to be gone. What do I need to take?0 -
What a great positive storySherry0704 said:Asparagus and Cancer
While I believe that God is the healer of all illness, I would like to say to everyone here inquiring or commenting on the asparagus cure for cancer. My father-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer in May or 2010 and given 6 months to live by one doctor. He asked me to find him another doctor which we did. The new doctor told him he did not believe the cancer was as bad as was first told to him, but wanted to do his own scans anyway. My father-in-law did the scan and when the doctor got the results back, he called him and told him to come back in that same week, that it was worse than he thought. He told my father-in-law that he was going to treat him with the chemo pill - he also told him that this pill would not CURE his cancer, but rather, put a shield around it to stop it from spreading thereby giving him a longer life span. He started on the pills at the end of June, by the end of July we thought the chemo was going to kill him. We decided that his quality of life would far out way whatever time he had left, so he stopped the chemo. In the meantime his sister had sent him an article about asparagus helping cure cancer. He had us get him some canned asparagus and he started taking this every day. In September he went back for another scan and then that same week went to see the doctor. When he looked at the new scan, comparing the first one with it - side by side - he couldn't believe what he was looking at!! The cancer was 97% gone! He had another scan and a doctor visit in December of 2010 and the cancer was 100% gone. He has been cancer free since that time. He was going every 3 months the first part of 2011 and then by June when he was still cancer free, they moved him to every 6 months. He went for his latest check up in November of 2011 and is still doing good. Please let me add that he was 83 years old when he was diagnosed. I don't know if it was all God's hand, a combination of chemo and asparagus and God or what it was, but I have to say that I am a believer. If you are looking at a grim outcome anyway, what can it hurt and if it truly cures, then that is a BIG plus.
I think it had a lot to do with belief and God has his hand on it also. Amen.0 -
asparagus preperationgryder1 said:Asparagus as a treatment
My wife was diagnosed with Cervical cancer about 2 weeks ago. That was a shock. After the shock subsided some I started reading everything I could find on the internet and stumbled on to csn. About that time I received an email from out of the blue about Asparagus. I then found your post and immediately took a copy to my wife's doctor. He was basically non committal but added that he had seen articles in his medical journals saying that it could help. Then he added, "it can;t hurt". So, I went out and bought canned asparagus. I just pureed it, added a dash of salt and black pepper. My wife is taking 1/4 cup twice a day. My question is, "are we doing it right"? My wife is continuing with her other medications, but if this can give a little help then it's worth the effort. Also, would fresh asparagus be better and how should it be prepared?
I read some where to cook the asparagus and then blend it to liquify to make a puree and then serve it. hope it helps0
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