
kdo29 Member Posts: 25
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My mom had a liver ressection in september.she went back for a scan a couple months later and there was a 1cm spot on her liver after surgery...they decided to do chemo for a couple months and see if the chemo is working.they had said that at the time of the surgery that it must have been to small...how big is 1cm...is it possible the chemo could take care of it? has anyone had a similar situation?please help...i am so trying to stay positive!


  • Jaylo969
    Jaylo969 Member Posts: 824 Member
    Hi kdo29
    I can only answer one of your questions. 1 cm = 0.393700 of an inch. I'm sure someone who knows more about liver mets will hop in here and answer the rest of your questions.

    Hoping all goes well with your Mom's treatment.

    Best wishes.

  • slamb58
    slamb58 Member Posts: 31
    Liver Resection
    I had a liver resection in Oct 2008 and at the time everything was good. CEA and scans. Eight months later I had a little something show up in liver and it turned into a met. A little under 2 cm they said. It was to close to a main bile duct, so I had a RFA (radio frequency ablation) done last week. All in all in was a lot easier than a full blown open surgery, but I know that a resection is the gold standard. My liver surgeon said this is the next best thing when surgery is not an option. I will now finish up my last three treatments and am praying and hoping that I can stay NED.
  • zenmonk
    zenmonk Member Posts: 198
    there is alot of hope
    Chemo alone wiped out a few of my liver tumors. I was inoperable and chemo killed or shrunk enough of the tumors to get a resection. So if the response to chemo is there it can kill it. After my liver resecction the surgeon mentioned that if they came back he could go back in and take them out again. That suprised me because I thought they had already taken so much of my liver the first time. Is it possible that your mon could be a candidate for a second surgery? Believe! Believe! Believe! It is so important to stay positive and its the hardest thing to do sometimes. I hope this encourages you and your mom to know that this can be beat it happens all the time.
  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member

    In a normal, healthy body, the healthy immune system manages to
    locate the errant cells and disposes those cells without us even
    knowing about it.

    When our immune system ignores the presence of the rogue cells,
    or is too weak to do it's job, the cells continue to grow by the
    fermentation process, uncontrolled, and eventually grow into tumor size..

    So, spots can come and go, daily, weekly, or without us knowing,
    and unless we get scans, etc that allow us to see every instance of it
    as it happens, we wouldn't be concerned.

    Scans are also taken at slightly different angles, due t the machinery
    involved, the way the machine is set up, and/or the technician's
    way of doing things. If the "slice" is at a different angle, the spot
    can render as being bigger or smaller, or not be seen at all.

    There is no absolutely fool-proof way with any form of medical
    practice, or diagnosis, and physicians all can only provide their
    opinion.... And that's all it is... an opinion.

    Don't worry until there's reason to worry.

  • Crow71
    Crow71 Member Posts: 679 Member
    Hey kdo29. You've lots of
    Hey kdo29. You've lots of reasons to be positive. The chemo might take it out and you've got surgery and procedures as options. You've got to stay positive and hopeful and spend as many happy moments with your mom as possible. Happiness is part of the process of kicking cancer's butt. Cancer hates happiness. Hang in there.
  • kdo29
    kdo29 Member Posts: 25
    slamb58 said:

    Liver Resection
    I had a liver resection in Oct 2008 and at the time everything was good. CEA and scans. Eight months later I had a little something show up in liver and it turned into a met. A little under 2 cm they said. It was to close to a main bile duct, so I had a RFA (radio frequency ablation) done last week. All in all in was a lot easier than a full blown open surgery, but I know that a resection is the gold standard. My liver surgeon said this is the next best thing when surgery is not an option. I will now finish up my last three treatments and am praying and hoping that I can stay NED.

    does RFA involve?

    does RFA involve?