Ultra sound

usljh10 Member Posts: 85 Member
edited March 2014 in Thyroid Cancer #1
I had been feeling some discomfort in my throat now for about a month off and on. Didn't know if my mind was playing jokes on me or what. So I called my endo, I was'nt suppose to go back till next month for my 6 month ck. They moved it up to Feb 17th, Had blood work done on Feb 16th. My Endo says he can't feel anything but ordered a Ultrasound just to play it safe. My tsh level was .4. My thyroglobin was still pending so it will be Monday before I know anything on either. My throat feels like I need to cough and my voice gets raspy. I clear my throat more. Anybody else have these systoms? My last scan was clean in March 2009. The waiting is driving me crazy.....
