inexpensive generic drugs at Walmart and Sam's Club pharmacies

lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone,

To those of you who have been following what I've written about starting on Dr. Cantrell's treatment of Lovastatin and interferon alfa-2b (also known as Intron A), I've discovered that Wamart has some amazing low drug costs & so does Sam's Club. For the Lovastatin, which is a generic drug, my monthly dose cost me only eight dollars for my month's supply- less than my normal insurance copay! *Walmart will sell you most generic drugs for just $4.00 a month. Check out their website for a list of all the generic drugs they sell at this low cost- there's a lot on the list.
I had been told that before, depending upon the person's dose, that the interferon would run between $800-1300 a month. I'm still working on my insurance and am hoping and praying that they'll come through for me and cover it. There is a foundation called Committment to Care from Merck pharmaceuticals that provides help to people who's insurance won't cover it, but they're based upon income. Unfortunately, my husband and I make "too much" money to qualify for any help, so I'm on my own to pay for it if my insurance doesn't come through and cover it.
I called Walmart and Sam's Club pharmacies yesterday to check on the cash price if I need to pay for it myself. BTW, you don't need to be a member of Sam's Club in order to use their pharmacy. Walmart's pharmacy charges $181.88 per vial for this type of interferon and Sam's Club charges $178.36 per vial. For my dosage, I need 3 vials per month, so that brings the monthly cost to $545.64 at Walmart and $535.08 at Sam's Club's pharmacy. They have to order it, but said it just takes 1-2 days to come in. Good news! This isn't cheap, but definitely a LOT cheaper than I was thinking I might have to pay.
The maddening thing is that while my insurance has covered my almost-$30,000 a month for Folfiri/Avastin chemo treatments, they're balking at covering the much, much cheaper interferon just because it's not on their "approved treatment" list.
I'm next trying to go for the "money talks" approach. My oncologist is writing in the "request for authorization" that the insurance co. requested that if I weren't on this new Lovastatin/interferon treatment, that I'd be doing something else that would be $30,000 a month. So, I'm hoping that they'll realize how much money they're saving by covering this interferon treatment instead. We'll see what happens!!!
I'll keep you all posted on how I do once the interferon side effects kick in about in another couple of weeks (they're supposed to last just a couple of weeks, then my body is supposed to "get used" to it. It's a much lower dose than most people take who take it to treat hepatitis).

Take care everyone & Merry Christmas!
Lisa :)


  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    just found out insurance will cover the interferon for me
    Woo hoo! I just got a call from the insurance that they ARE going to cover the cost of the interferon for me- I'm sooo relieved with that news!
    They're still processing it, so I don't know what my copay will be yet, but obviously this is very good news. Just thought I'd share this with you.

    Blessings to you all-
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    lisa42 said:

    just found out insurance will cover the interferon for me
    Woo hoo! I just got a call from the insurance that they ARE going to cover the cost of the interferon for me- I'm sooo relieved with that news!
    They're still processing it, so I don't know what my copay will be yet, but obviously this is very good news. Just thought I'd share this with you.

    Blessings to you all-

    Congratulations, that is
    Congratulations, that is exceptionally good news & I am really happy for you!
  • sfmarie
    sfmarie Member Posts: 602
    lisa42 said:

    just found out insurance will cover the interferon for me
    Woo hoo! I just got a call from the insurance that they ARE going to cover the cost of the interferon for me- I'm sooo relieved with that news!
    They're still processing it, so I don't know what my copay will be yet, but obviously this is very good news. Just thought I'd share this with you.

    Blessings to you all-

    Keep us posted! Wishing you all the best. Marie
  • steven12
    steven12 Member Posts: 51
    lisa42 said:

    just found out insurance will cover the interferon for me
    Woo hoo! I just got a call from the insurance that they ARE going to cover the cost of the interferon for me- I'm sooo relieved with that news!
    They're still processing it, so I don't know what my copay will be yet, but obviously this is very good news. Just thought I'd share this with you.

    Blessings to you all-

    That's great Lisa
    I am happy, you made affordable your supply of medications. Did you already started treatment with Dr.Cantrell? I'd like to know how it will go because my standard chemo options are also running out and my CEA is rising. Right now trying Xelox with Avastin. Have some hope for the Avastin because this is the first time I am taking it. But if this is not working I will certainly consider Dr.Cantrell's Immunotherapy. Little bit afraid though of the self injections of the Interferon ( LOL ). Maybe I could ask some nurse to do that for me. How about you, are you comfortable to do that by yourself?
    Best wishes to You and everybody,
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    steven12 said:

    That's great Lisa
    I am happy, you made affordable your supply of medications. Did you already started treatment with Dr.Cantrell? I'd like to know how it will go because my standard chemo options are also running out and my CEA is rising. Right now trying Xelox with Avastin. Have some hope for the Avastin because this is the first time I am taking it. But if this is not working I will certainly consider Dr.Cantrell's Immunotherapy. Little bit afraid though of the self injections of the Interferon ( LOL ). Maybe I could ask some nurse to do that for me. How about you, are you comfortable to do that by yourself?
    Best wishes to You and everybody,

    HI Steven
    Hi Steven,

    I'm not real thrilled about injecting myself three times a week with the interferon either, but I will do what I have to! I have injected myself 6 or 7 times before with neupogen (for white blood cell count.) It wasn't a thrill, but it wasn't too difficult after I figured out what I was doing. The needles are tiny, so they really don't hurt going in that much.
    I already started taking the Lovastatin pills & there has been no side effect at all with that- I feel great right now, in fact! I'll start up with my first interferon injection this weekend. I'm told that most people get a slight headache and a slight fever a couple of hours after each injection. Also, after about the first week of it, I'll supposedly get flulike symptoms (some people get it bad and some are hardly affected). The flulike symptoms supposedly will last a couple of weeks, but then the body gets used to it & the side effects become close to nothing. I had heard of people in the past who had a terrible time with interferon, but this is supposedly a much lower dose than what is used for hepatitis patients & so it will hopefully be easier to take. I'll let you know how it's going when I get to that point in the treatment in another couple of weeks.

  • lisa42 said:

    just found out insurance will cover the interferon for me
    Woo hoo! I just got a call from the insurance that they ARE going to cover the cost of the interferon for me- I'm sooo relieved with that news!
    They're still processing it, so I don't know what my copay will be yet, but obviously this is very good news. Just thought I'd share this with you.

    Blessings to you all-

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