Anyone got financial advice?

Topher67 Member Posts: 19
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed last week with colon cancer. I am scheduled to have colon re-section 12/22 and was told I will be out of work about 6-8 weeks. I have great insurance that is going to cover medical bills, but I only have 2 weeks of vacation time to help pay other bills. I don't want to end up homeless after surgery. Does anyone know where I can get answers for short term medical disability or other forms of help.
By the way, I live alone and parents are on Soc.Sec. so there isn't anyone else that can help out.
Desperate in NC


  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Gosh this was months ago,
    Gosh this was months ago, but hope you found you answers and found if you have employer disability or state disability or........nothing at all.