Difficulty breathing, need some direction

junklady Member Posts: 88 Member
edited March 2014 in Caregivers #1
My husband has end stage laryngeal cancer. He had trach tube put in Sept. to help with breathing. Lymph nodes in neck and collarbone growing. Trach tube changed last week by Dr. There was some bleeding. Dr. said everything looked good. What does that mean? He never commented on the lymph nodes. I don't have much faith in this Dr. Today 11/18 husband is having difficulty breathing through trach tube. Says it feels restricted. There is also blood under trach and he said his shoulder is hurting. I know the cancer is spreading. I hate so see him suffer, I just don't know what I need to do. Anyone go through is? Help. I've been saying to myself the last several weeks that this is the calm before the storm, well I think the storm is coming. Patty, are you out there? I think you and Jack were in a similar situation. Input needed.


  • MichelleP
    MichelleP Member Posts: 254
    I don't have any experience
    I don't have any experience with the tubes, but I want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you both.

  • sue Siwek
    sue Siwek Member Posts: 279
    no i have no experience with
    no i have no experience with your problem but, i would be on the phone with that dr. or go to emergency.
  • pattynonews
    pattynonews Member Posts: 176
    junklady im here
    Im here for you sweetie, yea I have been through all the trachea, does he have the purple voice cap, if he does take it off and what help with Jack took out his canala and it help him breath and also we squirted sodium down the trachea it kept it moist just becareful use a little and expect him to cough it up so duck, Jacks trach never stop bleeding and it sounds like either tumors are pressing on the trachea, is he on O2 and humity that keeps the tracea moist,yea it sounds like Jack keep the trachea clean, here is my email address
    pattynonews@aolcom and I will give you my number

    It has been 2 weeks and i so sad but can you believe I took a job as a caretaker

    missing Jack
    love Paty