Night Sweat Lady...again

dorion Member Posts: 183
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi my Darlings

Well it was a real sucky day today. Our little sweet **** cat got hit by a car and consequently she died. It was more the reaction of my little Meghan that got to me more than anything else. I didn't really have time to mourn cos all my energy had to go towards trying to console Meghan, and crazy, the first thought that runs through my head was, "how will she be when I go?". Makes me wanna fight that much harder, but hey I'm not going anywhere anytime soon or later so there!!! Funny thing is, we lived here for almost a year and I've not seen a mouse at all in my apartment. Then I'm sitting here watching tv and all of sudden this little mouse comes out of nowhere just running in circles chasing it's tail like Patches use to do when she was a kitten. This thing was so docile that I had no problem capturing it and putting it a small bucket, well the thing can jump let me tell you, and yet I caught it again. Very odd, anyway what was odd is that it broke the tension here and this silly mouse made us laugh so hard, we had tears in our eyes. This little mouse brought laughter to Meghan which made me wonder. Was this God's way of making Meghan laugh?

Ok, now I didn't start this blog to write about the silly mouse but to give you an update of these dang sweats. I got a phone call on Friday from a fellow cancer survivor, she is a young girl with a 6 year old boy and she has a type of ovarian cancer that is really untreatable, so when I feel sorry for myself, I know there is always someone worse off than me. But anyway, I'm vearing offtrack again. So she asked me how I was doing so I told her my story of the night sweats and pissing razor blades the whole nine yards. She stopped me and told me I need to see a doctor that day, she tells me that I have a bladder infection, she would know because she has dealt with these stints for 4 years and she's had plently of bladder infections. I mean my own stupid urologist moves my appointment upon my urgent request from December 15 to December 8th. I was God smacked!! I asked her what is the point of moving it when I need to see someone ASAP.

I followed Becky's advice and called my family doc who luckily for me is just down the street from where I live, she asked how soon can you get her I told her I already have my shoes on, I didn't even change from my PJ's. He took a urine sample and dipped that peice of paper in and told me so far what he could tell is I have all kinds of things going on, he has since sent it out for further analysis but in the meantime he put me on antibiotics. Can I tell you ladies that I haven't pee razor blades and my urine doesn't have that horrible odor. I am going to go to that hospital if it turns out to be something other than "nothing" and raise some hell. They've totally dropped the ball on this one, telling me that all these symtoms are normal and the nightsweats are a mystery. I knew deep down inside that these night sweats was my body telling me something is not right. Oh did I tell you, since the antibiotics.........guess what? NO NIGHT SWEATS! Geeze what a mystery huh? Coincidence? I don't think so.

I'm wondering if I can change my oncologist and move to a different that possible? If so, how do I handle it, anyone know? Anyway my little Darlings I'll let you know the final conclusion one we get the results back and know for sure what it is or isn't. Go figures that it would take a fellow ovarian cancer survivor to diagnose me and not these stupid doctors. Unbeleivable huh? Love all of you tons and I do hope you are all well. Thanks for listening as usual. Oh I must update my profile pic, on Friday I decided to celebrate my hair growth by going so blonde, Meghan says I look like Bridget Nelson, you know that kook that was married to Sylvester Stallone, that's not much of a complement but she is right the hair is so Bridget Nelson. I love it!!! I think at times I look rather HOT. But that's only on a good day when the lights are dim and I can't see the excess luggage under my eyes.



  • Mawty
    Mawty Member Posts: 133
    Your post
    Hi Linda,

    I just read your post, and in just a few paragraphs you had me feeling so bad about your kitty(I'm really sorry to hear about that), laughing about your mouse, mad about the undiagnosed infection, and smiling about your sweet thoughts about the girls here at the end. Awesome! I'm glad your friend was able to help you. I don't know about changing hospitals, but I would think it would be fairly easy once you find someone you like to just have your records sent to the new hospital.

    Can't wait to see your new hair! I just shaved my head again because Femara is making it come in really thin and I've lost my eyelashes again. I didn't think that was supposed to happen. So for now, I'm keeping my head shaved on number 3 length. Lovely! :-) Oh well, it's just hair.

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Thanks for the update. Sorry I skipped over the "peeing razor blade" remark. I knew that was a diagnosis for bladder infection for me. Be sure to take the antibiotics long enough. Sometimes it takes an extra long time to get it all killed. Otherwise it comes back to haunt you again!! Cheers, Saundra
  • dorion
    dorion Member Posts: 183
    Mawty said:

    Your post
    Hi Linda,

    I just read your post, and in just a few paragraphs you had me feeling so bad about your kitty(I'm really sorry to hear about that), laughing about your mouse, mad about the undiagnosed infection, and smiling about your sweet thoughts about the girls here at the end. Awesome! I'm glad your friend was able to help you. I don't know about changing hospitals, but I would think it would be fairly easy once you find someone you like to just have your records sent to the new hospital.

    Can't wait to see your new hair! I just shaved my head again because Femara is making it come in really thin and I've lost my eyelashes again. I didn't think that was supposed to happen. So for now, I'm keeping my head shaved on number 3 length. Lovely! :-) Oh well, it's just hair.


    Hello Saundra and Mawty, thanks for your post. Glad I made you smile Mawty, your picture is so beautiful. Yours is too Saundra. Anyway my Beautiful Ladies I got the results back from the urine culture and go figure, all negative. So this leaves me wondering what the heck is it then. However and oddly enough since I've been taking the antibiotics all but the night sweats (there's that catch phrase again) have left me. I no longer have to white knuckle it when I go to the bathroom. But those dang sweats eh? Mawty, I've lost my hair twice over already. The wierd thing is, is that my lashes and brows didn't fall out but more like they snapped off and they were very very short. And I remember wondering why my dang nose was running all the time then I realized it was because I didn't have nose hair. I'll keep you guys posted and you do the same. I hope all is well your side of the world. I'm gonna look at your profile Mawty before I start asking you all the usual questions.

    Jangles is doing fine and starting to eat (mouse) very very cute little thing. I seem to be stuck with it. LOL Love you guys!
