DONCARLOS Member Posts: 66
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
WHAT IS YOU EXPERIENCE ON THIS?.....I have written a lot about my condition, however, I do feel a little selfish, knowing that all my post surgery test including the OSTROESCAN finds me free of any trace of cancer, however I still cannot get back on track with my will to live. I am seriously thinking of asking for Psichiatric help. When I think about it I do feel better. My age holds me baack because at 77 even if you are healthy we have trouble finding work. My finances are depleted and as I have worked all of my life, I feel like a waste and big burden to my family. We have our own home but we do have a daughter and two crandchildren living with us, so its hard and I cannot find my way to go back to work. I AM SELF EMPLOYED and due to my problem since April I have lost most of my clients, and closed my ofice. IS ANYONE OUT THERE WITH A SUGGESTION....P.S. I DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR MYSELF I just feel unable to pickup where I left off.



  • marie_childress
    marie_childress Member Posts: 8
    All things are possible through GOD!
    Dear Don Carlos,

    Remember one thing, GOD will NEVER leave you, let go and let GOD! I now this is hard to do, but we walk on blind faith everyday. We have lost many things, however, the one thing that has been there and been strong, OUR FAITH! Turn to your church for help, if you do not have one find one. We are strong when we put all our trust in the LORD! I promise you, he will be there for you!

    I have my own business, number one in OK, and had to close it. My husband has stage IV lung cancer, thyroid cancer, and brain cancer. When we are in need, my father provide's. I can tell you about amazing things that have happened in our life's with no place to live, and God provide us with a brand new home. I promise you my friend, my father has not forgotten you, you must trust him, through him all things are possible.

    My husband should of died over 5 years ago, and he is still walking and eating. I would like to suggest, websites, such as nun they pray for a living. Please let others know, as to be placed on prayers list people will start contacting to add you on your list. Catholic charities never turn people down.

    You can do it, when you have the holy spirit in you all things are possible.

    May peace be with you.

    The Keeper of the Light
    Marie Childress, Choctaw, OK