Ovarian Cancer?

monsta927 Member Posts: 20
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi, I am here trying to glean as much information as I can. I went to the Dr. on the 9th for a well women's check, which didn't go so well after all. Everything since then has been moving along so quickly, I figure it has something to do with the 'C' word being used in the radiologists report.
I have had so many symptoms over the past 9 months or so that I have overlooked because they are not severely abnormal ailments...chalking most of them up to getting older (42) and hormones changing, eating too much or too little, etc.
The one thing that I could not overlook was this 'thing' in my abdomen, which I jokingly referred to as 'my roller ball'. The 'ball first made it's self known in May of this year, since then it has grown considerably. Along with the 'ball' my uterus has grown (the 'mean' size is 62 mine is 90), is shoved all the way over to the left and is extremely hard.
Stupidity and lack of time kept me from going to the Dr. sooner.
Plus the fact that I assumed it was just a Fibroid Tumor.
So all of this to say that the mass is not a Fibroid, it is 12 cm in diameter, the only thing that was mentioned besides not being a Fibroid Tumor was Ovarian Cancer. The mass is solid, not fluid filled.
I was referred to a Gynecologic Oncologist at Baylor Hospital in Dallas first thing Monday morning.
Obviously I am in a bit of shock (and very long winded)...just hoping that possibly this might be something else?
I would appreciate any and all info.


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  • monsta927
    monsta927 Member Posts: 20
    unknown said:

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    same thought
    Thanks Nancy.

    I had the exact same thought, once she said that it was definetly not a fibroid, that is was a solid mass and that there were not going to be any Gyn's in the area willing to take my case beacause none of them specialize in cancer... plus the fact that they have not given my anything else to consider-which I would glady accept other considerations-

    I figure that it is more than likely cancer.

    So, I just go from here and make the best of it.
  • Lisak
    Lisak Member Posts: 59
    monsta927 said:

    same thought
    Thanks Nancy.

    I had the exact same thought, once she said that it was definetly not a fibroid, that is was a solid mass and that there were not going to be any Gyn's in the area willing to take my case beacause none of them specialize in cancer... plus the fact that they have not given my anything else to consider-which I would glady accept other considerations-

    I figure that it is more than likely cancer.

    So, I just go from here and make the best of it.

    There is still hope
    Please find a good Doctor who will be aggressive with your treatment. Even if it is Cancer you still don't know what grade or stage and hang in there.. I have found all my comfort from the women here on this site. They all have helped me even when I didn't know what stage I was. I know exactly where you are right now and how hard it is .. just like everyone here does. You are in my prayers!
  • monsta927 said:

    same thought
    Thanks Nancy.

    I had the exact same thought, once she said that it was definetly not a fibroid, that is was a solid mass and that there were not going to be any Gyn's in the area willing to take my case beacause none of them specialize in cancer... plus the fact that they have not given my anything else to consider-which I would glady accept other considerations-

    I figure that it is more than likely cancer.

    So, I just go from here and make the best of it.

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  • monsta927
    monsta927 Member Posts: 20
    unknown said:

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    I will let you know Monday what I find out.
    Until then I am slightly (fooling myself) hopeful for something else....
    Whatever that looks like.
    Thanks so much.
  • sweetp1950
    sweetp1950 Member Posts: 24
    monsta927 said:

    same thought
    Thanks Nancy.

    I had the exact same thought, once she said that it was definetly not a fibroid, that is was a solid mass and that there were not going to be any Gyn's in the area willing to take my case beacause none of them specialize in cancer... plus the fact that they have not given my anything else to consider-which I would glady accept other considerations-

    I figure that it is more than likely cancer.

    So, I just go from here and make the best of it.

    Praying for Strength and Courage for you
    I know what you must be feeling right now. We have all been there and I.m still pretty new to the fact that I have Stage 3C OVCA. You just pull your strength from God and family. I am praying that it will be nothing serious for you. Please let us know. We are all here to support one another.

    Gods Blessing
  • monsta927
    monsta927 Member Posts: 20

    Praying for Strength and Courage for you
    I know what you must be feeling right now. We have all been there and I.m still pretty new to the fact that I have Stage 3C OVCA. You just pull your strength from God and family. I am praying that it will be nothing serious for you. Please let us know. We are all here to support one another.

    Gods Blessing

    one more day

    Won't find out for sure until tomorrow during surgery, or after.
    Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Me too
    Hi, my name is Saundra and I have been under the treatment of Dr. Stringer at the Sammons Center at Baylor since 3/2/2007. I understand the shock. I will be in Dallas at the Roberts Bldg. 17th floor for the Ovarian Cancer Survivors luncheon on Monday, in fact. Driving in from West Texas. You have come to a good discussion group. I had a CT scan and needle biopsy for diagnosis, both easy proceedures. You can click on my picture to find my history. (((Hugs))) Saundra
  • monsta927
    monsta927 Member Posts: 20
    saundra said:

    Me too
    Hi, my name is Saundra and I have been under the treatment of Dr. Stringer at the Sammons Center at Baylor since 3/2/2007. I understand the shock. I will be in Dallas at the Roberts Bldg. 17th floor for the Ovarian Cancer Survivors luncheon on Monday, in fact. Driving in from West Texas. You have come to a good discussion group. I had a CT scan and needle biopsy for diagnosis, both easy proceedures. You can click on my picture to find my history. (((Hugs))) Saundra

    still hopeful
    I was hoping for more conclusive results when I saw the Dr on Monday, they could not tell me if my mass is cancer or not and since I need to have all 'the parts' taken out no matter what, she said they would do the frozen section during my surgery tomorrow.
    I know it seems silly, but I am still holding out (holding my breath) for the best possible outcome.
    Bottom line is, God's in all of it and I have absolute faith that regardless of the results, I know that I will be okay.
    Enjoying all liquid and magnesium citrate today...
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    monsta927 said:

    still hopeful
    I was hoping for more conclusive results when I saw the Dr on Monday, they could not tell me if my mass is cancer or not and since I need to have all 'the parts' taken out no matter what, she said they would do the frozen section during my surgery tomorrow.
    I know it seems silly, but I am still holding out (holding my breath) for the best possible outcome.
    Bottom line is, God's in all of it and I have absolute faith that regardless of the results, I know that I will be okay.
    Enjoying all liquid and magnesium citrate today...

    Tissue sample
    They have to have a tissue for that absolute diagnosis. If your surgery is at Baylor, you are in a great place. I stayed a week there July, 2007 for my surgery after 4 treatments of chemo to shrink the tumors, many all over the abdomen and liver. Saundra
  • monsta927
    monsta927 Member Posts: 20
    saundra said:

    Tissue sample
    They have to have a tissue for that absolute diagnosis. If your surgery is at Baylor, you are in a great place. I stayed a week there July, 2007 for my surgery after 4 treatments of chemo to shrink the tumors, many all over the abdomen and liver. Saundra

    I wrote an update while I was in the hospital but I am not sure where I posted it!
    I believe that I got just about the best news possible, apparently I am 'borderline, not totally benign but not totally malignant either.' We will get the final results from the pathologist later this week or next week.
    So basically I'm still waiting, but with a better outlook from this vantage point.
    They were going to leave on 'good' ovary but turns out I did not have one, so they took all my parts and my cantaloupe sized tumor. Not sure how much tissue & such was removed, again I will find out later.
    I am super happy with the results & as my mother said, "it figures, you've always been borderline!"
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    monsta927 said:

    I wrote an update while I was in the hospital but I am not sure where I posted it!
    I believe that I got just about the best news possible, apparently I am 'borderline, not totally benign but not totally malignant either.' We will get the final results from the pathologist later this week or next week.
    So basically I'm still waiting, but with a better outlook from this vantage point.
    They were going to leave on 'good' ovary but turns out I did not have one, so they took all my parts and my cantaloupe sized tumor. Not sure how much tissue & such was removed, again I will find out later.
    I am super happy with the results & as my mother said, "it figures, you've always been borderline!"

    great for you
    Hi Michelle, borderline is good, thanks for the update. Hugs ♥ Prayers Bonnie
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    monsta927 said:

    I wrote an update while I was in the hospital but I am not sure where I posted it!
    I believe that I got just about the best news possible, apparently I am 'borderline, not totally benign but not totally malignant either.' We will get the final results from the pathologist later this week or next week.
    So basically I'm still waiting, but with a better outlook from this vantage point.
    They were going to leave on 'good' ovary but turns out I did not have one, so they took all my parts and my cantaloupe sized tumor. Not sure how much tissue & such was removed, again I will find out later.
    I am super happy with the results & as my mother said, "it figures, you've always been borderline!"

    That's great.
    I am happy with you for the good news you got. Hugs and laughs coming your way, Saundra
  • monsta927
    monsta927 Member Posts: 20
    saundra said:

    That's great.
    I am happy with you for the good news you got. Hugs and laughs coming your way, Saundra

    Thanks Saundra!
    I am really grateful, thankful, all of it!
    I almost made it till Monday in the hospital...couldn't pass any gas so they were going to keep me and the one positive thing I thought of in having to stay would have been the possibility of meeting you...but as much as that would have been great I 'forced' myself out of there!!! Ha!
    I will let you know the final details when I get them!
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