Update on Linda

lindachris Member Posts: 173
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Rather than bits and pieces on posts, thought I'd just a few things about my wife LInda.

In early August her counts rose ever so slightly from 6-8 to 21. She grew worried of course, but the next test showed a 25, not a significant rise or an indicator that we're facing more cancer as yet. Last time her counts went from 8 to 150 to 500 in a matter of weeks and it was even more weeks and bouts with ascites that finally told us she needed more surgery and chemo. That was October 2007 through February 2008. She got pretty thin and worn from all that Gemzar/Cisplatin. Pretty tough. Since then she's been stable but did develop a hernia near her belly button (now a road map in the flesh!!) that bothers her and may be causing that slight rise.

But given all that, we celebrated the graduation of our son from University of Chicago and blessedly, he has a job. Linda first had cancer when he was a freshman in college and you all know there are no guarantees...he is her strength in many ways. Now the cute part is that Evan rescued a dog off the streets of Chicago last February. He saved this pup and now "Chuck" has moved in with us because Evan is living in a hi-rise in Chicago where a pup can't be happy. Plus the little dog (very loving) has separation anxiety but we're all doing great and the dog has been good for us. We have a daughter Emily living at home while attending College of DuPage (CC) to study photography. And she loves the dog enough to put up with her parents another year.

We never know what tomorrow will bring but last year Linda as given a healing at church...(which is not our style, nor our church's style..).but we've embraced that healing in every respect possible.

We pray and hope that the cancer does not return, but we want to thank everyone for such great help each time we've gone through treatments. I guess our little lives in the Cudworth house are proof in some ways that the fortitude is worth it. But I am married to one tough girl, I'll say that.

Much love and thanks.

Chris and Linda Cudworth


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member

    Thank you so much for sharing this summary of these last years of your journey with Linda. When you put it all in journal form like that, you can really see not just want you've been through, but how far you have come and all the 'hidden' blessings.

    How wonderful that your children are successful and that's a true testimony to you and Linda. I know these rises in CA125 can put us in a bout of anxiety, but unfortunately that's going to be a way of life from here on. So all we can do is take it one day at a time and do our best.

    I'll also pray that the cancer does not return. It is truly all in God's hands. And don't feel badly about accepting healing prayers. We are to intercede for eachother. And ALL things work together for good!

    Keep those updates coming!

    Hugs and blessings to you and Linda!

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  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Thank the Lord
    I am so happy you posted the update. Fortitude is a big help in my treatment...maybe it is my stubborn nature! Ha. I am on my second round of treatment (doxil+carbo) at this time, taking #2 on Thurs.
  • lindachris
    lindachris Member Posts: 173
    saundra said:

    Thank the Lord
    I am so happy you posted the update. Fortitude is a big help in my treatment...maybe it is my stubborn nature! Ha. I am on my second round of treatment (doxil+carbo) at this time, taking #2 on Thurs.

    Hello Saundra
    Thanks for touching base. I hope your treatments are sustainable and that you come through well.
