It's been a while...update

lizper Member Posts: 199
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi all, just so you remember my beatuful Mommy is now living with Our Lord. It has only been 4 months and I miss her terribly. I'm often deppressed, sad, angry; normal I guess. It seems that every day that passes I miss her more. And to add to my confusions...I just found out I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby. I;m happy because I love kids and since I'm an only child and have suffered the lost of both my parents at 33 years of age..I always had in mind maybe a 3rd baby but was not planned. I also feel very sad that my Mommy will not get to see this baby, and will not be with me for it's birth nor baptism...what I would give to be able to give her the news. It is hard to believe I'm pregnant since my other to were assisted (with pills)in order to get pregnant soon so that my Mom would get to meet them. Also my husband was laid off 9 months ago and we were about to move October 1st to Florida for better opportunities. My husband is very frustrated because this means we won't be able to move. I need someone to talk to.


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Dear Liz:

    Life seems to throw us some unexpected AND unwelcomed challenges, doesn't it? We never know when to expect them, and we never know how we'll handle them. In my opinion, you've handled your Mom's situation with enormous grace and love. Unfortunately, we're left behind with the sadness and emptiness that we sometimes think will never, ever go away. But in time the Lord will replace your aching heart with many wonderful memories of your Mom. Someday, you will be able to laugh at the funny moments, cherish the sentimental moments, and much, much more.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! I remember reading a phrase once that said,'A baby is God's opinion that the world must go on'. Your Mom had the opportunity to see her two Grandchildren which had to be a great blessing for her and you. Somehow, I know that she will experience the joy of your new baby's birth.

    Don't underestimate God's love for you. With as much as you love your Mom, husband and children, how much more does your Father in Heaven love you? It's unfathomable. And you will get through this. Your mother has passed on a wonderful legacy for you and your children. Talk to them about her from time to time. Keep her alive in their hearts. And don't get down on yourself for your 'feelings' right now. It's all perfectly normal. I went through a great deal of emotions when my mother passed away. I and my sister were her caregivers, and we were with her when she passed. So I completely understand.

    Keep us up-to-date. Even though you can't move right now, maybe other doors will open that you'll be able to walk through.

    Luv, Hugs, Prayers,
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hugs sweetie
    Dearest Liz, I have thought about you often, especially when another mother's daughter comes here. Congratulations on the new bundle of joy you have coming. I know your mom is smiling down on you all. My daughter keeps a picture of my mom close by so all the grandkids know who great grandma alice is without meeting her.

    I know doors will open for you in God's time. It is hard a hard journey to be on or understand; I know this first hand as Randy has been laid off since last November. I pray for all the people without work everyday and will now add your name. Love Ya Bonnie
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Circle of Life
    Dear Liz, Aren't you the prime example of the circle of life? I have been scanning pictures (from my Mother's and Grandmother's family collection) trying to get the CD's made for my three children and 6 grandchildren so that they will have visuals of all the past family. That has brought back wonderful memories for me and the sadness is gone and what is left is the pure joy. I pray that you will reach this stage soon, but it took me about a year. By the way, I think the third child changed our family dynamic more than the first two. We out grew everything, it seemed from kitchen table to car. We laugh about the hard times now but somehow got through it. You will too. Will keep you in our prayers. Take care. Saundra