New, , What is NED

WinneyPooh Member Posts: 318
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Just new to this group and This cancer ( my second cencer i had HL 10 years ago). Lot of you all talking about NED what is this?
thanks, Winney


  • rrob
    rrob Member Posts: 158

    NED is "No Evidence of Disease." It's the best news possible from scan results and means it's time to do a happy dance with the best partner in the world--NED! Everybody wants to get to dance with NED. Hope this helps. There's an earlier post from maybe two or three months ago posted by Trainer explaining lots of the terms. I'll try to find it and bump it up for you.

  • WinneyPooh
    WinneyPooh Member Posts: 318
    rrob said:


    NED is "No Evidence of Disease." It's the best news possible from scan results and means it's time to do a happy dance with the best partner in the world--NED! Everybody wants to get to dance with NED. Hope this helps. There's an earlier post from maybe two or three months ago posted by Trainer explaining lots of the terms. I'll try to find it and bump it up for you.


    That would be great,
  • trainer
    trainer Member Posts: 241
    terms and abbreviations
    I sent this around a few months ago. I was as bewildered and frustrated as you are. Hope these help :

    As a fairly new Semicolon, I'm still trying to get a handle on all the shorthand used in messages here. So I was pleased to find this list of terms and abbreviations on The Colon Club site. If you see any errors in this list, please point them out. Hope this list is helpful to others:

    Many people new to this disease and new to this board can get lost in the alphabet soup of the terminology. It's almost impossible to read an abstract of a clinical trial without some of these terms and abbreviations.
    So here's a start for translation. Hopefully others will augment and amend as necessary:

    CRC - colorectal cancer
    mCRC - metastatic colorectal cancer
    DX - diagnosis
    TX - treatment
    PX - prognosis
    OS - overall survival
    PFS - progression free survival - used to describe the time that a patient is stable, or showing no worsening/progression of the disease
    DFS - disease free survival - used to describe the time that a patient is NED
    NED - no evidence of disease
    MRD - minimal residual disease
    LN - Lymph node
    PSD - peritoneal surface disease - means that the cancer has spread to the abdominal cavity and is on the surface of the organs rather than within the organs
    HIPEC - heated chemotherapy used to wash out the peritoneal/abdominal cavity
    Met - metastasis
    Lesion - something fishy, usually a tumor
    Neoplastic process - potentially cancerous activity
    Imaging - generally some type of scan or X-ray
    PS - Performance Status - a term used to describe your overall ability to function, dressing yourself, eating, physical activity, etc.

    FOLFOX - chemo regimen using 5-FU, Leucovorin, and Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin)
    Oxi - shorthand for Oxaliplatin
    FOLFIRI - chemo regimen using 5-FU, Leucovorin and Irinotecan (Camptosar)
    Xeloda (Capecitabine) - Oral 5-FU (pill form)
    XELOX - Xeloda and Oxaliplatin - also called CAPOX for CAPecitabine and OXaliplatin
    XELIRI - Xeloda and Irinotecan
    Bevacizumab (Avastin) - a drug used to stop new blood vessels from forming
    Anti-angiogenesis - the process of stopping new blood vessels from forming
    VEGF - Vascular endothelial growth factor - the part of the cancer cell dealing with new blood vessel formation
    Cetuximab (Erbitux) - HELP!
    Panitumibab (Vectibix) - HELP!
    EGFR - Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor - the key to Erbitux and Vectibix's actions
    KRAS - a part of the DNA of the cancer cell which they now know has a connection to whether the EGFR class of drugs will be effective on your cancer.
    KRASwt - Wild Type - means that the cancer's KRAS gene has not mutated and will respond to the EGFR drugs
    KRASmt - Mutant Type - means that the cancer's KRAS gene HAS mutated, and thus is unlikely to respond to the EGFR drugs

    Peripheral Neuropathy - a side effect of Oxaliplatin in which the nerves in your extremities are damaged and you experience numbness and some loss of use of your hands and feet

    Hand and Foot syndrome - a side effect of 5-FU in which your hands and feet become tender and the skin can crack and peel. Can be more common with oral 5-FU (Xeloda)

    Anti-emetic - any kind of drug that is used to combat nausea and vomiting

    Blood work - I'm punting on that one!

    Adjuvant - chemo treatment that follows surgical removal of all the cancer they can find -- it generally refers to treatment done when the patient is presumably cancer free
    Neo-adjuvant - chemo that is done prior to surgery both to potentially shrink any known lesions and also to offer some systemic treatment to prevent new lesions from cropping up

    Resection - surgically removing a big chunk of something - like your colon or your liver. It offers the best potential for a curative surgery because they can usually take out the cancer, and also some buffer zone tissue which is referred to as the "margin."

    Margins - the amount of cancer free tissue surrounding the tumor - they determine this when the resected tissue is sent to the pathology lab
    Radial margin - the amount of colon wall that was left cancer free
    Longitudinal margin - the amount of colon - lengthwise - that was left cancer free in the chunk that was removed surgically

    RFA - Radio Frequency Ablation - this is a localized treatment for tumors where a probe is inserted into the tumor and heated with radio waves to cook the cancer to death. It is often done when the lesions in question cannot be resected for some reason.
    Cryoablation - same idea as RFA, but they freeze the tumor instead of cooking it

    I'm pasting in stuff from others' posts

    ADL = activities of daily life (eating, dressing, showering, etc.)
    RCa = rectal cancer
    MRC = metastatic rectal cancer
    TNM = an attempt at universal staging evaluation that attempts to unify across countries analysis tumors and extent of spread of disease. T refers to tumor and can be modified X-4, N refers to node involvement and is modified X-2 and M refers to metastasis to distant organs, modified X, 1 or 0. The number that follows T or N indicates severity; X indicates it can't be assessed yet, and the number that follows M indicates presence (X for not assessed, 1 for present, 0 for not present.). It will be types out as TnNnMn.
    T4N2M1 means tumor spread to distant organs, node involvement to 4 or more regional lymph nodes, mets-yes and is equal to a Stage IV diagnosis. More explanation of the TNM system: ... ectum.html

    CBC: Complete blood count, including both hematology and serum chemistry analysis. Hematology can usually be run quickly, and checks things like white counts and red blood cell counts. Serum chem analysis takes longer (the machine runs more slowly.)

    CEA - Carcino-embryonic Antigen - this is a tumor marker for Colon Cancer. Not all colon cancers emit this marker, so it is not useful for every patient. It if is a good indicator for your cancer, they can monitor the trends in your bloodwork. If it starts to trend up then they generally will go on a hunt to figure out what's up.

    APR = anterior perineal resection
    TPE or CPE = total (or complete) pelvic exenteration (used to be called pelvic evisceration). It's complete removal of all remaining organs in the pelvis, including the bladder, and usually requires double ostomies.
    LAR = low anterior resection

    TPN = total parenteral nutrition, or nutrient liquid delivered via IV or PICC line.

    CR = Complete response to chemotherapy
    PR = Partial response to chemotherapy
    PD = Progressive disease while on chemotherapy

    Refractory - resistant or unresponsive to various chemotherapy treatments

    onc = our little term to mean oncologist

    palliative = treatments necessary to make patient more comfortable or have less pain