Vitamin B 12 --- Anemia

Bill.S Member Posts: 177
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Good Morning Ladies,
3 weeks ago when I went for my Herceptin infusion, they ran another routine CBC and as usual, my RBC HGB HCT were low. My Onc thought that by now it should have recovered back to normal. He sent some blood out to another lab for further testing and discovered that my B 12 level is about 1/2 of what it should be. He wanted to start giving my B 12 shots but when he learned that my insurance had maxed out he just told my to take oral B 12.
Have any of you had a B 12 deficency? and if so what did the doctor do ?
Bill S.


  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Hi Bill... as you know.. I
    Hi Bill... as you know.. I don't know.. (just starting)... But I wanted to say good morning... and glad to see you! And to say.. "I hate it when insurance companies jack around with our health." It doesn't seem fair to me that there would be a max on our health care.. When people are fighting for their life that last thing that they should have to worry about is the cost associated with it, or whether or not their insurance companies will deem proceedures recommended by our doctors as necessary! I think that is a bunch of hog wash... (being extremely polite due to the board posting patrol because I could think of a lot of other things that I think it is)...

    I know someone here will offer you information.. seems to me that this group has been to both sides of the spectrum... sorry just wanted to vent about the insurance companies!!! GRRRRRRR

    Have a wonderful day


  • Bill.S
    Bill.S Member Posts: 177
    taleena said:

    Hi Bill... as you know.. I
    Hi Bill... as you know.. I don't know.. (just starting)... But I wanted to say good morning... and glad to see you! And to say.. "I hate it when insurance companies jack around with our health." It doesn't seem fair to me that there would be a max on our health care.. When people are fighting for their life that last thing that they should have to worry about is the cost associated with it, or whether or not their insurance companies will deem proceedures recommended by our doctors as necessary! I think that is a bunch of hog wash... (being extremely polite due to the board posting patrol because I could think of a lot of other things that I think it is)...

    I know someone here will offer you information.. seems to me that this group has been to both sides of the spectrum... sorry just wanted to vent about the insurance companies!!! GRRRRRRR

    Have a wonderful day



    Insurance --- no vitamin B12 for me
    Since I returned to work (part time) I only have part time insurance. It has a $2,000.00 out patient MAX and a $20,000.00 in patient max. Really crappy insurance.
    3 weeks ago I had Herceptin [somewhere around the $5,000.00 mark] and maxed out. And for this they want $ 150.00/ month.
    Guess It's time to drop this useless expense.
    Don't know what I'll do for $ for the remainder of my treatments....................
    Bill S
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    Bill.S said:

    Insurance --- no vitamin B12 for me
    Since I returned to work (part time) I only have part time insurance. It has a $2,000.00 out patient MAX and a $20,000.00 in patient max. Really crappy insurance.
    3 weeks ago I had Herceptin [somewhere around the $5,000.00 mark] and maxed out. And for this they want $ 150.00/ month.
    Guess It's time to drop this useless expense.
    Don't know what I'll do for $ for the remainder of my treatments....................
    Bill S

    You won't get refused for
    You won't get refused for treatment will you ? There has got to be something you can do.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Kat11 said:

    You won't get refused for
    You won't get refused for treatment will you ? There has got to be something you can do.

    Sorry Bill. Have you
    Sorry Bill. Have you explained your financial situation to the hospital, or to a doctor? Maybe, you can find a generous soul. Or, contact the ACS, I bet they can help you. Or, the Susan B. Komen foundation. They offer financial support advice, I think. Luck!
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Hey Bill,
    I've taken B-12 shots before (be glad your taking pill form! The shots sucked) and basically you get a shot once a week compared to popping a pill once a day. I personally saw no difference in better energy, etc, but I guess everything was OK on my next check up since the shots stopped. I think it is one of those things that work on you silently. Some people do get increased energy.
    As far as the treatments go, alot of hospitals, centers, etc offer charity if you do not have the ability to pay. It is very uncomplicated paperwork to fill out and basically goes by your income. Contact the billing department and ask who you need to speak with. Hope all works out for you. :) Pammy
  • iceberg73
    iceberg73 Member Posts: 3
    B 12
    I take B12 because of having weight loss surgery. There are two forms that you can find in the vitamin section of the store. There is a pill form of it and there is smaller tablet form that you put under your tongue and let dissolve. You do not need a prescription for it.
    If you lack B12 your body does not absorbed folate which is needed.
    I have also found that I have more energy since I have been taking it. One of the side affects to this type surgery is a decrease in proper nutrition. Some foods I can not eat at all.

    Hope this helps.

    I wish you well with your treatment.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    iceberg73 said:

    B 12
    I take B12 because of having weight loss surgery. There are two forms that you can find in the vitamin section of the store. There is a pill form of it and there is smaller tablet form that you put under your tongue and let dissolve. You do not need a prescription for it.
    If you lack B12 your body does not absorbed folate which is needed.
    I have also found that I have more energy since I have been taking it. One of the side affects to this type surgery is a decrease in proper nutrition. Some foods I can not eat at all.

    Hope this helps.

    I wish you well with your treatment.

    My Mom used to take vitamin
    My Mom used to take vitamin B12 shots for energy, and, she said they helped sometimes and sometimes not. Ofcourse, everytime she went to get one, it was a charged doctor's visit. Bill, most hospitals have a plan for patients that can't afford their treatment or medicine and it will allow you to get treated and not have to pay. Check into it.
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Bill, please contact the ACS
    Bill, please contact the ACS and see if they can help you out with your medicine. You need to have it. Good luck!
  • Bill.S
    Bill.S Member Posts: 177
    Jeanne D said:

    Bill, please contact the ACS
    Bill, please contact the ACS and see if they can help you out with your medicine. You need to have it. Good luck!

    Thanks to all
    I never considered myself as a charity case, but with no insurance and no money--- I guess that there is where I have to go.
    Who would have ever thought that after 8 years with the 2nd largest retail co in the US- I'd go out on a LOA and come back to this.
    I'm kind of bummed out.
    Bill S.
  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member
    Bill.S said:

    Thanks to all
    I never considered myself as a charity case, but with no insurance and no money--- I guess that there is where I have to go.
    Who would have ever thought that after 8 years with the 2nd largest retail co in the US- I'd go out on a LOA and come back to this.
    I'm kind of bummed out.
    Bill S.

    Bill, do what you have to do
    Bill, do what you have to do to get your medication and treatment. That is why there are those organizations and programs out there, for people that need help and there is nothing wrong with that. The hospital I go to even offers free medical service to those that can't afford it, and, there are lots of people that can't Bill. You are not alone. But, please get your medicine and don't be bummed out. We all need help some time! Hugs, Kristin
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Kristin N said:

    Bill, do what you have to do
    Bill, do what you have to do to get your medication and treatment. That is why there are those organizations and programs out there, for people that need help and there is nothing wrong with that. The hospital I go to even offers free medical service to those that can't afford it, and, there are lots of people that can't Bill. You are not alone. But, please get your medicine and don't be bummed out. We all need help some time! Hugs, Kristin

    Payment arrangements
    When I got my first bill of over $6,000 from the hospital where I have chemo treatment I called the billing department and made paymetn arrangements of $25.00 per month. I told them that is all I could afford at this time with paying off other Dr's bills out of state. They informed me to fill out a Medicaid application and when I got a denial then I could send the denial to them and my name would go into a fund for cancer patients and some of the money from that fund will help pay for my treatments.
    Bill--you need to stay with your treatments and if they want money so bad then they will have to accept what you can pay even if it is a small amount--if you are making an effort then they can not send you to a collection agency or deny you care.

    Thanks my 2 cents.

  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Bill.S said:

    Thanks to all
    I never considered myself as a charity case, but with no insurance and no money--- I guess that there is where I have to go.
    Who would have ever thought that after 8 years with the 2nd largest retail co in the US- I'd go out on a LOA and come back to this.
    I'm kind of bummed out.
    Bill S.

    Sorry to hear about
    that Bill! I feel like the others,when it's life threatening like this you shouldn't have to worry about whether your insurance will pay for it or not(but unfortunately,this isn't a perfect world!)!
    Wish there was something I could do... I know that (at least at my cancer center) there's an ACS patient navigator who helps cancer patients with questions and I've also heard of patient advocates-don't know if that's the same thing or not.Why don't you call ACS(if you havn't already) and see what they can do?!
    Let us know how things go and if we can be of any help!
  • Kayla1
    Kayla1 Member Posts: 101

    Sorry to hear about
    that Bill! I feel like the others,when it's life threatening like this you shouldn't have to worry about whether your insurance will pay for it or not(but unfortunately,this isn't a perfect world!)!
    Wish there was something I could do... I know that (at least at my cancer center) there's an ACS patient navigator who helps cancer patients with questions and I've also heard of patient advocates-don't know if that's the same thing or not.Why don't you call ACS(if you havn't already) and see what they can do?!
    Let us know how things go and if we can be of any help!

    Bill, I am so sorry you have
    Bill, I am so sorry you have to worry about money when the only thing you should be concentrating on is getting well!
    Recourses I have been given in case I need them:
    Nonprofit programs for co-pay relief:,,
    General Organizations:,
    Good luck,
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    ***Bill*** Try these numbers***
    Bill, please don't look at it as "charity" in the negative sense. I know how that can play on your psychy... Look at in the sense of the words true meaning... love.. people care enough to donate to causes that help others who come into a difficult time... at one time or another each of us has been or will be there.

    I agree with an earlier post, contact ACS they have programs available to assist people with getting their medications. Also, talk to the social worker at the hospital where you receive your treatment. Call your local Department of Social Services office..(you may qualify for assistance with medical as a supliment).. I did some research this morning.... and made some calls... here is the web site that I went to:

    I called the National Number for Medicaide.. depending on your income (I explained that you work only part time) you may qualify for state medicaide the number for the state of Florida is 888-419-4356 .. depending on your income, you may qualify for this even though you have "some" medical coverage and I use that word lightly....

    Another number they gave me for Florida is an Agency caled Eldercare:.. Now don't get discouraged it is not solely for the elderly and I am not implying that you are "elderly".. however they have a wonderful directory available for organizations in "your area" that can help you find what you need... please give them a call and they can give you further information... their number is 1-800-677-1116. Scratch that number.. I called and got the number for your local office.. (had to go back to the "where are you from post".. yours is in Fort Meyers, FL their number directly is 239-332-3049. They weren't open yet this morning so I couldn't get more information for you.. but do give them a call and explain your situation.

    Both of these numbers were given to me from the information number on the web site I gave you.. the gentleman I spoke to also suggested the number to ACS and offered me the number.. I assured him we already have that one.. lol

    Looking up this information was no big deal.. I'm off on Fridays so it just gave me something to do!.. I hope some of this helps.

    Best wishes... & hugs
