
Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Does anyone experience swelling in the ankles or feet, and is it a bad sign of anything? I have finally gained weight, I went from 118 a few weeks ago to being 128 now, I can't tell if it's fluid or I'm just gaining weight like I wanted too, I been eating alot of high calorie things to get my weight back up, but noticed a couple days ago that my ankles and feet are now swelling as well, is this any kind of indication that maybe the cancer spread or got worse too? I'm getting worried...thank god I go see the doctor tomorrow and get my chemo....



  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Water buildup
    It sounds like it's water. I get it in my ankles. I take a water pill and it keeps it under control. It's no big deal. Do bring it up at your visit but it sounds like that's the culprit.
  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    check with your doctor
    I haven't had swelling, but my oncologist checks my ankles and wrists every time I go in. I have high blood pressure and I think it's related to that.

    Call your doctor....Vicki
  • tiny one
    tiny one Member Posts: 465 Member
    Sometimes if I take in more salty stuff I will feel it in my hands and feet. It could be some of the stuff you're eating also.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    tiny one said:

    Sometimes if I take in more salty stuff I will feel it in my hands and feet. It could be some of the stuff you're eating also.

    ..I'm a majoe salt addict, but I was scrubbing my bathrooms down today and noticed how swollen my ankles were, and they were like that the other day while doing laundry, I hope it isn't because I'm being too active or something, it's kind of scary that it's just coming on like that.

    Thanks all! I'll definitely bring this up to my doctor tomorrow.

  • qwe
    qwe Member Posts: 124
    Shayenne said:

    ..I'm a majoe salt addict, but I was scrubbing my bathrooms down today and noticed how swollen my ankles were, and they were like that the other day while doing laundry, I hope it isn't because I'm being too active or something, it's kind of scary that it's just coming on like that.

    Thanks all! I'll definitely bring this up to my doctor tomorrow.


    Stop using salt that will
    Stop using salt that will make you gain weight and retain fluid and is bad for your blood presser.Yes let you Dr. know all so tell hem you are a major salt addict he needs to know so he can tell what is wrong.Good luck.
  • lesvanb
    lesvanb Member Posts: 905
    Gained weight too
    I also gained weight after chemo cycle #6 (finished 10 of 5FU, leukovorin, oxaliplatin). I attributed it to the dexamethasone sp? and perhaps the other drugs. My ankles and wrists would swell and I put on 5 pounds in one week. Acupuncture helped a lot with the water retention and my acupunturist also gave me a chinese tea "Bonjemi" to help as well. I'm now 5 weeks away from the end of chemo and the swelling is much reduced.

  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    Yes -- possibly.
    Over a year after I finished chemo my feet and ankles swelled up quite a lot. My oncologist was concerned enough to have me take an unscheduled CT scan (nothing showed up), and he was near the point of doing some diagnostic procedure to look for a blood clot, when the swelling went down again. That was a year ago. Nothing else has happened. I guess there is no lesson in that experience of mine.
  • pasgirl
    pasgirl Member Posts: 29
    I just joined this looking for some answers and ran across your posting. My dads ankles were swollen badly yesterday morning as well. He went in for his chemo but his white blood cell count was to low so they can't do it for another week. His regular doctor was gone and he just saw his P.A. They didn't really say much about his ankles though. If your doctor has any helpful advice please let me know. Good luck to you and God bless!
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    pasgirl said:

    I just joined this looking for some answers and ran across your posting. My dads ankles were swollen badly yesterday morning as well. He went in for his chemo but his white blood cell count was to low so they can't do it for another week. His regular doctor was gone and he just saw his P.A. They didn't really say much about his ankles though. If your doctor has any helpful advice please let me know. Good luck to you and God bless!

    Hi Pasgirl!
    Welcome to the board! I went to my doctor and my 6th treatment, which went really good~ she said my counts were really good, my WBC were alittle low, but not too low to not give me chemo, if that happened, she would have ordered me to have a neulasta shot which I bet I will have to get next time to get the WBC back up.

    As for the swelling, she said that was ok, it was due to chemo also, it will give you swelling, I also gained 5 lbs which she was happy, I ate so much junk to put on some weight too, but still knocking on wood here that I am halfway there, and haven't gone to the hospital again! lol...
  • pasgirl
    pasgirl Member Posts: 29
    Thank you so much for the wonderful welcome! :) I am so glad you were able to get your chemo today and that you have gained 5 pounds. What a huge accomplishment! My dad went to the doctors for 9 months and kept losing more and more weight and then they finally found the tumor on the outside of his colon. This explains why they did not find it with the colonoscopy. So by the time we got him to CTCA they told us he was in stage 4. I'm praying his WBC is higher Tuesday so he can have the treatment.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    pasgirl said:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful welcome! :) I am so glad you were able to get your chemo today and that you have gained 5 pounds. What a huge accomplishment! My dad went to the doctors for 9 months and kept losing more and more weight and then they finally found the tumor on the outside of his colon. This explains why they did not find it with the colonoscopy. So by the time we got him to CTCA they told us he was in stage 4. I'm praying his WBC is higher Tuesday so he can have the treatment.

    He can request the Neulasta or neupagen shots to boost the WBC, which may have side effects of bone pain, but it's supposed to only last a couple days and something my onc said that some motrin and tylenol could help for it. Make him have some Ensure for his weight, a couple of any kind of protein drink daily, and Hagen Daz Ice Cream every night! It's yummy and has helped me with the weight, along with my pepperidge farm cookies, and good meals of course! I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers as well, he can do this, he has to force himself to eat, sometimes that first bite is the hardest to get down, but then it seems the rest of the meal is eaten more...I wish him luck!!

    Hugsss to you both!

    P.S. Have your dad come and join our group, it's always nice to talk about anything and having friends going through what your all going through, we'd love to hear from him too :)
  • pasgirl
    pasgirl Member Posts: 29
    Shayenne said:

    He can request the Neulasta or neupagen shots to boost the WBC, which may have side effects of bone pain, but it's supposed to only last a couple days and something my onc said that some motrin and tylenol could help for it. Make him have some Ensure for his weight, a couple of any kind of protein drink daily, and Hagen Daz Ice Cream every night! It's yummy and has helped me with the weight, along with my pepperidge farm cookies, and good meals of course! I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers as well, he can do this, he has to force himself to eat, sometimes that first bite is the hardest to get down, but then it seems the rest of the meal is eaten more...I wish him luck!!

    Hugsss to you both!

    P.S. Have your dad come and join our group, it's always nice to talk about anything and having friends going through what your all going through, we'd love to hear from him too :)

    I wish!
    My dad doesn't do the computer! LOL If he wants to know something that has anything to do with it I always do it for him. lol He had a feeding tube put in about a month ago for the weight loss. He hasn't eaten in over a month. Food just tastes bad to him. It has been this way for a very long time. We bought him ensure and boost but he couldn't do that either and it just got to the point he either had to have the tube or that was it. Praise God he had the tube put in! I was honestly concerned. But I greatly appreciate being able to get on here and you responding to me. It is comforting to know that everything he is dealing with is expected.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    pasgirl said:

    I wish!
    My dad doesn't do the computer! LOL If he wants to know something that has anything to do with it I always do it for him. lol He had a feeding tube put in about a month ago for the weight loss. He hasn't eaten in over a month. Food just tastes bad to him. It has been this way for a very long time. We bought him ensure and boost but he couldn't do that either and it just got to the point he either had to have the tube or that was it. Praise God he had the tube put in! I was honestly concerned. But I greatly appreciate being able to get on here and you responding to me. It is comforting to know that everything he is dealing with is expected.

    I feel bad he has a feeding tube, but it will help him, I'd take it if I needed it, he can't starve that's for sure, but you never know, he may get there where he wants real food, my husband is computer illiterate, he doesn't like to type, so he doesn't bother posting on here as well, which I have him read some of these posts as my lovegiver, to comfort him and help him with deal with all this too, I know it's hard on him and the kids too too see a relative sick, especially for me, but I keep them upbeat, and their hopes are very high for me right now because I try not to act too tired or sick, but they do also take care of me when needed. I have 4 kids, and not ready to go yet, and won't, I feel yucky from the chemo too, but it will pass. I hope you also take good care of yourself as well, our love/caregivers can always post on their thoughts and if they need anyone to talk to as well, we're here too, and love the care that we get from you, you are truly someone special to take on taking care of your dad, and know he really appreciates it, I sure do from my family :)

    Hugsss to you!
  • pasgirl
    pasgirl Member Posts: 29
    Shayenne said:

    I feel bad he has a feeding tube, but it will help him, I'd take it if I needed it, he can't starve that's for sure, but you never know, he may get there where he wants real food, my husband is computer illiterate, he doesn't like to type, so he doesn't bother posting on here as well, which I have him read some of these posts as my lovegiver, to comfort him and help him with deal with all this too, I know it's hard on him and the kids too too see a relative sick, especially for me, but I keep them upbeat, and their hopes are very high for me right now because I try not to act too tired or sick, but they do also take care of me when needed. I have 4 kids, and not ready to go yet, and won't, I feel yucky from the chemo too, but it will pass. I hope you also take good care of yourself as well, our love/caregivers can always post on their thoughts and if they need anyone to talk to as well, we're here too, and love the care that we get from you, you are truly someone special to take on taking care of your dad, and know he really appreciates it, I sure do from my family :)

    Hugsss to you!

    I must say you are a true inspiration to me. This site has been so helpful and just chatting with you makes such a diffrence. Thank you! Now I'm off to bed, just changed his bag and nutrients so I have 7 hours of sleeping ahead of me! I hope you get a good nights rest as well.
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    pasgirl said:

    I must say you are a true inspiration to me. This site has been so helpful and just chatting with you makes such a diffrence. Thank you! Now I'm off to bed, just changed his bag and nutrients so I have 7 hours of sleeping ahead of me! I hope you get a good nights rest as well.

    Good Night!
    Everyone here is an inspiration, and I'm glad I could be of alittle help. These people on this board helped and still help me when I'm a scared little bunny, You'll meet alot of awesome people here, Kimby,VickyCO, CherylHutch,Phil, Buzzard and the list is too long to name! You have a wonderful night, and with everything I took tonight of my meds I hope it conks me out soon! I wanted to be asleep already, but going to try hitting the sack now.

    You can chat with me anytime you want, I'm on Facebook and Myspace and if you have that, you can always add me there as well for some fun and just getting to know each other!

    Talk soon!
  • pasgirl
    pasgirl Member Posts: 29
    Shayenne said:

    Good Night!
    Everyone here is an inspiration, and I'm glad I could be of alittle help. These people on this board helped and still help me when I'm a scared little bunny, You'll meet alot of awesome people here, Kimby,VickyCO, CherylHutch,Phil, Buzzard and the list is too long to name! You have a wonderful night, and with everything I took tonight of my meds I hope it conks me out soon! I wanted to be asleep already, but going to try hitting the sack now.

    You can chat with me anytime you want, I'm on Facebook and Myspace and if you have that, you can always add me there as well for some fun and just getting to know each other!

    Talk soon!

    I don't know how to find you on facebook or myspace. LOL Add me on either jandlglover@yahoo.com is my email. :)
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    pasgirl said:

    I don't know how to find you on facebook or myspace. LOL Add me on either jandlglover@yahoo.com is my email. :)

    on Facebook...
    My name is Donna Gorslene :)