Bile duct cancer

schrums4 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Rare and Other Cancers #1
Just looking for some information on anyone with bile duct cancer. My husband is 45 years old and was diagnosed in February of this year and is now at UMPC in Pa. recovering from a 10 hour surgery.Wehad gone to Cleveland Clinic first and were told that once the surgery began that they could not remove the tumor, it had spread and was inoperable. Once returning home we were sent to UPMC for a second opionion where Dr. Gambiln felt confident he could do the surgery. He removed the bile duct, 40% of his liver, the gall bladder then connected the small intestine to the remaining liver. Now he seems to have alot of bile drainage into the tubes they placed. The doctors tell us this happens but not much more. Any information would be greatly appreciated.