Looking for a good Oncology doctor in the Raleigh NC

little_brew Member Posts: 1
Hello everyone I am a 10 year survivor of Hodgkin's Lymphoma who has moved from Nebraska to North Carolina. I am looking for a good doctor to take over my care and follow up's with here in North Carolina. I was wondering if anyone knows any good Oncology doctors in the area of Raleigh, North Carolina so I can do my follow ups as needed with them. Thanks and God Bless!


  • survivor-twice
    survivor-twice Member Posts: 4
    By this time you probably
    By this time you probably already have an Oncologist in Raleigh. Dr. Stephen Tremont at the NC Cancer Center in Raleigh has been my Oncologist since 1987 or so, and has helped get me through two different types of cancer. He is my favorite doctor of all time. His knowledge and caring attitude are the best I've ever seen in any Oncologist. Good luck to you.
  • gagirl08
    gagirl08 Member Posts: 15
    I was originally treated at Emory and moved here recently. I see Dr Anne Beavans at Duke and was referred to her by the head doctor at the Bone Marrow and Transplant Clinic. It is a few miles from Raleigh but Duke is #9 in the country for cancer hospitals so I know the care is good.