Estrogen and wrinkles

LPack Member Posts: 645
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1

I did look up past comments and did not find what I am wondering. Most of us on this discussion board have had a hysterectomy (total) I would assume.

My question is what do you do about NO estrogen being produced in your body with no ovaries and what about wrinkles on the face, joints not lubricated, etc. etc. Do any of you take a supplement?

My doctor does not want me on anything as long as I don't R E A L L Y need it. BUT is there anything out there natural that any of you have been on to help keep you from looking like a prune? :) Or squeaking like a door that needs oiled? (Thought I'd throw in those word pictures).

Thanks again,
Libby ☺


  • Dreamdove
    Dreamdove Member Posts: 175 Member
    What I recommend since you asked
    FLAXSEED OIL! I take it everyday. My skin on my face is always soft and my hair shiny. During menopause or perimenopause I started getting itchy, dry skin on my face and my hair started looking frizzy. Then I started taking flaxseed. I tried different forms. Whole flaxseed, ground flaxseed, capsules, and the oil. I prefer the oil. I take a teaspoonful per day. I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago. I don't take any hormones. I prefer not to because breast cancer is strong in my family. I suppose fish oil would be good as well. You can take both. Even olive oil. I used to sometimes rub a very small amount of olive oil in my skin, not enough to make it look greasy. I didn't have any allergic reactions to that. Alot of lotions out there have silicone in them and that doesn't help your skin.
  • Bstrange
    Bstrange Member Posts: 87
    i too had a total hysterectomy. I went to my dermatologist and she said my skin is in excellent condition.
    What I do is I try to get a facial ( not from a beauty shop), but from an esthetician. I found an individual who spends more time on me and doesn't cost an arm and a leg. She happens to be an LPN and knows what a cancer patient's skin needs. I use a moisturizer called Restorative Marine on my face morning and night.
    Drink lots of water.
    I turned 60 and I can say I see no additional wrinkles.

    I hope this helps.
  • Lauracec
    Lauracec Member Posts: 101
    Dreamdove said:

    What I recommend since you asked
    FLAXSEED OIL! I take it everyday. My skin on my face is always soft and my hair shiny. During menopause or perimenopause I started getting itchy, dry skin on my face and my hair started looking frizzy. Then I started taking flaxseed. I tried different forms. Whole flaxseed, ground flaxseed, capsules, and the oil. I prefer the oil. I take a teaspoonful per day. I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago. I don't take any hormones. I prefer not to because breast cancer is strong in my family. I suppose fish oil would be good as well. You can take both. Even olive oil. I used to sometimes rub a very small amount of olive oil in my skin, not enough to make it look greasy. I didn't have any allergic reactions to that. Alot of lotions out there have silicone in them and that doesn't help your skin.

    good idea
    I happen to have some flax seed oil and didn't know how much to use or anything so I guess I will start having a teaspoon a day. thankyou and God bless, Laura
  • ColleenN
    ColleenN Member Posts: 73
    what I do
    Hi Libby,

    I'm 45, but my joints have never been that great, runs in the family. Too much tomboy when I was growing up I guess! Anyway, I take glucosamine chondrotin twice a day. It really seems to help the joints. I was taking one a day (1/2 of recommended) before being diagnosed, and started taking two, or a full dose, when I was doing chemo (my onc. said it was OK), and have very little trouble with neuropathy too, only a little bit in some of my toes. So far my skin is OK, I just make sure to use my usual moisturizer. I hope this helps!

  • groundeffect
    groundeffect Member Posts: 639 Member
    Nothing special for me!
    Hi Libby,

    As I've said in other posts, I've been taking tamoxifen since last April, and the only thing that I've noticed that really bothers me is hot flashes, which I didn't have after my hysterectomy more than five years ago. They don't seem to be going away, either! My skin doesn't seem to being going dry, but I have been putting a regular body lotion on my body and I use a regular facial regimine for my face. It's been a cold winter, and I spend a lot of time in heated buildings.

    I've only recently started using ground flax seed to try to lower my cholesterol, so I can't say it has anything to do with my skin yet, but I don't see that it's any drier than it was six years ago.
