
azgreeneyes Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have just finished 4 rounds of A/C and now my doctor wants me to do 4 more rounds with Taxol. I have read horrible side effects of this drug and am scared. I had a lumpectomy in August and am a triple negative. My lymph nodes were negative. The PET scan showed no other cancer in my body. She said the decision is mine, but that she strongly advises me to do the Taxol. I just wanted this to be over.


  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    Taxotere (taxol's cousin)
    Taxotere (taxol's cousin) was the one I thought was going to be the easiest and ended up being the one that really set me on my butt, however it is an important chemo to take. Please do not become complacent over the PET scan results as they don't read anything under 1 cm according to this article anyway. The only word worse than cancer is recurrence and mets. There are things you can do to help prevent many of the side effects that I didn't know about. Some have been mentioned on this site and some on other sites.
    Like drinking lots of water, many have found Vitamin B6 helps(don't think you need to worry about anti-oxidant effects with taxol and I don't think B6 acts as an antioxidant), and many people use glutamine (do search on which someones onc suggested.

    I know you want it to be over and it will soon. You're on the last mile and you don't want to have regrets.

    Hopefully you will get some posts from women who tolerated it well.

    Another suggestion is you could ask for Abraxane which is better tolerated and I'm pretty sure I've read that it is more successful. I don't understand why they don't use it as a standard.

    But in the end it is up to you and what you feel you should do. I wasn't comfortable doing any chemo, but I knew that's what I had to do. Whatever you do we are all holding your hand and we'll be with you through it.

    A big hug,

    Pet scan article:

    Although positron imaging is very useful in identifying recurrent of metastatic disease, Medicare coverage for diagnosis of primary breast tumors is currently not approved by HCFA. Tumor size and cell type are factors that effect PET scan accuracy. Although accuracy in detecting tumors larger than 2cm is high, PET may miss approximately one third of invasive cancers smaller that 1 centimeter. PET is more likely to identify invasive ductal carcinoma, to miss invasive lobular carcinomas, and is not helpful for identification of non-invasive tumors.
  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    I had AC and Taxol. AC for me was horrible but the Taxol was not bad at all. I had some bone pain in my lower back, hands and ankles, and fatigue. No nueropathy, or nausea at all.

    I know some people have a tougher time with Taxol but you could be fine with it.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Eil4186 said:

    I had AC and Taxol. AC for me was horrible but the Taxol was not bad at all. I had some bone pain in my lower back, hands and ankles, and fatigue. No nueropathy, or nausea at all.

    I know some people have a tougher time with Taxol but you could be fine with it.

    I agree completely...
    AC (especially the A...Adriamycin) was MUCH worse for me.....

    They will go slow the first time with Taxol, and you just need to tell them if you feel wierd. I did, but I still tolerated all four rounds....

    I did get some 'taxol tingles'...but, as I've said so often, because I SUPER hydrated myself the day before, during, and after my infusion...I have no lasting tingles or numbness....

    Hugs, Kathi
  • NorcalJ
    NorcalJ Member Posts: 187
    I recently finished chemo (A/C 4 rounds, Taxol 4 rounds). The A/C had it's own boogey men, but Taxol was completely different. With each infusion I got very fatigued after the 2nd day. I also got some of the neuropathies, but over came almost all of the numbness, tingling, etc. by taking glutamine 10grams 3X day for day 1(infusion day)thru day 4. Google "Taxol and Glutamine" and see what it says. Also, ask your Dr. before you take it. It's at most health food stores.

    I did get some muscle aches and pains, but took Tylenol or Ibuprophen every 4 hours or longer for about 2 days, and it too was gone.

    My theory is to do everything you possibly can to outwit the beast. Then you won't feel like maybe you "shoulda, coulda woulda" somewhere down the line.

    Everyone is different, and every reaction is different. They can give you some meds to help before each infusion and send you home with some too. If you have reactions, you can always call the Dr.

    Good luck. Only you can make this decision for yourself. Listen to your inner bells and do what you feel is best.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I realize treatment is not fun and we want it over asap, but the side effects I had with Taxol were well worth the 10 years it has bought me so far. If it came back today I would gladly hook up to Taxol again if need be.

    The doctors have meds that help to ease the side effects and a longer life is so worth it! If your oncologist is suggesting more chemo it is because he or she feels it is needed, they normally do not like to bombard us with too much medication unless they feel it is necessary. If it were me I would take the Taxol just to batter the cancer beast as much as possilble. Better to air on the side of caution than not.

    My best to you and a great big ((((HUG))))

  • Derbygirl
    Derbygirl Member Posts: 198
    I finished 4 rounds of C/T
    I finished 4 rounds of C/T (Taxotere) in October following a lumpectomy. I'm also triple negative which means we won't benefit from hormone therapy so the only treatment option after surgery is chemo to help prevent recurrence. During chemo I drank lots of water, ate frequent small meals and got plenty of rest. Some people recommend exercise to reduce the fatigue. My oncologist advised against taking vitamins during chemo because he didn't want anything to interfere with the drugs, however, I continued taking calcium. I work full time and didn't miss any days during chemo. You CAN do this and you SHOULD do everything possible to reduce your risk of recurrence. Good Luck!