sessile (flat polyps)

Faith88 Member Posts: 55
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
hello all,
My hubby had a colonoscopy today - his first after surgery over a year ago for CC stage 3.
He had one polyp removed in the sigmoid colon and it was sessile and according to the report, of benign appearance but we'll know more in a few days after biopsy. it was 6 mm. is that large?
what concerns me is the fact it was a flat one and not one with a stalk, and I've heard that they can be harder to get all of it. The report said he didn't need another colonoscopy until 3 years, but that seems too long with his history and a polyp forming after a little over 1 year!
What do you all think? should he be followed up sooner and am I right to be paranoid? I feel it's important to be proactive.
I'm trying not to be a worry wart but just want to be on top of things,
thanks for any input and hope everyone is doing well today,


  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    My Thoughts!
    Hi Faith,

    Your husband's situation sounds similar to mine. I had five polyps (yikes) found a year after my colon resection. Three of them had pre-cancerous cells in them. My gastro dr. wanted a repeat colonoscopy in three years, but my oncologist wanted me to have one the following year. So, I found a new gastro doctor and had the procedure done after a year. I was clear on that one and will have another one in October. Since my original cancer was very aggressive, I am staying on top of my polyp situation. You are not being a worry wort, just an active advocate for your husband. Let us know the outcome of his biopsy.


  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    Better to be a worry wart...
    than to be going through the whole cancer ordeal again if it can be avoided.

    My husband has a job that has required us to move often. I have been to three different oncologists and three different gastros. All of them have been consistent in that they wouldn't even recommend going the three years without first seeing what the first couple of years were like on an annual basis. They have all said that if the colon looked good and no polyps were visible, I could graduate to the three year slot. If there were polyps, I would remain on an annual basis.

    I think it is far better to endure the annual colonoscopy than it is to endure surgery and chemo.

    When I graduated to the three year exam, I was very nervous. My oncologist encouraged me to wait and see how I felt. He always said that if a year passed and I needed "peace of mind" that we could order a scope.

    If you are really not sure, ask your oncologist's opinion or get a second opinion.

  • valley
    valley Member Posts: 94
    Know how you feel !
    Hi Faith

    My husband had a sessile polyp 3cm removed one year ago during his followup colonoscopy. The biopsy came back benign. What worried me was there were 2 more sessile polyps that were not removed because his dr. was concerned about perforating the colon he did not remove them but did a biopsy which was benign. He will have his colonoscopy on the 28th of October. He has a wonderful surgeon at Brigham & womens in Boston that also does his colonoscopies my husband feels very comfortable with his decisions. One year has seemed like forever. I hope and pray we made the right decision.
