Medicare pay schemes?

J_s_Daughter Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Rare and Other Cancers #1
Mom, J., has metastat anal cancer. 2 tiny mets now -- 1 to lung, 1 to liver. Dr. says radio ablation is way to go. Blue Cross/Shield won't pay. Mom is 65. Shd Mom sign up for Part A and B Medicare? Her fear is that MC might refuse radio ablation for lesions and then Blue Cross will say "We told you so!" Conversely, if MC says yes, BC may be content to pick up difference. Mom is reluctant to sign up for MC B4 finding out, B/C request will follow her for the rest of her (SHORTENED) life. Help! -- Lara


  • jimsbaby
    jimsbaby Member Posts: 6
    you can research agencies that can help your mom with things like this. 866-552-6729 is a program to help you with co-pays and 1-800-532-5274 is the Patient Advocate Foundation, and or 1-888-477-2669 is the number for Partnership for Prescription Assistance. Also, has a lot of helpful information. good luck. I am in the process of trying to find help with getting payment for Dentures for my husband who is a 3 1/2 year Pancreatic Cancer SURVIVOR. so is anyone knows of anything I haven't mentioned above, please email me at