CT scan

dn220 Member Posts: 79 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well I had the CT scan yesterday and found out today that I wont find out anything before Monday as both docs are out of office til then. Got home yesterday and horrible diarrhea again. Got stool cultures turned in today. wont it be something if all this time its been CDiff or something like that and my oncologist didnt even think to check for that? I tell u one thing, I've never had a lot of faith in NP but the one at my gastroenterologist is the best. She was the only one who believed me and tried to find out my problem when I didnt improve after kidney cancer and now she was the only one who tried to find out why I am losing all this weight and having such terrible stomach trouble. Believe me, I told her how much I appreciate her too. If it wasnt for her i may have been dead by now or close to it anyway. She was the one who found my colorectal cancer.


  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I'm sorry you have to wait to get the results. That's the worst, isn't it? Let us know. We'll be praying for you!

  • pamysue
    pamysue Member Posts: 105
    I waited all last weekend for CT results and heard from the doctor promptly at 5:30pm Monday. (yes, that was sarcasm) Waiting is the pits.

    Praying it is good news for you when it comes.
  • Sam725
    Sam725 Member Posts: 87 Member
    Oh the waiting....Take care and God Bless. Will be praying for a good report.

  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    You can always ask for a copy of the written CT Scan report and then speak with your Docs once they return.
  • winediva
    winediva Member Posts: 26
    Hey Deb,
    I'm new to these boards, and chemo, and well cancer frankly - but I sympathize. Waiting sucks.
    I'm enjoying a lot of novels and movies that tend to distract and entertain me. Live theatre and improv is even better if you live somewhere that offers it.

    You've also inspired me to go and thank my nurses that tended to me for 6 days after surgery. They were the stars of the whole experience. I think I'll take them some fancy cupcakes, 'cause...who doesn't like cupcakes.

    send me a note if you'd like some book rec's!

    hang in there girl,
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Hi Deb! I know exactly what you mean about the nurses or other staff being the "smart" ones. If it wasn't for my PA at the clinic, i wouldn't have known about aid for the uninsured, and i wouldn't have gotten the colonoscopy that diagnosed me after years of symptoms. I attribute her to saving my life as well. Somehow, i need to find a way to thank her.

    Let us know how the scan results go!

    Many hugs,