angry moment

tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Thought I would share a moment when I almost snapped last night. As I've been reporting on, I've had ongoing issues since my surgery in Nov., and I'm scheduled for a colonosocpy on May 14th. I went to the pharmacy to get the supplies for that last night, not feeling too happy about the future "fun," but hoping that it will ease my fears that maybe the cancer has returned.

Anyway, when the pharmacist brought out the bag with stool softeners, enema and GoLytely, a lady standing behind me started chuckling and said, "Looks like somebody's going to have a colonoscopy!" NO SH**! I wanted to slam her giggly little self to the floor, but I said as politely as I could muster, "Well, it's better than the colon cancer." Of course, she didn't pick up on that, just yammered on about how she and her husband both have had colonosocopies, and she did better than he did. I wanted to scream, "I'm sure you did better than I did, too. I'm now minus 2 ft. of colon!" Anyway, I feel better now. Thanks for letting me vent!


  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    I chuckled when I read your post. I know how you feel. I purchased a purple t-shirt at my last Relay for Life that reads CANCER SUCKS (white ltrs) and you should see the looks I get.

    I smile and keep going.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I know it's hard, but think about it this way:
    5 years ago, most people wouldn't even know the significance of your 'items'. Because of strong people like you, the general public is more aware, and getting tested!!!!
    I probably would have said (and have, lol!) "Well, I am a colorectal cancer survivor, and I can tell you, at one point, I had to do this prep weekly for almost 2 months!"
    I know, it's hard to react mildly...but she meant no harm...

    BIG hugs to you, dearheart! You are a strong lady, and I KNOW you will get thru this scopy!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    oh, man! I know how you feel! People just don't understand unless they've gone through it, or witnessed someone they love go through it. What bothers me are the "i really know i should get a colonoscopy, but i don't seems so awful" people. I mean do they REALLY think a colonoscopy is worse than cancer?? My brother is guilty of that even though he has witnessed everything i've gone through. We finally were able to get him to do it, and he's scheduled for May 7th. I've been worrying about him ever since my diagnosis last August.

    It's too bad that lady didn't get what you said to her. I'm sure she hasn't even considered that people with colorectal cancer have to endure those procedures, and many other ones all the time. Awwww...the bliss of ignorance! lol!

    Good luck with the colonoscopy!

    Many hugs,
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member

    oh, man! I know how you feel! People just don't understand unless they've gone through it, or witnessed someone they love go through it. What bothers me are the "i really know i should get a colonoscopy, but i don't seems so awful" people. I mean do they REALLY think a colonoscopy is worse than cancer?? My brother is guilty of that even though he has witnessed everything i've gone through. We finally were able to get him to do it, and he's scheduled for May 7th. I've been worrying about him ever since my diagnosis last August.

    It's too bad that lady didn't get what you said to her. I'm sure she hasn't even considered that people with colorectal cancer have to endure those procedures, and many other ones all the time. Awwww...the bliss of ignorance! lol!

    Good luck with the colonoscopy!

    Many hugs,

    Thank goodness your brother is finally being tested. Hope he's clean!

    *hugs* Gail
  • claud1951
    claud1951 Member Posts: 424 Member
    To funny! You go for it.
    (I may not have been as nice!)hehehe
  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member
    I'm sure it was really annoying. I chuckled when I read your post I can just imagine how you felt. While I was going through treatment I lost a lot of weight and people kept saying "you look great, how did you lose so much weight?" I used to want to scream at them. Finally, one day I just said "I got colon cancer and am the middle of chemo treatments." I probably shouldn't have done that - but talk about a conversation stopper! Hope your colonoscopy goes well. I am sure it will.
  • dn220
    dn220 Member Posts: 79 Member
    pamness said:

    I'm sure it was really annoying. I chuckled when I read your post I can just imagine how you felt. While I was going through treatment I lost a lot of weight and people kept saying "you look great, how did you lose so much weight?" I used to want to scream at them. Finally, one day I just said "I got colon cancer and am the middle of chemo treatments." I probably shouldn't have done that - but talk about a conversation stopper! Hope your colonoscopy goes well. I am sure it will.

    Its amazing how little people care about others anymore. I have found since I got sick that people can be downright rude sometimes. Good luck with the colonscopy, I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you but I'm sure you will be fine. Some of my family say the same thing about the test, how that would be so bad but its like we all know, the treatments for the disease are a million times worse. Although I have colon cancer that was found by colonscopy some of them still wont get tested.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    dn220 said:

    Its amazing how little people care about others anymore. I have found since I got sick that people can be downright rude sometimes. Good luck with the colonscopy, I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you but I'm sure you will be fine. Some of my family say the same thing about the test, how that would be so bad but its like we all know, the treatments for the disease are a million times worse. Although I have colon cancer that was found by colonscopy some of them still wont get tested.

    I get so tickled at your reply. I always tell people I'm crossing my fingers and toes for them!*smiles*
  • Unknown
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  • KierstenRx
    KierstenRx Member Posts: 249
    I think we have all experienced an angry or at least irritating moments. I also had to explain the wonderfully effective "cancer diet". People commented "boy you look great".....not knowing that I had gone through chemo/radiation/surgery. Now that I am NED and have gained back 50 of the 110 pounds lost, I feel like I have to justify why I am porking out..... DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!

    I was working a booth at a fall festival last September in our town. A man working at a booth next to me was very chatty. My husband stopped by the booth to talk and introduced himself to the man. After he left he said to me "so you are a pharmacist, and your husbands a must be doing well". The next question was "do you have any children??" When I said no, he replied " are one of THOSE couples, too busy with their careers to start a family". I was sooooo PO'd I had major word vomit and said "Gosh, that was a very insightful observation. It couldn't have been that I had colon cancer, had radiation that fried my eggs, bowel resection surgery with a hysterectomy thrown in just for fun, and lots of chemo to make sure that a child wouldn't get in the way of my career". He looked horrified and barely could muster "I'm sorry". Anyways sometimes the wrong person says the wrong thing at a totally wrong time. Oh well we are only human!!!

  • Unknown
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  • TY2HC
    TY2HC Member Posts: 46
    People can be pretty insensitive. I don't think people like that should have to go through a colonoscopy, because you generally don't remember very much. They should have to go through a sigmoidoscopy where you get to feel the discomfort to truly appreciate what we have to go through. But I guess the prep would be different, so they wouldn't get the true experience.

    I hope your colonoscopy goes well. I have to have a virtual colonoscopy done here soon, for the same reasons.

    All the best,
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member

    I think we have all experienced an angry or at least irritating moments. I also had to explain the wonderfully effective "cancer diet". People commented "boy you look great".....not knowing that I had gone through chemo/radiation/surgery. Now that I am NED and have gained back 50 of the 110 pounds lost, I feel like I have to justify why I am porking out..... DRIVES ME CRAZY!!!!

    I was working a booth at a fall festival last September in our town. A man working at a booth next to me was very chatty. My husband stopped by the booth to talk and introduced himself to the man. After he left he said to me "so you are a pharmacist, and your husbands a must be doing well". The next question was "do you have any children??" When I said no, he replied " are one of THOSE couples, too busy with their careers to start a family". I was sooooo PO'd I had major word vomit and said "Gosh, that was a very insightful observation. It couldn't have been that I had colon cancer, had radiation that fried my eggs, bowel resection surgery with a hysterectomy thrown in just for fun, and lots of chemo to make sure that a child wouldn't get in the way of my career". He looked horrified and barely could muster "I'm sorry". Anyways sometimes the wrong person says the wrong thing at a totally wrong time. Oh well we are only human!!!


    Good for you, Kiersten!! I just can't believe what a presumptuous guy that was! There are many reasons why people choose not to have children...not to mention overpopulation! It wasn't any of his busines! I'm so glad you put him in his place and made him feel like the idiot that he is!

    Many hugs!