Carcinoid (Lungnoid)

Steen Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Rare and Other Cancers #1
Is there anyone out there who has had this type of cancer, and had surgery to remove the tumor from the lung. I just want to talk. I'm going thru a depression period and I'm trying to cope as best as I can.


  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member

    I recommend you also post on the Lung Cancer discussion board. There you may find others with a similar experience.

    I wish you the best on your recovery and survivorship.

    Take care,

  • toothlessvenus
    toothlessvenus Member Posts: 8
    try the website they may be able to give the information you need
  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member
    Please take a look at this:
  • isletcell
    isletcell Member Posts: 61 Member
    there are quite a few online support groups available that you can find under support groups on the carcinoid cancer foundations web site.
  • Kim24
    Kim24 Member Posts: 1
    I was diagnosed in April 2007 with lung cancer Atypical Carcinoid. I had surgery to remove the tumor. The surgery was somewhat successful but the tumor had invaded my blood stream so I am still fighting an ongoing battle. Remember to stay positive. I try to focus on all the positives in my life --my children, family, friends. I see the world in a new light and God
    has blessed me in so many ways. God Bless and stay positive.
  • HANNA668
    HANNA668 Member Posts: 7
    Hi I was diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor on my left lung, I had surgery and they removed 3/4 of my lung. They told me that they removed the lymphnodes surrounding and it has not spread. I to would like to talk to anybody with the same lung cancer. I just turned 40 and never smoked. I still can't believe that 6 months ago I had the surgery which went ok but the 5 ribs they broke to get the lung out still hurt me today. I feel like I am all alone here, I try to talk with my husband and friends and family and they tell me that the cancer is gone and be happy that i am alright. I want to be happy but i am so depressed and all i do is worry and cry. So if there is anybody out there that wants to talk, I could use it. Thanks for listening.